>Vampire Kiss<

-sits on a bench and looks at the murky water as is slowly moves gently in the lake as she sighs and smiles at its beauty. She pulls out her drawing book again and drew the ocean as she remembered it... the sun setting as its rays bounced off of the salty water. the way the rays showed faded orange and pink colours on the water-
-thinks of what to say since she has no friends since she moved here this year even though in another state she had no friends anyways- um... How.. How are you doing today?
-sighs in sadness and thinks in her head- Why is it so hard for me to make friends? What is it? my personality? What I look like? What is it? Makes a few faces showing how she was thinking. From dull, to sad, to angry.
Kiyo was tired of all the drama. He began strolling through the woods looking around seeing all that their is to be Seen. The birds chirping, the wolves howling, and the crunch of the sticks as you stepped on them. "So nice." He said softly to himself. He stretched his back and popped his neck. 'Time for a little fun.' He thought as he began to dash through the forest jumping from the ground to the tree. Ending above to people who were chit chatting. One was the girl he had snapped the neck of. 'Wow she recovered fast for a halfy usually takes a day or so.' He grinned and hopped down beside them. The other one was the girl reading the book. That basically avoided him. 'What did she have against me.' He laughed abit to himself.
-looks over at the boy from earlier in school and says under her breath- oh boy..

-eats her peace of cake and looks over at the water and pretends not to see him and it goes silent for about 3 to 4 minutes.-
"Ohh boy? What's that supposed to mean?" His face still happy. "It's a lovely place. Do you have something against me?" He turned to look up at the sun that was slowly setting. "What brings you all here?" He took a seat against the tree and rested his head.
look I have nothing against you I just wanted to be left alone. -face flushes with embarrassment and thinks: Wow this guy might as well be a pain after all.. no just figure it out over time judging before you meet them is probably why you don't get friends: looks at the water as she turns her face from a questioning look to a mad look as she thought and then sighed-
-pulls out her drawing book and starts to draw a tree and completely forgets that the guy is even there until he leans over her shoulder to see what she was doing-
"Good.. Then we have a common ground. What ya drawing?" He smiled. As he looked at the drawing. He layed back against the tree waiting on her response. Not even acknowledging the girl who through the little temper tantrum. This girl could be a good vamp if she actually tried to control her temper.

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