>Vampire Kiss<

Flower nodded. "Yeah." She said and then looked at him. She tilted her head a bit wondering why he was looking away. She shrugged it off and then started walking down the hall. "So are you egging use to the school yet?" She asked tryin to strike up a normal conversation.
(@storm:hmm drama or no drama that is the question!) Nichole quickly put on her coat and stuff running out.(@storm:now i wanna make a guy for Nichole shes lonely...)IM LATE IM LATE IM LATE!!!
(@bettsyboy: lol)

(@nichole: good point)

(@nichole#2: aww D: I do feel bad for Nichole too, she should become friends with everyone else)

(@fire: I'm guessing Flower is oblivious to the fact that Julian has started liking her?)

Julian slowly followed beside her. He shrugged then replied, "I suppose so. I have a couple friemds already, which is nice. Plus this is a nice school. Clean and whatnot."

Flower looks at him and then nods. "Yeah...food could be better." She said and then looked at him. "Not to mention the weird amount of vampires..." She said but s lot quieter. She looked away and then back at him. "I am glad you are settling in." She said and then looked around as they walked.
Julian could perfectly hear what she just whispered. "Remember, vampires are stronger senses...but I agree. There is alot of vampires here. Normally there's rarely any. It's probably because this is a large school, with more people to bi- ...yeah the food sucks too."
Flower stopped and then glared. (Intense glare!) "You were about to say bite...weren't you?" She said looking pretty darn scary. She then continued walking. "Ah well it can't be helped." She said as she walked.
Julian shrieked when Flower gave him the glare. She did look scary! "I-I-I'm just saying that's probably why THEY are here...d-don't worry. I don't bite people!" He hesitated to follow her. The truth was that he actually had never drank fresh blood, never drank straight from a person's neck directly; He's stuck swallowing blood tablets most of his life. Though he could sniff a whiff of someone's blood in a second and instantly discover which species they were, he had never tasted a single drop of human blood. He only came to this school because his parents forced him to in the first place...not to bite people.
Marco rubbed his head, looking up at the girl who just ran into him "hey, watch where you're going!" he got up, wiping off the dirt from his clothes "what are you running for?" he asked as he offered her a hand to help her up.
(I'm cracking up right now!)

Flower looks at him and then smiles. "I see." She said and then looked at the ground. "Hmm...It's just interesting how they seem to be everywhere here." She shrugged. "Ah who am I to complain...although...if father catches on does hat mean he'd want to move?!" O.o ' "ugh." -_- '
"Cafe?" asked Marco just as she ran off, to be honest Marco was feeling a bit hungry, he could use a coffee and something to eat, he saw where that girl was running off to, and went in the same direction.
(@fire: Why're you loling? :3)

Julian shrugged. "I dunno," he said childishly. "They're vampires they'll do anything to get blood. Even stalk people if they have to." He blinked when she mentioned her father again. "Move? Is he really that full of hatred toward my kind?"

(Im gonna go to sleep now, seriously about to pass out. Goodnight everyone!)
Flower sighed and rubbed her head. "Would you believe if I said he was a vampire hunter?" (Oh crap lol! And I was laughing because of his reaction to her glare.) "he would move to my sake or so he would think and come back probably to kill all of you." She looked at him with a nervous smile as she rubbed her head. She sighed. "I've told you it was your kind that killed my mother...he...he really loved her...he says I look jut like her..." She said twirling her white hair around her finger. "Anyways...I do think his history with vampires goes a bit farther back but he won't tell me."
Nichole quickly got on her uniform.(uniform:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/images-25.jpeg.c56dde53bbd02a188b562dcb06f258ae.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_03/images-25.jpeg.c56dde53bbd02a188b562dcb06f258ae.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <something like this) She opened the door and sat customers at tables.



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Celes looked up and groaned softly, it was pretty sunny today. She walked lazily through the courtyard until she reached one of the trees in there and let herself plop down to the ground, letting a pleasant sigh as the big tree's shade covered her. She then rolled to her side and curled up a little, falling asleep, she had not done so last night and that made her tired.
"A vampire hunter?" Julian repeated. 'Nice to know that I'm falling for someone who's father would kill me in a second....' he thought sarcastically and let out a small sigh. He scratched the.back of his neck. "Do you know what time it is know? I'm not sure if we have class or lunch or P.E. next..." he changed the subject and ruffled through his pants pocket, pulling out his schedule .
Flower sighed. "No...sorry I don't carry a watch." She said and then pushed her bangs out of her eyes. She looked around for the school clock.
Julian looked over his schedule, he hadn't realized it yet but he surprisingly had all the same classes as Flower and Celes. It was fine with him. "If we just had that class, that means it's time for P.E.! Maybe we should find Celes."
-walks through the hallways and accidentally bumps right into Marco and drops her drawing book that was in her hands- Oops, I'm so clumsy... I'm sorry -bends down and picks up her drawing book and blushes as she looks at him- s- sorry -blushes in embarrassment- (everyone: I won't be on for long today so yeah, sorry guys )

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