>Vampire Kiss<

He was flattered by what she said but he showed no emotion no way she could know that. "It's true, vampires do get burnt by the sunlight." He held his arm and yelled.. "Ahh it's burns!" Then he lifted it up. "Haha, just kidding I'm not a vampire. Just a strong human." He grinned deviously.
Julian walked off to the library, he needed to complete an assignment anyways. He sat down at empty computer. Eyes were directed at him and giving him strange looks for holding up his umbrella, even though he was inside. He glared at them and the returned to their buisness. He started up his computer.
nichole looked around and made sure the close was clear. she set sasha on her feet. "you ok?" sasha said"yea dont let them bother you we're stronger together!" nichole smiled and nodded as they walked down the empty hallway.
Flower tilted her head and then blew her bangs out of her face. "I see." She said but wasn't really going to take his word for it. She looked around quickly as if check the time by the amount of people still here. She looked back at him and started wondering if Julian was ok. He was the one attacked and she hadn't seen him since then. She was slightly worried about it.
Username: DamiClo

Name: Celes Robbin

Age: 30

Gender: Female


Human or Vampire?: Vampire

Personality: Celes is calm and a good listener. She is also kind and though stubborn she can be understanding. However, when angered she is really hot tempered though that’s really rare to happen.

Crush/Bf/Gf: --

Other: She is quite a young vampire though she is from a really ancient vampire blood line. She is also extremely good at reading people and quite intuitive. She amuses herself taking a guess of a lot of things that happen around her
Putting his assignment aside for a moment, Julian began researching 'sun-resistant vampires'. It showed a few articles, but it only a few dumb myths. His eyes widened when he found one about Kiyo's family tree. These were a certain form of vampires, they were alot more powerful. They lived longer, were stronger, and basically dominated all other vampire forms. Another thing he found that was interesting was that they always wore a blood-red ring on their finger. He had remembered catching a glsnce of him wearing some sort of ring. Maybe he was one of these type of vampires.

(@damiclo: Accepted! ^^ Omg! I saw your signature and I squealed with joy! Isn't that Ukyo from Amnesia? :3)
Celes had been looking through some books in the library to get herself busy, outside was cold and so she had decided to enter the library to get away from the coldness. But then when she saw a random guy write something on his computer that caught her attention without even thinking it she had walked to him and read what appeared on the screen just a few centimeters behind him "Sun-resistant vampires? Do they really exist?" She asked out loud, she had never heard of it, well maybe she did but thought about that fact as simple myths

(Yeah > :) His "dark" self, I love it)
(@yullen: That's amazing! :D talking teddy!)

(@dami: I personally think he's hot! ^^ oh I agree, his dark side is awesome)

Julian jumped when the girl appeared behind him. He quickly switched the screen back to a different website. He turned arouns and told her to shhh. "Don't say that so loud," he whispered.
She blinked and made an apologetic smile "Ah, sorry" She said about both, surprising him and saying that so loud. Then her expression changed and she raised her eyebrow "But... Do they really exist?" She asked again, this time lowering her voice, there was a skeptical tone on her voice but she couldn't discard it completely, and that alone had caught her attention.

(Yeah, I agree, I fell in love with the character ^^ @ Yullen Oh, not really easy to explain >< It's about a girl that suddenly has no memories of the past and struggles to recover them as she has to avoid others to find out that she lost them in the first place.. Ah sorry, not good at explaining things :wondering: Anyway you must see it! It's awesome)
"Well...do you believe in regular vampires in the first place?" Julian asked suspiciously. He sniffed her silently and quickly, getting a whiff of her blood scent. So, she was a vampire. He also noticed that she didn't carry an umbrella either. He felt like beating himself. 'Why am I the only freaking vampire who can't survive with this retarded umbrella?! I feel like a freak!' He thought but his face was calm. "Nevermind about that first question. I believe they are real. I met one earlier, they aren't exactly the nicest vampire either." He continued to whisper so others around couldn't hear.

(@yullen: Omg! You have to watch Amnesia! :D it is amazing!)
Celes tilted her head and chuckled softly at Julian's remark "You're not the only one, believe me, there are a lot more in this school" Yeah she had been of those before, and she too felt stupid carrying it around with her all the time. Thanks God her father had gave him the necklace. "Well if he really is resistant to sun light as you say without the need of anything else he must be of the old ones, they are always so arrogant and self centered" She said with a sigh "Do you know of any other who is capable of that?" She asked curiously.

(Yeah ^^ Come on =) )
"Not as far as I know. I've seen some here who force themselves to walk in the sun, haven't seen any others who are 'resistant' though." Julian replied with a shrug. "I'm guess you're not, otherwise you wouldn't have asked...? Oh! I should probably introduce myself. I'm Julian." He held his hand out to shake, he felt kinda stupid for almost forgetting.

(@yullen: Np! ^^ I just don't want anyone to feel left out)
She nodded as he spoke “I see… Oh, I’m Celes” She said with a smile as she took his hand and shook it. She then raised her eyebrow a little “You are new right? Now that I think about it I had not seen you before” Well she didn’t pay much attention to many things but she knew most of the vampires that attended the school and was almost sure she had never seen Julian ever before.
"Yeah, I'm the shady newbie that everyone keeps talking about. It's my first year here." Julian answered and flicked his bangs out of his eyes again. He needed a haircut, but he enjoyed the look of outgrown hair. "Is this a good school...well, for creatures like us anyway? "
Shady you say?” She asked as she let out a smile and tilted her head as she crossed her arms. She then blinked and let down her hair as she stretched out her elastic band that was holding it “Would you like to use it? I mean to tie up your bangs if they are bothering you. Well it’s not bad either, I mean, is as boring as any school can be but almost no human suspect about our existence, maybe they prefer to ignore it either way. No, well it’s okay after all” She said as she placed her free hand on her hips, had she made no sense at all? She wondered to herself.
Julian stared down at tue elastic band for a few seconds before reaching out to take it. "A hairtie?" He raised an eyebrow, then shrugged again. He pulled his hair back into a small ponytail but his bangs still fell in his face. He didn't care either way. "Alright, just as long as they aren't like super suspicious. It seems fine to me so far. I might stick around for a while."
Nah, few are, but that’s just few, and most of them are too afraid to say it because they fear we will harm them or that no one will believe them, which is true, the last thing, that is. It’s a relatively good school once you get used to it, pretty normal” She then placed her hand softly under her chin and she stared him for a moment “Want help to tie those back?” She said as she realized his bangs still fell in his face, she could sense he didn’t care, but still it was just a suggestion and it was quite easy too.
"Sure. Do I really look that strange with long hair?" Julian thought outloud as hs pulled the hairtie back out.

(Sorry for short post)

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