>Vampire Kiss<

Flower chuckled shaking her head. "Well that might last a few years." She said making a vampire joke to herself. She slowly walked to her seat sitting down and leaning back against her hair stretching out her arms with a yawn. "Ugh..." She said crossing her arms behind her head.
Julian latched the handle of his umbrella to his seat, so it still was raised over his head but he didn't have to hold it up. He groaned when the teacher complained about that again, he had done this exact same thing yesterday too. "Hey you see Mr.Teacher-guy...I need this umbrella here. For I have a fear of indoor snowing." He lied easily with a calm and serious voice. It sounded like the most retarded thing ever, but he couldn't just blurt out that he was a vampire.
-hears the excuse about the fear of indoor snowing and turns her head in that direction and giggles a little bit and thinks: must be a vampire like me and Nichole. Well never know,He might just like his umbrella. Well that is a funny excuse though. Sighs and looks at the teacher for their reaction and tries to hold back from laughing to not get the guy in trouble at all-
Julian glanced over at the girl when his ears picked up a small giggle. He ran his two fingers across his lips, telling her to 'zip-her-lips'. Getting caught wasn't exactly a pleasant idea.
Celes wrote down the problems given which were based on the teacher's previous explanation and started to solve them. Ah.. She had always disliked Calculus, though it was not difficult for her, but she had never really felt any good feeling towards it, she had always preferred Algebra instead though the last was the basis to the first. When she finished she handed out her assignment and sat down in her chair again, there was still plenty of time till the class ended so she just straightened her glasses a bit and looked out from the window. She then got out from her absorption when she heard Julian's comment and suppressed a laugh, though she didn't turn back to see him, yep, what a brilliant excuse she told to herself as she bit her lip to not laugh out loud and once again looked to her side to the window.

(Still on! xD Got caught up watching blood + ><)
Julian shrugged as if saying "it's alright.". He narrowed his eyes and turned his head to look at Celes. 'You'd better not laugh too!' He thought but kept his mouth shut. He crossed his arms.
(@storm: wow like 400 posts seems like a lot but if you look at the posts it's not that much unless you wrote long paragraphs like Splamey does x3)
Celes nodded still bitting her lip and looked back at Julian from the corner of her eye and then she couldn't hold back a chuckle, he had worn the cloak to school. She held her stomach softly and looked to the front laughing silently, ignoring the sights from her classmate and even the teacher.
Flower looked at Julian and then giggled rolling her eyes. She had a "oh come on." Look with a bright smile. It was pretty funny really. She looked at the teacher and then leaned forward gently writing notes down. She also was drawling funny stick figures...mostly a violent kind of funny.

(Ok bye!)
(@flame: Yullen!!! D: Noooooooooooooo!)

(@flame#2: that is true)

Julian laid his head down on the desk. 'If you were any closer I'd seriously punch you right now...' he though as if he were actually talking to Celes. He glanced back at the other girl. 'At least she has gotten over it!'
Julian glanced at Flower. 'Is everyone just begging to laugh their ass because of that stupid lie?! Though, I can't believe the teaher actually believed that about me.' He thought.

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