>Vampire Kiss<

Nichole saw clioe and waved. jaden touched home plate but was running too fast. BAM! Nichole and jaden groaned in pain then looked at their position. Nichole blushed brightly. Jaden said"Nichole are you ok? are you sick?"
(@flame:Aww bye flame)

(@yullen: lol, did he land ontop of her? Is that what you ment by awkward position..am I just being weird?)
Julian ran around the bases and made it back to homeplate just barely missing the ball as it was thrown at him. He sighed and sat down on the bleachers. 'Okay...that's enough exercice....for the year.........' 
(@flame: Yay! :D *tackle-glomps*)
(lol) -she walks into the gym class and goes around the class and sits down at the top of the bleachers and watched the game go on and smiles-
Flower was up next. She kicked the ball hard and then ran fast over the bases. She saw them coming from behind and as they threw it she ducked right at third base making it. She sighed and then crossed her arms waiting for the next kicker.
Julian glanced around the gym, eyeing every student. He had discovered something, he had also noticed this yesterday too, there was ALOT of GIRLS at this highschool! 'Is there normally this many girls...at a normal school?! There's hardly any guys here including me!'
(@storm:yea thats what happened) Nichole said"im fine j-jaden!" jaden didnt know how awkward it was. (hes dense ;) ) Jaden said"are you sure? you look like you have a fever..."placing his hand on her forehead.

-sees her kick the ball hard and run to the bases and claps happily hoping that it actually encouraged them and thinks as she makes facial expressions as she peered down to the ground at a flower and made her face from questioning to disappointing to herself and thinks: Is it really the use to do that? I mean, it's not like they'd care anyways... ugh why do I even think about this. -sighs- 
-puts her hands in her pockets and sighed as she saw the guy who made the weird excuse for having an umbrella and feels as though she should say hi to him, starts to go down the bleachers then stops and thinks half-way down: What's the point? -sighs and just goes back up to the very top of the bleachers and sits down as she looks at the flower again-
(Should I create another character? A dude character since there isn't very many guys....plus I want there to be a bit more romance ^^)
(sure, and I guess I could make another guy character later) 
-looks around making sure no one was staring at her and starts to sing Still Into You by Paramore very softly so no one would stare at her-
[QUOTE="Flame in the Roses](sure, and I guess I could make another guy character later) 
-looks around making sure no one was staring at her and starts to sing Still Into You by Paramore very softly so no one would stare at her-

(Awesome! ^^)

Julian's ear twitched as he picked up faint singing. He turned around and saw a girl on the top row of the bleachers, she was quietly singing a song to herself.
-closes her eyes as she sings softly then looks over at that same flower and searches in her backpack while singing and finds her camera, looks left and right just in case of anyone looking and snaps a picture of the flower and smiles and keeps singing- Oh i should be over all the butterflieeees... I'm into you -blushes and smiles as she sings her song and thinks: I love this song... It reminds me of what I don't have....- 
-thinks: no no no don't think about that, okay let's stop singing that and let's try to find a new song that isn't about that stuff.. stops singing and thinks for a moment and her face brightens up with a song on her mind and starts to softly sing The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! at the Disco.-
Julian climbed up the bleachers and sat down next to the girl. "Hey, you have a nice singing voice." He said and smiled a friendly smile. He was trying to make more friends, plus it was true. Her voice sounded pretty good.
-by the sound of the guy's voice she stops immediately and blushes- Oh uhh.... you uh.. heard me? -bites her lip and then looks at him with a questioning but embarrassed facial expression and slightly smiles to be nice-
Username: Fire of Hearts

Name: Nick and Deathwish

Age: 101/101

Gender: Male/ Male


Human or Vampire?: Vampire/ Vampire

Personality: Deathwish is serious and seemingly emotionless. He treats humans no different then vampires. He is a mystery to all but his brother nick. Deathwish is scary and often treated like he's going to kill you, he is a strong vampire but normaly uses his glare to scare off unwanted people. Nick however is different he is flirty and unpredictable. He is known as the heart breaker but yet can be very sweet and kind.

Crush/Bf/Gf: none

Other: They are twins
(Lol, twin vampires! xD that's awesome! Accepted) 
(@yullen: lol that wouldhave been awkward) 

[QUOTE="Flame in the Roses]-by the sound of the guy's voice she stops immediately and blushes- Oh uhh.... you uh.. heard me? -bites her lip and then looks at him with a questioning but embarrassed facial expression and slightly smiles to be nice-

Julian noticed her blush and scratched the back of his neck a bit awkwardly. "Sorry about that. I just...thought I'd mention it."
Celes smiled when her turn arrived and so she waited patiently as the ball was thrown to her. When she felt it was the right time she kicked with all her mind and it made it at least quite far, far enough to leave her the chance to run to the different bases.

(Did I miss something? :3)

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