>Vampire Kiss<

(finally caught up)

Marco had gone to the Cafe and all he got himself was a toasted bread roll and a small coffee which he ate and drank back on the school grounds, he made it to the gym with time to spare an got changed, as he exited the change room into the main gymnasium he noted the girls, they were all really something.

As the students began taking turns, soon it was his own turn, as the ball came at him, Marco kicked it with all his strength, making the ball fly across the Gymnasium, hitting the roof on the way.
(bettsyboy: lol, that makes more sense now)

"What the fuck!" Julian shouted out when the ball flew forward and right into his face. That guy kicked hard. "Ow...instantly hate kickball."
Marco clutched his head and a grimace came across his face "oh jeez, SORRY ABOUT THAT!" he shouted, he turned to the teacher "uhh, am i gonna be penalized for that?"
Nichole ran up when it was her turn. when the ball came her way she kicked...HARD! the ball sliced through the air and hit someone in the leg. "MY LEGS!" Nichole backed away head low. Jaden said"its ok Nichole!"
Celes jumped kind of surprised and then blinked "Oh my, are you all right?" She asked, actually concerned, though also letting out a chuckle even if she really didn't mean it "Man, that is one bad luck" She added as she crossed her arms, at least it seemed as he was okay.. She then heard another pained scream and raised her eyebrow, gosh, it seemed like he was not the only one.
"It's okay! I'm okay! My face isn't dead! Just continue the game!" Julian yelled letting the coach know that it was fine. Itmostly just shocked him. He got shocked again when Nichole kicked and he heard someone cry in pain.
-doesn't feel herself and dicides to use her out of class pass- Mrs. Vermontole? Can I leave class just for today? -she says yes and I give her my pass and head out the door and walk to the courtyard looking down in the hallways at the tiles as I put my hood on quickly-
-looks around at the posters in the hallway and sees someone in the courtyard and squints to see who it was- 
-sees and thinks it was just Kiyo and goes to say hi.... then looks over to see someone else and blushes in embarrassment- oh I-I-I'm sorry I thought you were someone else... S-Sorry -walks to a bench next to a fountain and sighs as she leans over to a flower and plucks it from the ground and examines it from petal to petal just to occupy herself-
(that's what i've been wondering) -looks back at the guy whom she thought it was Kiyo and then looks back at the flower, sighs, and throws the flower into the grass and walks back inside of school and keeps walking through the hallways and decides to look in the gym since that's where most other people are-
Julian was up to kick next. Though he had seen at least fifteen over students kick before him, he still didn't really understand what he was supposed to do. When they the ball to him, he kicked it off into the 'backfield' but just stood there. He began running to first base when he teammates started coaching him on what to do. 'This is what I get for being a vampire...I look stupid no matter what I do.' he thought.
Flower watches Julian and then smiles crossing her arms. She shifted her weight watching him. He had no idea what he was doing so she found it funny.
-walks up to the gym doors and stands in the doorway and watches the game going on and sees the boy with the funny excuse he made in 1rst hour, and Nichole and smiles as she sees Nichole and waves but Nichole doesn't notice her wave-
Celes chuckled at she saw what was happening, guess she was lucky to had been able to be on the 'human' world since she was little.
-puts her fist to her chin as if to stop and think: Luckily I'm not in P.E class... I'd be screwed! laughs at her non positive thinking about herself and sits in the hallway humming Still Into You by Paramore while she draws a Leopard anthro girl with a spaghetti-strap shirt and ripped up and warn out on the knees, black jeans and draws her with long hair that goes down to her shoulders. It looked like it was a friend she never had that was smiling and talking to her and Clioe sighs as she puts her drawing book away and sits there, wondering how the people in their classes are doing.-

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