>Vampire Kiss<

[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower started shooting the zombies pouring in. "You just did but sure." She said and then giggled. She had to knife a few and retreated to the back room. She made sure to cover him till he followed. She blew he hair out of her face.

"Um...what would you do if I did this?" Julian asked as he leaned over towards her from his seat, lightly pressing his lips against her cheek. He pulled back back and blocked his face incase she tried to attack him because of the kiss. He was also hiding his red face from sight.
-Clioe looked over at Dylan who looked almost asleep. She sighed and then made a sound with her mouth the sounded like nails on a chalk board just to annoy Dylan. It worked and he held his ears.- Hey! Clioe what the..? -Clioe laughed and came over to Dylan and hugged him.- (hey guys! going to six flags tomorrow and staying at a hotel! Can't wait! though I'm not going to be here for the weekend ='( When I come back inform me on what happened kk?)
Flower blushed as he did so and quickly paused the game. She looked at him and then looked up to see father there. "Oh crap...now you've done it." She said and then looked as her father pulled out his gun and cocked it. She looked at Julian and leaned over. "I think it might do you good to leave....and as for that kiss I'll talk to you later about it." She whispered to him slightly smiling. She looked at her dad.

Benjamin pointed the gun at him. "Better get out little vampire." He said and then looked at Flower. Flower nervously smiled and held her hands up in surrender. She knew she couldn't do anything right now or she'll make it worse.
Flower after getting a bit of a scolding from her father sighed and then got up. "Dad I'm going to walk the dog!" She yelled and put Dakota on a leash. She walked out and then smiled lightly. Well she wasn't losing she was walking to dog, just to Julian's house. She knocked on his door and leaned against the door frame waiting for it to be opened.
Julian peeked his head out cautiously as he creaked the door open slightly. "Oh, hi Flower...d-did you bring your dad eith yyou to kill me?"
Flower rolls her eyes. "Now why would I want to kill you? I came here to talk about that kiss stupid." She said and then crossed her arms. "I wasn't mad at you. I only told you to run for your safety." She said and then giggled. "Father can be overly protective but he won't harm you unless I want to ok? Which I don't."
Julian sighed in relief before opening the door completely. His face glowed with red, he was extremely embarrassed, kisses were always a bit awkward. "S-So...what are you doing here?"
Flower looked at him. "You asked a question and I didn't get to answer." She said and then shrugged. 'I had to walk the dog anyhow." She said and then looked at Dakota who was sitting there. She looked at Julian. "Julian....you like me don't you?" She asked
Julian stood there silently for a moment before replying with a simple nod. He kneeled down then began playing with Dakota's ears. His long bangs fell over his eyes.
Flower looked at him and then kneeled down as well and kissed his cheek. She stayed there for a moment before pulling back. "More then a...friend?" She said sort of acting shy now. She moved her hair out of her face and behind her ear showing a small pink blush.
Julian looked up at her face with wide eyes, not expeting a kiss in return. He blushed intensely and quickly covered his cheek where she had kissed him. "Y-You..yo...kiss...k-kiss? Whw-wjat?!" He was kinda flipping out from shock. He buried his face in the palms of both his hands. "...yeah....I really like you. Alot more than aa friend.."" he admitted.
Flower looks at him and smiles. "I think...I think I feel that way too." She said and blushed a bit more. "I'm sorry....I guess maybe I should leave you alone you're so embarrassed." she said waving it off and slowly stood up.
Julian removed his hands from his face and looked up at her again. "Hey...um, wwas your dad really upset?" He asked and flipped his hair out of the way.
Flower looked at him and shrugged. "Not sure. I don't really think so. He used a gun and not his vampire knife which means he was only scarring you out of the house and wasn't planning on shooting you." She said and then smiled back at him.
Julian forced a smile. "Okay...I didn't expect to be invited back there anyways. At least he didn't seem too upset...sorry if you get into any trouble because of me." He continud to apologize.
Flower looks at him. "Oh don't worry. I'm not in any trouble, he just scolded me a bit." She said and then chuckled. "But I better get back home before he gets worried." She said and looked at Dakota who was wagging her tail. Seems she got use to Julian. She smiled lightly. "Now if only I could get father to do that." She giggled joking to herself.
Julian covered up his cheek again, a small grew apon his mouth. 'Flower likes me too?' he thought. He patted Dakota's head before standing up straight.
Flower looked at him and then started walking home with a bit of a yawn. She stretched out her arms Dakota walking beside her. She looked at Dakota and then smiled patting her head. "Hmm what do you think?" She asked the dog.

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