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Fantasy Valakerra Academy of Magic Abilities (Open and Accepting)

I nod slowly and frown, chewing on my lip softly before sighing, speaking with a shrug, "Sorry, I don't have anything else to suggest that might help."

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"It's alright, I actually only came here to escape from my house. I didn't expect my powers to grow." She said while biting her lip. She looked down on the ground while trying to return to her energetic self. "Maybe I really just wasn't supposed to be a fire user"

"Well even if you did just come here to escape, and I won't ask why, I understand, your powers might grow anyway. So from your perspective, it's a win-win situation." I say flashing a supportive smile, uncomfortable around saddened or depressed people or situations. Trying to steer this away from that sort of conversation or atmosphere

"You are totally right!" Valerie said while smiling. "So why did you come here anyway? You obviously have great skills." She asked and quickly added "You of course don't need to tell me."

"Well I didn't actually tell my aunt how skilled was, and in turn she didn't tell the school. So basically he teachers think I'm crap with my abilities." I say before laughing, a small smirk on my face as I imagine the teachers surprise when they find out
"Get a room you two," He flicked his chestnut hair out of his chocolate eyes and flew up into the air. "The name's Harrison by the way. Harrison Hunter."
"Well I'm obviously going to mess with them and other students before they find out, at this point they don't know that I have control, so therefore they have no way and tracing it to me." I say shrugging with another laugh

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The bag weighing him down finally slipped and he managed to fall face-first towards the ground. He woke up with a jolt. He groaned and rubbed his temples before swearing very audibly. He could feel warm blood gushing out of his nose and had to block it with his hand so it didn't go into his mouth. He thought about wiping the blood on his shirt but decided against it. He used his forearm to try and wipe away the blood but on succeeded in smearing it along his face and arm. He sighed in annoyance, "That's the last time I use that sleeping position in a tree." He could still feel the blood flowing from his nostrils. I hate nosebleeds, he thought.

(@ the people who aren't in a roleplay scene right now.)
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"Well well, looks like you have it all planned out. Just don't drag me into it alright?" She said and gave away a big smile. "You know what, I think I'm in need of some fresh air. If you don't mind I'll just step outside for a bit." Val said in a almost polite way. She really couldn't shake of the Dragonscale behavior that she was thought even though she swore never to be anything like her parents. She felt really hot today probably because she wore a long sleeved black turtleneck and a pair of long denim jeans.

She always wore something that covered her arms as she had a huge burn mark covering the most of her back and left arm plus a couple of other minor scars. The burn scar was from when she was 10 years old and her father had tried to teach her some simple magic spells but as he was growing impatient with her he threw a long fire whip against her back expecting her magic to work under pressure. But instead she was left with a huge burn on her shoulder and her father whom just called for some maids not even feeling sorry for her.

Val walked past Artemis and out the door taking in a few deep breaths of fresh air.

"Care if I join? I got nothing to pack that isn't packed already and there's really nothing else to do." I say with a chuckle following beside her, not waiting for a response.

"Sure sure" Val said while looking around Valakerra's front yard. She didn't like the heat but loved the outside since she felt more free and able to breath. Valerie ran down onto the grass and twirled around a couple of times.

"Yup!" Val shouts as she throws her self on the soft grass her long hair spreading everywhere on the ground. "Don't you just love being outdoor? It feels like you can go anywhere just as long as you're not inside."

I laugh again walking over to her, sitting down next to her. Making sure I don't sit on any hair, "I don't really care where I am as long as it's not boring."

Val turned her head looking up at Artemis "So you wouldn't mind being locked up as long as you had a jester to entertain you?" She asked in disbelief.

"Hmm, right. What if I told you I have the power to close your portals?" Val said waiting for a reaction, she could actually do it just not as easily as people who actually was born with that power.

"I'd call bull, no offense but you can barely make a puff of smoke. Cancelling someone else's abilities seems a tad bit out of your league. Why ask?" I ask glancing down at you with an eyebrow raised

A cheeky smirk spread across Val's face as she sat up straight. "Well, it ain't bull. Make one of your portals, I'll close it in less that ten seconds or I'll grand you one wish." She was being a bit too confident again, sure she would be able to close it but not that fast although she was never gonna admit it without giving it a try.

I shake my head laughing, then smirking as I look at the space in front of us, creating a ten foot tall and eight foot wide wide fluctuating rectangular portal, it's colors rapidly shifting from one color to the next. All colors from every memory I can think back to will have shown in the portal in twenty seconds. "I'm ready for that wish, but go ahead and try to make it disappear."

Val looked at the portal in shock wanting to shout at Artemis for making it too hard she instead began concentrating on closing down the power inside the portal. She closed her eyes and sensing the magic behind it. Her red hair slowly started to lift up into the air like she wash touching something with great static power. The portal in front of them slowly began closing down until nothing was left. "Se I did it!" She said almost sounding surprised herself. What she didn't think about was the fact that it had taken her 10 minutes not 10 seconds.

I raise an eyebrow looking at you with a smirk, leaning back on my hands, "Yeah, you closed the portal, tell me, how long did it take to you?"

Val then looked at Artemis in defeat while saying "Over 10 second right..." she sighed as she added "Then what is thou wish sire?" she said in a giggly tone.

I bite my lip thinking, then speaking after a minute, "I think I'll save it for later, can't think of anything right now."


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