>Vampire Kiss<

Julian sighed and stuffed his free hand into his jean pocket. "Guys I'm not even sure what you're all fighting about in the first place," he grumbled then continued. "Can't we just forget about this shit and move on?"
Nichole opened her eyes one was crimson the other hazel. Sasha said"coco are you ok?"Nichole walked away in a trance like state. Sasha quickly jumped her."SNAP OUTTA IT!!"
Flower looked at Julian and then walked up lightly hitting him in the head. "I think I'm going home..." She sighed and then looked at her hand. It still was hurting. "Geez I never knew how hard I could punch..." She said and then glared. "Or maybe it's just hitting a wall." She said and then crossed her arms looking away from them. "Ugh...see you later Julian."
Kiyo lost all attention toward flower. He looked over at the girl in the trance. "She just wants attention." He laughed. Kiyo was definitely an asshole no doubt about that, but why? He got enjoyment out of it most likely. He looked back at flower. "Nice moves, you need some more practice, but you could be strong." A genuine grin came across his face he was serious.
"What the heck was that for?" Julian whined after Flower barely hit him. He frowned when she said that she was leaving. "Oh. Um, okay. Later Flower."
"My life." He began to chuckle again. "Alright lets see what she got then?" He laughed.. 'Way to hide herself. The vampire lords will quickly find and slaughter her if she doesn't calm herself.' He thought. 'She needs better self control.' He laughed and cracked his knuckles and popped his neck.
Julian looked down at Nihole and the teddy bear, Sasha. "Killer mode? What?" He repeated. "Why is the teddy bear talking anyways?"
He smiled. "An idiot? Nah. I will be fine." He looked at the others. "I mean if you all want to run be my guest." He laughed abit. He figured they would run. It was kind of funny that the teddy bear was talking. "Yea a talking teddy bear?" (So is it possessed? Are there demons? That don't make sense xD also how you loving kiyo's characters? I'm used to being the shy guy so being an ass is nice xD )
(lol he's entertaining.) Flower looked at Kiyo as he complemented her and then she saw Julian was sad that she was going to go home. She blinked and before she knew it now there was a teddy bear talking. She put a hand to her head. "If I'm dreaming....I really want to wake up now." She said and then looked at the teddy bear. She blinked. "So what are you? The ghost of Winnie the Pooh?" She looked at the girl and then sighed. "Ok tough guy...I don't run easily."
He started dieing laughing tears running from his eyes. "A human soul in a teddy bears body! Crazy!" He looked at Flower slightly impressed she didn't run. "Nice to see you got a backbone." He looked around. "Close your eyes flower you don't want to see what about to happen."
(Woh woh woh what kind of vampire are you supposed to be? And besides who gets that angry over her own mistake?)
Flower looked at him confused. "I doubt I will." She said and then looked at her. Her face didn't change. She moved closer to Julian and then reached down into her boot. Please tell me I ignored father and put my knife into my boot. I would never normally take it out but this looks like one of those situations. Mugging but with an evil twist. She smiled as she felt the metal of the small blade. She quickly shoved it up her sleeve and then glanced at Julain.
Julian glanced at Flower through the corners of his eye. He had caught a quick glimpse of the secret blade that she was hiding. He looked back at the others and pretended not to have even noticed. He took a step back, he was confused why and how the Nichole girl was 'glowing' all red-like.
Flower looked at Julian. "How come you seem more surprised then me? You're the vampire..." She said smirking slightly at him. She looked at the girl and then at Kiyo. She wondered what he was going to do, and even more so what Julian was say to her comment. Really all she needed to do was force his mouth open...but maybe she'd do that later when they weren't in mortal danger, well she was anyways.
Kiyo checked in each direction he projected forward place his hand around the girls head. He was going to snap her neck. Quick and painless. She is a vampire though she would recover hours later with just mine neck pain. He laughed. "Poor girl got worked up way to easy." (Should be fun but I don't want to do it sense she isn't online >.<)

(Auto correct on phone uhh)
(@Flame in the Roses: of course you can join. :D Just fill out the form and then you can jump in)

(@splamey: should we wait for yullen to return?)

Julian shrugged. "If you had been locked up in a dark mansion for about 100 years, you'd be really confused too." He mumbled. He poked his fangs again after turning his head away.

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