>Vampire Kiss<

(Yeah sorry for disappearing on you. I just got home! Ugh! I'm tired and my feet hurt!)

Flower looks at him and then nods. "Sure if you wish." She said and then put her hands into her pockets and checked around. "She said she had library duty right? We should check there first."
"Wait- I know I quicker way." Julian stopped her. He closed his eyes and focused only on his sense of smell, sniffing the air silently. His eyes popped opened again. "That way!" He could determine her exact location now. He grabbed Flower's hand without noticing and started off in that direction. "Celes! Celes wake up!" He said as he saw her asleep from across the courtyard.
Flower blinked following as he dragged her along by hand. She looked at Celes and then looked back at Julian and then sighed. "Darn vampire senses." She said and then looked at Celes, well...that was one way to find someone.
"Wake up! P.E. time!" Julian shook Celes by the shoulders.

(Should they just decide to leave her there since she's not waking up...and because Damiclo isn't online?)
Kiyo stepped into his next class (whatever y'all are in) he looked around to see all the familiar faces. He had been MIA for a day. He had some more important personal things to attend too. He walked over by the love birds who were always flirting. "Good to see you again, miss me?"
Celes frowned and pushed him lightly as she blinked softly "I'm up... I'm up" She said in a hoarse voice "What's wrong?" She said as she rubbed her eyes, yawning. She looked over at Kiyo, Flower and Julian.. 'Well what a strange sight' She thought to herself as she shook the leaves that had fallen on her hair.
Flower looked at Kiyo. "Not in particular." She said and then crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. She flinched again. Her shoulder still was hurting her and her hand didn't fair much better from hitting the wall last time she tried to punch Kiyo.
He looked down at her fist. "That still bothering you?" He pulled some creme from the pocket of the brown leather jacket he was wearing. "Here let me help you." He reached for her hand seeing if she would allow him. Kiyo may enjoy being a jerk but he did provoke so he would be willing to help fix it.
"Oh yes, it was absolutely torture not being able to see you." Julian mumbled sarcastically about Kiyo's arrival. "It's time for P.E. It's gonna start in a few minutes." He informed Celes and took a step back.
Flower looked at Kiyo and then let him grab her hand. She raised an eyebrow at him though. He seemed to change his attitude a lot. She looked at Celes and Julian nodding. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes.
Celes let her hair down to take the leaves more easily and then she nodded "Great.." She said as she stretched and then she stood up, getting her hands into her pockets. She then raised her eyebrow as she saw Julian's reaction and suppressed a chuckle 'Someone was crushing on someone else' She thought to herself as she looked at Flower and then back at him.
He smoothed the ointment over her knuckles where the cuts were. "Sorry for provoking that." His attitude changed, why? He let go of her hand after he was done putting the ointment back. "That should help almost instantly." He smiled and looked over at Julian and smiled. "Missed you too bud."
Flower looks at him and then nodded. "Thank you." She said and then looked away seeing as he was acting weird....him...apologize to her? She rubbed her head and then looked at Julian and Celes. "Shall we go?" She asked with a small smile.
Celes tilted her head a little and glanced at Kiyo for a moment before looking away again. If she was not wrong that guy over there had been pretty much an ass before, well the only time she had actually interacted with him, funny it seems one person never finishes to know another. Not that it was of her business of course, so she didn't say anything and just yawned again, shutting her eyes tightly for a second, making her eyes get kinda teary because of that. Celes blinked when Flower spoke and then she nodded " 'Kay" Her voice still sleepy.
He smiled warmly. "Your welcome." He began to head to the locker room to change into gym clothes. He went in and began to change into his clothes and did some quick stretches. He was going to show these young tucks how it's done.
Flower looks at all of them. She glanced at her hand the pain down. She blinked and then looked at Kiyo. She started walking and then looked back at them with a small smile her hand feeling a bit better.
Julian didn't like Kiyo either way, he just didn't trust and he hated that he acted so flirty towards his friends, mostly Flower. He started walking towards the gym. He scratched the back of his neck, thinking. How the heck was he goinh to do P.E. anyways?! He couldn't leave his umbrella but it'd be difficult to run around with it.
Celes walked to the gym with them, taking off her glasses and picking up her hair once again, what a bother. At least it was P.E., she loved that class.

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