>Vampire Kiss<

He walked by the others as he went into the gym. The teacher said the class will be indoors today looks like Julian lucked out. He honestly had nothig against Julian. He needed more of a backbone but he wasn't a bad guy. He jumped up to the door and began doing pull ups waiting for the class to start.
Flower got ready for gym and then walked in. She still had her hair in a pony tail and was now just walking around a bit. She had warned the teacher of her injury but merely played it off as a training incident. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes not staying in one place for very long, flower was always moving it seemed.
Celes changed into her gym as well and started stretching to get ready to whatever they were gonna do on that class.
Julian set his umbrella off to the side after changing and folded it up. The gym was large so the sunlight didn't reach in far enough to affect him. Plus the dim lights didn't burn him either. 'Wow, first time I don't need that piece of gray crap during the day!' he thought happily.
Celes was stretching her legs as she saw Julian's happy face "Good thing today is indoors, eh?" She said with a smile, actually it was better to her as well "Time to show your good side to your 'beloved' my friend" She said teasingly as she let out a big smile.
Flower meanwhile was still walking around. She looked at Julian and celes with a small smile. She wasn't quite sure what to do right now. She moved around still and hen stretched out her legs careful to do anything wih her injuried shoulder.
Julian's eyes widened when he heard her say "beloved". They narrowed as he turned to face her. And what exactly do you mean by that....!?"
"Well that you won't have to use your umbrella during class because of the sun" She said with an innocent calm voice as she stood straight and started stretching her arms while smiling back at Flower.
Julian crossed his arms and shrugged. 'Phew! For a second there I thought she was talking about my crush!' he thought, feeling relieved and didn't know he was right. 'I wonder if Flower can tell? Nah! Neither or them suspects a thing.' he smiled to himself.
Celes raised an eyebrow and chuckled, the relief pretty clear all over his face, come on... If you took at least your time to look it was pretty obvious. But well.. She would just stay quiet for the time being, better to let him actually believe nobody knew it so that she could tease him again later, it was just so funny, she had not really met in a while someone she could read as an open book like him.
(Hey I'm going to head off to bed now...sorry goodnight!)

Flower walked over to them and then looked a Julian and celes...something was up but flower was 't sure what. She shrugged and then looked at the teacher an hen back at the two.
(@storm:changed it to jaden i couldn't resist!!)Nichole panted making it to P.E. she changed and got ready to exercise.

Jaden looked for his gym class and walked into the gym.
Julian was a smart guy, just sometimes he acted completely clueless. He picked up the ball as the P.E. coach announced that they would play kickball today; A simple, easy game since it was the second day of school, but first of P.E. "Celes! Psst! How do you play kickball?" He whispered loudly.
(@storm:yay!) Nichole was excited. yay kickball! she broke a guys leg last time but she's being careful this time!

jaden got changed and looked back and forth. which side should i go to? he saw Nichole roaring to go and shrugged walking over there.
Celes raised her eyebrow and then she looked at him "Basically is like baseball, the main difference being that kickball involves a big rubber ball and instead of using a bat you just use you feet to kick the ball"
"Thanks, that helps alot." Julian thanked her but was completely lying. 'That doesn't help at all! What's baseball?!' he thought and was freaking out inside. He went into outfield, he was gonna watch the first kicker...maybe then he'd get the general idea.
Nichole tilted her head looking at Julian. Jaden said"hi im new here the names jaden yuki!" Nichole jumped and turned around. "h-hi jaden im Nichole..."blushing.
Celes glanced at Julian and she realized he had not really understood her. Was it possible that he had never played baseball? She shook her head with a smile and walked to him, stopping by his side "Just focus on kicking the ball when they throw it to you, if you manage to kick it just run as fast as you can to that thing on the floor" She explained as she pointed the base "Either way you better just watch to get a better idea"

(Jaden Yuki.. Isn't he from Yu Gi Oh GX? Nice! xD Though it can always be just a coincidence O.o )

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