>Vampire Kiss<

Username:Flame in the Roses

Name: Clioe

(fake) Age:16


Appearance: Dark red hair with a pale face. She has green eyes in the day and red in the night to fool people. She always wears her old red jacket wherever. Covers all her skin and always keeps her hood on in the day until she gets in the shade.

<Like this, well kinda.

Human or Vampire?: Vampire

Personality: She is nice, but can be dark and misterious. She is very secretive about things and barely has any friends due to her act of fear from someone figuring out she is a vampire. Never wants to hurt anyone but goes heartless at night when she needs to eat.

Crush/Bf/Gf: None

Other: She is an amazing singer. She always draws and listens to music instead of paying attention. Doesn't like being told what to do. She zones out of the world sometimes.

Real Age (since she is a vampire): 100
Celes had just stood there all the time and now.. well now she was pretty lost about what had really happened, how weird change of events. She had just been actually staring at Nichole, she found her change kinda confusing, but then again what in their world was not surprising at all? She then blinked when she heard Julian's remark and yet again asked out loud "Locked up? Why's that?" Is not that is was truly strange for a vampire, in fact, many of them lived all their lives locked up on one dark and gloomy place, but she still couldn't understand why would they choose that kind of thing.
-looks over to see people (or vampires too :P ) gathered in a frenzy looking as if they are almost about to fight each other. One with a teddy bear looking as though it were talking but can't see. All she can see is a burr since she didn't have her light red glasses on today (She is near sided). She saw a girl on the ground and a guy and girl stand next to each other near her. The guy with a slight grin as though someone were to be getting hurt by him pummeling them with his fists. My dark green eyes widdened and I bit my lip to try and stop myself from getting pulled into a fight that wasn't her's. Keeps her eyes trained on the fierce guy with the girl standing at his side looking as if he were going to punch someone.-
"Hm? Oh, it's because of my parents. I was forbidden to leave our house until I turned 100 years old. Apparently my parents didn't believe that I was 'ready' for the real world until that time. It stinks, well sure they gave me blood tablets and all throughout those years but still! I've only been allowed outside for only a mere 18 years." Julian replied to her question, kinda grumbling in complaint at the same time. "I guess they just wanted to protect me since I'm weak." He shrugged.
(May I join? If so, here are my forms. Sorry if the pics take a while to come up).

Username: Poisoned.Huntress

Name: Jennifer Dowd

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Human or Vampire?: Human

Personality: Generally caring, emotional, affectionate, loyal and fairly sweet. She has her sarcastic or joking moments and is usually quite gentle and understanding. More than anything, she wants 1. To become a vampire and 2. To have someone that deeply and truly loves her.

Crush/Bf/Gf: None so far.

Other: She usually wears skinny jeans or dresses; she loves to layer and decorate her clothes to make them more unique. She tends to wear either boots or canvas shoes and wears a silver key necklace around her neck, featuring an emerald.



Username: Poisoned.Huntress

Name: Mason Revona

Age: 182 (He appears 16)

Gender: Male



Human or Vampire?: Vampire

Personality: He is described as outgoing and flirtatious, but at the same time, mysterious and private. He sometimes comes across as dark, whilst on other occasions, he is seen as calm and friendly. He can be extremely sweet and has no problem with commitment or relationships.

Crush/Bf/Gf: None so far.

Other: He tends to wear fairly casual clothes. Eg.; Jeans, hooded jackets, ordinary shirts. He only really wears one pair of shoes - his black/white pair of ankle high canvas shoes. Most of the time the colours he's found in are navy, black, white and grey.
When she went to reach for his wrist be followed through her motion just helped him snapping her neck. She would suddenly fall to the ground dead for atleast 3 or 4 hours. He grinned and popped his wrist back in place. "Grumpy little devil huh?" He laughed and started walking away school ended.
"And, half vampires still are vampires. They don't recover as fast but they do recover. If no one else was going to do it I had too. She can't control herself." He looked at the little bear. "Your pretty strong for a bear." He laughed again. Waiting to see how everyone else would react. He didn't really care he killed her he has killed 10's of thousands of people just more to the list.
-I saw as he snapped her neck and flinched to the sight of it and then quickly returned to eating her lunch and pretended she didn't see what had happened. Thinks: Oh man i wish i didn't forget my blood tablets. This sure isn't filling. -She keeps eating and then finishes her lunch and gets up from her seat and puts her tray away and walks outside to sit under a tree.-

