>Vampire Kiss<

-looks up at the tree and looks down at her drawing and after 5 minutes she finishes her drawing and it looks as though she took a picture of the tree and put it in black and white and put it on her drawing book-
-shows him the drawing- I'm drawing that tree -points at the tree to her right and looks at her drawing and tries to figure out if she messed up or not, sees she did and then redraws the part she messed up-
"Wow, that's so good!." He smiled, slightly impressed even for a vampire. "Looks just like a picture, he noticed she was editing something but he couldn't figure out what it was. "What's wrong with it?"
Celes placed her hand on top of her necklace and nodded a little "I guess" She said as she looked up to the sky where the faint rays of sunlight reached the ground through the clouds. She placed her other hand in front of her face as her right eye took a blueish color and so she made a face. It was still uncomfortable after all
Julian watched Celes for a second, noticing the face she made. He didn't understand how she could withstand the sunlight. Maybe it was because she had been outside with the 'real world' longer than he had...at least that's what he predicted.
Celes blinked and then looked at him from the corner of her eye, her left one still blueish, and so she raised her eyebrow. She then looked his umbrella and then back at him and so she decided to take a guess once again. "To withstand the sunlight time also helps... But that's not really my only way" She said and then she stretched a little.
'Seriously?! How does she know everything I'm thinking?!' The confused look appeared on Julian's face this time. "Oh...you use something else?" He asked curiously. He tilted his head slightly as he turned to face her.
-looks at him and then looks at the picture and blushes- Its roots looked a little um... sloppy -laughs a little and her face goes from light pink, hot pink, to red and then thinks: DID I SERIOUSLY JUST DO THAT?!? Looks blankly at the drawing and puts the drawing book away- I think I better um.. go so.. yeah, bye guys. -walks away and into the woods where she walks to a tree and looks around to see if anyone was looking and flies up into it and sits down on a thick branch with one leg on the branch and one dangling down as she hums and places her backpack behind her and pulls out her ipod to listen to her favorite bands-

-sees that it is night time and her eyes turn into a dark red color (it is green in the day and red at night :P ) and she feels thirsty for blood and looks for a neighborhood and pretends to be laying on the ground almost dying and someone comes up to her- Stranger: Oh my gosh! are you okay?! -Clioe speaks in a voice barely able to be heard by humans- help... death.... Stranger: What did you say? I can't hear you. -the stranger leans closer and i drink the blood from them and I bring out a tablet to save some blood for later. The rest of the blood from the Stranger fills 2 blood tablets and they suddenly die- -I take their soulless body to the woods and bury them in the ground to make sure the victim's body will never be found-
She just chuckled a little as she saw the confused look on his face, seriously he was just so easy to read, it made her want to tease him a little so she didn't say anthing about it, she just decided to answer his question. So she just raised by the chain her necklace "It enhances my abilities and my resistance"
-her Fangs were a little bit covered with blood so she went to a water vending machine and drinks the water to wash off the blood on her fangs......... takes a sip and sighs- ahhh there we go. now i have some blood tablets for tomorrow. better not waste 'em till the next victim -laughs then hears a noice and falls silent-
"A necklace? That's it?" Julian felt a pinch of jealously. It'd be nice just to wear some small accesory like that instead of carrying a huge freaking umbrella everything. Though he wouldn't want to have to wear some girly necklace. "How'd you get that? And how does it work?" He wanted her to explain it abit.
nichole found her victim asleep and smirked. she looked at him closely then bit his neck. he stired but she drank jer fill draining him. he started to stuggled and nichole smirked cruelly and finally drank the last drop. she licked her fangs as they retracted and sighed in relief. she whistled and bats surrounded the body and disappeared.
-sees a girl passing bye and tries to go near her to see who it was and then sees it was the girl she met earlier and her eyes widen- Oh.. hi umm... darn i didn't ever come across your name yet. - looks at her and notice her not turning around to look at me at all- um.. so yeah -tries to hide her fangs by not opening her mouth that much just in case the girl might not be a vampire like her-

-looks around with her hood and jacket off as she wears a short sleeved shirt that was light orange with words saying (on the front of the shirt) ," If someone tells me I'm different, That's fine with me. I don't give a crap."
Celes rubbed her chin softly as she stared at him "Well... You know how we get more energy and power when we feed on blood right? It enhances your powers greatly when you feed on vampire's blood, a strong one that is. Their powers get... somehow transferred or something like that. My family is ancient and so I have certain way old relatives, when you drench an object with their blood it acquires certain properties based on the abilities the owner of the blood had. And well this resistance to sunlight its one of its properties" She said as she looked at him.
"Hmm. Interesting." Julian said. He glared up at his umbrella. He hated dragging this thing around everywhere, even indoors. He hadn't even seen any others with umbrellas beside himself. 'Maybe everyone else has developed the idea of what Celes does with her blood necklace...or maybe they're just better. Grr! Jealously!'
I didn't really get your name.... so um.. yeah -laughs a little looks at the girl kind of happily but also in a way that looked like something was wrong, and a look saying she needed to leave quickly.- sees the blood on the hankercheif and thinks: maybe she hurt herself or something. Although it doesn't look like it. Oh well- So umm... wanna talk sometime later or something?
Celes crossed her arms and laughed lightly when she saw him glaring at his umbrella "Ne, want me to give you something like that? You just have to give me an object so that we can have it drenched in blood. Your umbrella perhaps?" She asked with a serious face, though she was just teasing him about the umbrella part
-thinks : So i guess she is a vampire like me! yeah buddy! -makes faces as she thinks; from happy, to exited- Alright then, see yah later -walks away with her backpack slung onto her left shoulder

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