>Vampire Kiss<

She raised her eyebrow and took the hair tie “No, not at all. You look good actually, but…” She took his bangs carefully and tied them back softly, trying no to pull his hair or anything like that “… It doesn’t look so comfortable. Done” She said with a smile as she finished

(S’Okay ^^)
Julian glanced at his reflection in the nearby window. Tilting his head slightly, he stared at himself for at least a minute. He looked different. He wasn't sure if he looked good or weird, just different from usual. He smiled, kind of liking the change. "Thanks," he thanked her then stood up out of his seat. He saved his documents, including the vampire article and logged off. "Do you know what time it is? I'm not really sure where my classroom is, I don't want to arrive later again."
She chuckled and nodded "Don't mention it. By the way, you don't have to worry about being late for the day. First day there's no class after lunch time" She said as she piled up some books that were scattered around on some tables and placed them on the shelves "For the day, you're finally free to go if you want to" She said and then softly shifted her kinda wavy red hair to her side"

(Sorry, I'm slow 'cause I'm on phone mode :/ )
"Really?" Julian's face brightened up with a happy smile. "Yes!" He cheered and fist-pumpped the air. He apologized when the librarian shhhshed him for being loud. "So today was pretty much a half day? Sweet! Now we just roam and stuff."

(Its okay. I don't mind.)
Her smile grew slightly warmer and her dimples could be barely noticed, she could feel that he was older than her, however, somehow she thought of him as a junior and therefore younger, even though she was in the same year as him as she had to be a freshman again that year. “Pretty much that, welcome to this high school” She said in a soft voice as she intertwined her fingers behind her back “Something you’re planning to do?
"I didn't have any plans. I'm just glad we don't have to do school work! I like being lazy." Julian replied and started gathering his things. He filled up his folder before tossing that too into his backpack. "Were you gonna do anything? I don't have very many friends here so maybe we can hang out if you're not busy." He suggested. He secretly kinda hoped that he'd run into Flower again, she was interesting. He scratched the back of his neck when he realized that the only people he knew here were girls. Two girls. Celes and Flower. Oh yeah, and that stupid older vampire guy that he hated.
Sure, fine by me, I’m done here anyway” She said with a shrug and then she tilted her head to the side a little “And with those you know, didn’t you make plans to meet up later?” She asked as she picked her backpack and threw it over her shoulder
'How does she know everything?!' Julian thought but quickly wiped the confused look off his face. "Well I wanted to meet up with someone, we didn't make any plans though." He admitted to that.
She looked at him for a moment before a fleeting smile crossed her face and was quickly replaced by her normal one "I see. Well, this school is not big enough, so you will probably find her" She said taking a guess of the gender of the person "So let's get out from here shall we? If not then you won't bump into her"
"Yeah, yeah I guess so." Julian said and nodded once as he followed her out the libraray. She seemed to appear as rather intelligent for her age...well...whatever her age was. Infact his wasn't even sure how old she was. "Hey Celes, not to be random, but old of a vampire are you exactly?" He asked out of curiousity.
Celes raised her eyebrow and then scratched the back of her head with one hand as with the other she let her fingertips lightly tough the plants that were by the side of the path "Well you can say I'm rather young for a vampire... I'm about 30 years old. How about you? I can feel you must be at least way older than me"
"30, huh? I'm not that much older." Julian said and put both hands on the back of his neck. He then added,"Only 118 years old. Strange. I expected you to be older for some reason."

(I'm gonna go to sleep. I'm really tired. Goodnight!)
"Because of my extremely wise self maybe?" She asked on a playful tone and then shook her head dismissing her own silly remark "Well you're not the first person to think that either, I wonder why? Still I'm happy that I was right about your age" She said with a nod, she always loved to test out her intuition and got happy when she was right.

('Kay, sleep well!)
"Good." He said confidently. After he munched down his lunch he headed off to see what else this school had to offer him. He waved good bye to Flower and made on his way. He glanced up and down this school. 'Kids.. What are these spandex pants there allow wearing.' He laughed to himself. 'Makes em kind of look whorish.' He laughed again wandering around he looked for some of the other people he already met or even new ones. Each human, each vampire he had seen were obviously new in this world.
Flower sighed in relief that he had walked off. She shook he head and then headed off herself. She pulled out her book starting to read again and headed for the library. She looked up and smiled to see Julian. She sped up a bit and stopped looking at a girl he was talking too. "Oh hello." She said and smiled lightly. She looked at Julian. "I was wondering where you were." She said looking at him.
"Oh hey Flower," Julian smiled too when she appeared. "Have you heard yet? Today's a half day! The rest of the day we don't have to go to any stupid classes! Wait, you probably already knew that." He said and felt a bit stupid again. He forgot that sheh hadalready gone to this school the year before. He wondered if he was seriously the only newbie. He glanced at Celes then quickly introduced them to eachother. "Oh um, Celes this is Flower. And Flower this is Celes."
Julian's blinked when a different girl bumped into him. 'What's up with girls and running into me today?' he was about say, but decided to keep this in his head. "Don't worry. It's no big deal." He said as he turned to now look at Nichole. "Are you alright?" He asked.
Flower looked at Celes. "Nice to meet you." She said and then looked as a girl bumped into Julian. "You have a habbit to attract girls...don't you?" She said to Julian and then chuckled to herself. She pushed her hair back yet again, if it wasn't so cold she would have put it up. "Oh and yeah I knew." She said about the half day thing.
"Hey, I don't do that!" Julian whined about her comment. "Maybe I just resemble some ugly bowling pin and people just have to knock me over." He said, completely oblivious to how retarded that must have sounded. Turning back to the girl for a second, he questioned her on why shhe was running in the first place, "Need to go somewhere or something? "
(Sorry I can't keep up so I'm just going to keep appearing haha :P )

taking a quick step he entered their conversation. "Hello again." He was talking to Flower and Julien. "Looks like you learned to control yourself huh pal?" He patted Julien on the shoulder. Looking at Flower. "What an odd day for a run huh? I guess anytime is a good time though, keeps that blood flowing. You like that don't you Julien? Blood flowing?"

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