>Vampire Kiss<

Julian glared up at Kiyo, quickly pulling his shoulder away. "What do you want now? We don't have time to deal with asssholes." He grumbled and crossed his arms. He was forcing to ignore the blood comment.
Flower looked at he showed up again. "oh come on..." She said and then rubs her head. "How annoying can you get?" She said pushing her bangs back again. (lol it's quite funny really) She looked at Julian and then at the guy. “Is it just me? Or are you some kind of stalker?” She asked crossing her arms and tilting her head ever so slightly. He was talking about blood again, which was starting to creep Flower out. Ironic since she slightly knew she was hanging out with vampires. Of course she'd never tell them that. (Spell check is getting annoying again)
Just juliens entire persona annoyed kiyo. Every little small detail about him frustrated him. Kiyo was ashamed to call him a vampire. Has he even mastered any skills? 'Probably not.' He thought to himself. "Asshole? Me! Nah. I am one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Just don't piss me off with your pissy attitude. Nobody likes that." He laughed abit slapping on juliens shoulder again even though he pulled away. It was in a friendly kind of buddy way.

"stalker? Some call me that." Laughing, he was a stalker of people. "But in any sense it hurt me, can I get an apology?" He looked at her seriously now it looked like the emotion drained off his face. He could kill her, nobody would stop him. What would the fun in that be though, he liked to play with his prey.
Celes let out a smile when she was introduced to Flower and nodded herself as she said "Nice to meet you too" However she remained quite quiet when Kiyo appeared, just watching them talk and trying to move her hair away to her right side, it gave an strange aroma of flowers and blood when there was wind, though only vampire could sense that, humans just thought of it as a little bit weird, but not uncomfortable, sweet scent.
Flower looked at him and then shifted her weight. She raised an eyebrow at him "Sorry..." She said but was still thinking stalker. She looked at him and then looked at all of them. She started thinking silently. They all....they all gave her an odd feeling. (I just noticed....flower is the only human here....well full human. Surrounded by vampires) She looked at Kiyo. He bothered her the most, even if when she was talking to him earlier he might have seemed charming but Flower was stubborn.
He steps to the side her leg flying in the air she would fall to her butt. "Yes excuse you." He laughed again. "Little girl don't try it." She was the little halfy. Looking back at Flower. "Do you doubt me?" He knew she examined him constantly. "You think I'm a vampire don't you." The word was out they all heard everyone around him. Sigh... "Do you know how stupid that sounds?"
Celes crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow, the guy was playing with fire. Then again she just guessed he must have been the quite old vampire Julian talked about, and that itself explained it all, his attitude and the way he spoke. Though that didn't take away the fact that she found it fascinating that he had already mastered walking under the sunlight, but well all those years alive would obviously help with that.
Flower looked at him and then smiles. "Do you know how stupid you sound?" She said and then chuckled. She returned to be serious. "Maybe...my father always warned me about vampires. Really it seems pretty obvious. I think I gotten myself into quite the situation." She said and then looked at him. "You often mention it a lot for someone who isn't one right?" She said and then stepped closer to him. "Really who cares what I think? I really rather just beat the crap out of you and be rid of you because every time you're around you find a new way to tick me off." She said.
Julian watched the group argue and growl at Kiyo. He sat back in slight enjoyment. 'Kick his ass!' he thought but remained silent and cool. Both Flower and Kiyo looked like they were ready to strike. Nichole didn't look so happy either. He glanced back at Celes, 'Does this normally happen at this school?' he felt like asking.
Aiya they were kind of violent... She was still with her arms crossed when she glanced at Nichole with curiosity before turning her sight to Julian whom she felt had glanced at her, the question was clear on his eyes so she lightly shrugged as if saying 'Sometimes' and then she sighed
Kiyo looked at the little girl who was getting grumpy. "Obviously, you have anger issues how about you control yourself." Looking back at flower. "Is it really that stupid? Am I wrong then for that assumption?" He grinned again. "Kick my butt? I would not stoop so low to hurt a woman. That's just not what you do. But if you want to try and make a full out of yourself go right ahead."
dont listen to the bear! im your friend remember...aren't we friends Nichole? we are not friends! leave me alone! Nichole thought. the voice replied"aww that hurt my feelings little halfy! you want to show them you're not weak don't you?"
Flower narrowed her eyes. "Oh now you have morals?" She said and then threw a punch at his face. "Really you think to highly of yourself." She said and then glared at him. She now just wanted to get in a good punch to his face.
Nichole held her head and placed her back on the wall. her eyes were dull and she was in her subconscious. standing infront of her was a mirror image of herself. Only dark having an evil aura. Sasha said"coco snap outta it!" shaking her arm.
He moved his head her Hand could collide with the wall. "Yes mam, in my 'few' years I have gained some morals." He grinned again. "Don't hurt yourself now." He looked back at the girl freaking out. "Quit." Is all he said before turning back to flower who was obviously aggressive.
Flower looked up at him and then pulled her hand back. "Ow." She said and then saw her hand was bleeding. She clenched her fist and then became very uneasy. "..." She looked back at him and then her glare intensified. She stood up looking at him for a while. WHat was she going to do now? Knock him over? Maybe...maybe that would work. She went back in and swept her leg at his feet.
He knelt down and swung his hand out to snatch her foot. "No." He laughed . If she didn't catch herself she would fall to her butt. "Please don't try any of that on me." He laughed again before standing up. He wasn't even angry. She was just trying to make a statement and he played along with it.
Flower looked at him and caught herself. "One of these days...I will shut that mouth of yours." She said and then stood up straight. She glares at him. She crosses her arms. He was to fast and that only frustrated her more! She looked away and then blew her bangs out of her eyes. "..."

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