>Vampire Kiss<

Flower looked at Julian and whispered "Sorry" To him seeing as it seemed to bother him. She looked back at the teacher and then sighed as her bangs fell over one of her eyes. She didn't want to have to keep moving them over and over so she just left it there. The curse of loving long hair was well worth it in her opinion.
Celes let out a sigh when she stopped laughing and smiled, ah that felt good. She shook her head and looked up at the clock, 20 minutes to go. She then took out her pen again and wrote down the things she had to buy for her apartment, might as well get herself busy with that until the class finished.
Julian had begun working on his assignment too. He suddenly stopped, his eyes widened and a low rumble came from his stomach. Instantly he arose his hand. "Mr.Teacher-guy! May I be excused? I need to take a shit."

The teacher had a look on his face like he wanted to face-palm himself. He nodded once awkwardly.

"Thank you!" Julian grabbed his umbrella and raced out towards the restroom. "Gotta crap! Gotta crap!"

(Ladies and gentlemen, the most attractive guy ever!! *Sarcastica mode*)

Flower shook her head as he ran out. "You've got to be kidding me." She said and then continued to write. She made extra notes just incase he needed them She blew her bangs out of her face though now.
Celes blinked and then chuckled 'My, what a fine guy' She thought to herself and then kept on writing. Good thing she didn't have to worry for things like that groceries or so. She just wrote down the things for hygiene and to keep the house clean. She would also buy something to decorate her place... maybe.

( xD A dreamy guy!)
Julian came a few minutes later, feeling relieved. He sat back down at his desk and readjusted his umbrella back into place.

"Young man, was it really necessary for you to take your umbrella with you to the restroom?" The teacher asked as he looked up from his book, raising an eyebrow.

"But of course! It could snow at anytime you now!" Julian replied.
(I have seriously never seen someone do that....and I've been role playing for a really long time. Points for originality!)
(@yullen: Do you understand what's happening in the rp right now? Or are you lost?)

(@fire: *bows proudly* Thank you! This is some of my best work, as you can tell)
Julian stared blankly up at the clock, watching time slowly tick past. He hadn't even finished writing his name on the paper.
Celes smiled as she looked up at the clock again, she was free to go now. She raised her hand to get the teacher's attention "May I leave now teacher? I'm on duty on the library" She then stood up when she received his approval and waved lightly at Julian and Flower before walking out of the classroom. Gosh she was just so happy she had morning duty at that time, she could always leave early.

(Well guess no one can keep up with his charming personality xD )
Flower waved back at her and then smiled. Father wouldn't be please but I don't really care...these are nice people, vampire or not. She thought and then rubs her shoulder. She had injured it yesterday when she was forced to punch the wall instead of her other target. She looked at her hand which also was bruised...possibly broken but she ignored the pain so far.
Celes walked out from the library and smiled, ah... It had ended. It's not like she didn't like it in there, is just that it got her sleepy, it was so quiet and comfy, it kept her somewhere between being sleep and awake. As she yawned she could feel that her fangs had grown quite a bit, could it be because she hadn't feed in a while? She let it slide and shrugged she would feed after class, it's not like she was actually starving.
Julian literally leaped up out of his seat when he heard the bell. He grabbed his umbrella and raced out of the classroom. "Glad that's over...for now." He sighed and wiped off his forehead. "Phew,"
Flower walked out putting notes in her bag as she did. She brushed her hair out of her face as she was looking down. She looked back up and sighed a bit stretching out her arms and legs. "Geez this is going to be a long day." She said and then cringed and grabbed her shoulder. "Ouch.." She whispered. Man that arm still hurt and even more so her hand.

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