>Vampire Kiss<

Nichole sang"~last Friday night! yea we danced on table tops and we took too many shots! think we kissed but i forgot....~" then blushed covering her mouth.
-smiles and giggles a little bit but only giggled to where no one could hear it and sees the sun was rising and looks at Nichole- So.. what do you want to talk about, I guess?
-pauses to think for a moment and puts her finger up her chin and thinks- hmm.... Well I do like to draw, as you saw from earlier -giggles a bit-, and umm... well i uh love to sing. -smiles and her hair falls over her left side of her face (where Nichole is) and she blushes a little bit- But.. I don't really like to sing around people 'cuz then I get starred at and people just look at me and it gets embarrassing, yah now? -looks at Nichole with a questioning but happy look-
Really? -smiles at Nichole- Well we do like drawing. that is one thing we have in common. Dude (I call EVERYONE DUDE xD ) designing is really neat. And writing, I hope I can see one of your writings sometime. they might be really good, -smiles and laughs happily-
DamiClo said:
"May I?" Celes said before taking his wrist softly with her hand to get a close look of the bracelet. She rolled his wrist lightly from side to side before letting it go and nodding "Yeah, I guess this one would be okay" She said as she looked up at him.
(Yep, I guess so. I guess they just stayed until pretty late if it's already 1am o_O xD )
"Sweet! Would you help me? I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to do." Julian asked, hoping she'd agree to help him. He shifted his sight up at the sky for a moment. "Whoa! What the hell!?" He was really surprised by how quick night-time came.
-looks around and then says- hey, I think I have to go to my house and so yeah.. bye Nichole -smiles and walks away and then looks back at Nichole and smirks. Looks around to make no one else but Nichole can see her and then flies into the woods and to her house and takes a shower after she steps inside of her small house as silently as possible-
"Sure, it's not really complex" She said and then she blinked when he spoke again, looking up at the sky herself "It get's darker earlier as the seasons change... or might as well be really late" She said out loud, she wasn't actually aware of the time. But hey, it was a good thing, night time was always the best for them. "Scared of darkness?" Celes added jokingly before getting to business "Ok, so would you give me your bracelet so I can bring it to you tomorrow or would you rather do it yourself?"
Nichole said"see you at school...." she bit into her muffin and bats surrounded her. she was back in her room and took a shower. she put on a cute sweater, some jeans boots and smiled brushing her teeth. she ate some eggs and toast. "im off to school!" putting on her coat and gloves before running out with Sasha and her bag.
"Yeah...terrified." Julian said sarcastically and smiled. He sighed a sigh of relief, pleased to finally rest his hand and lower his umbrella. He folded the gray umbrella up then attached the handle to his belt. "I kinda wanted to see how it's done. I don't mind either way. Would it bother you?"
-sleeps in a bit then sees the clock....- Oh no I'm late! -gets dressed in her black fluffy shirt that says on the front, "If you say anything to hurt me and I don't react.... Does It LOOK Like a care?", in white letters and sighs as she puts on her dark blue jeans and her old red jacket and fixes her make-up and puts her Ipod, books, drawing book, and headphones in her backpack, grabs the keys and runs out the door- Bye! -quickly gets in the car and drives to school in her blood red Lamborghini ( :P ) and drives to school-

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