-Tries to walk around the confrontation of the girl's father to the guy and finds a tree and sits down as she slowly takes off her blood red jacket's hood and sighs-


-Pulls out a book called Lunira's Torcher and reads-
A large sigh comes from the father, still very young vampire he wasn't even scared. "Wow you must be a psycho, your going to defend your insane daughter. How about you teach her better she can't even control herself." He laughed and walked away from the over sensitive man. He noticed the girl heading to the tree. He walked over to her. "What ya reading?" Not even worried about the man.
-Looks up from the book then takes her hand off of the cover and shows it to him and then walks away to another tree and sits back down and keeps on reading.-
Flower stopped for a moment and stared at Julian. "You're a hundred years old? Over a hundred?" She walked over poking at him. "Dude....weird..." She said and then crossed her arms looking at him. "I'm sorry about that." She said patting his shoulder. "Parents can be over protective..:take my dad for a example. He trained me till I felt like I was falling apart and then did it again because he doesn't your kind. He believed it was a vampire who killed my mother...but I won't hold it against you." She said and then hit him really hard. "Now I won't hold it against you." She said laughing.
"Ehh.. So that really does happen" She said with a little bit of surprise though it didn't show on her face "No wonder your skin is still so sensitive" She added with a nod. She then glanced at Flower, she really took their existence pretty well, well after all it seemed her father had talked to her about them though if he disliked vampires she doubted it would be any good things at all.
-Looks behind herself to see him following and she stands up and tucks her book away into her backpack.-

-Looks at him with seriousness- What do you want? :mad:

(May I join? If so, here are my forms. Sorry if the pics take a while to come up).

Username: Poisoned.Huntress

Name: Jennifer Dowd

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Human or Vampire?: Human

Personality: Generally caring, emotional, affectionate, loyal and fairly sweet. She has her sarcastic or joking moments and is usually quite gentle and understanding. More than anything, she wants 1. To become a vampire and 2. To have someone that deeply and truly loves her.

Crush/Bf/Gf: None so far.

Other: She usually wears skinny jeans or dresses; she loves to layer and decorate her clothes to make them more unique. She tends to wear either boots or canvas shoes and wears a silver key necklace around her neck, featuring an emerald.



Username: Poisoned.Huntress

Name: Mason Revona

Age: 182 (He appears 16)

Gender: Male



Human or Vampire?: Vampire

Personality: He is described as outgoing and flirtatious, but at the same time, mysterious and private. He sometimes comes across as dark, whilst on other occasions, he is seen as calm and friendly. He can be extremely sweet and has no problem with commitment or relationships.

Crush/Bf/Gf: None so far.

Other: He tends to wear fairly casual clothes. Eg.; Jeans, hooded jackets, ordinary shirts. He only really wears one pair of shoes - his black/white pair of ankle high canvas shoes. Most of the time the colours he's found in are navy, black, white and grey.

"Ow!" Julian rubbed his arm after Flower punched him. "I just told you I'm weak!" He whined, but wasn't exactly angry. She had a strong punch. He turned to Celes when he heard her comment about his pale skin. "Yeah probably, guess me and mr.umbrella are gonna have to stick together until I finally get used to sunlight."
-looks at him waiting for an answer as her eyes flare to flame colors (when she starts to get pissed off) and then they stop and turn back to green- never mind, you are not worth my time -walks away with her backpack slung on her left shoulder and its strap on the left shoulder and sighs and calms down as she hums to herself-
-goes to a forest and sits down next to a tree and bumps the tree with her elbow and an apple falls down and she catches, eats it, and then sighs to think about her day- Who was that guy and what did he want? -throws the apple core into the woods and gets out her drawing book to draw a bird.-
-sees a girl pass by to go toward the lake and keeps drawing her bird picture and it looks almost exactly like the bird. She finally finishes up the feathers on the wing and then gets up to walk over near the lake to look at its beautiful waters when she bumps into the girl on accident and drops her drawing book to the page were she drew the bird- Oops. s-sorry -gets down and picks up her drawing book- Sorry about that -starts to walk away to the lake-

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