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Fantasy Valakerra Academy of Magic Abilities (Open and Accepting)

"Yeah, that isn't happening. That wish will occupy my free time as I think about what I want." I say chuckle as I lay back, resting my head on my hands

"Sure sure. A promise is a promise." She said enjoying the soft feeling of the grass. "As long as it's reasonable which it probably isn't since we're talking about you" she said as she laughed.
"I guess I have haven't I?" I ask with a small smile, nudging her arm with my elbow


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Smiling she just lay still while breathing slowly enjoying the wind. "So how old are you even?" Val knew it was a rude question but she didn't really care about being polite anymore.

"Hehe." Gallahad snickered. She may be amused now, but at first, she was absolutely pissed at the snowy boy, to the point where she even considered Tōhoko'ing his ass into oblivion after he'd released the gravity-trap-thingy, when she'd realized that Valeria was there. She didn't want to hurt her only acquaintance of course, so she relented.

For now. Maybe she'll have time later.

The stubborn mage shifted into a more friendly pose when a voice inquired of her health,
"I'm fine," She said, giving a nasty yet barely noticeable glare to the boy that 'grounded' her, "I may need to destroy a continent after that, I suppose." The nomad took a deep breath to try and relax herself. She was joking, of course, she can only level a small town at best, but she'd read about her ancestors moving an entire country from continent to continent. Maybe if I'm old enough, she thought wistfully.

"I'm Gallahad Malone by the way, the pleasure's all mine." She turned to the source of the voice, apparently it was the toy bear speaking. Shook decided to just roll with it and smile at both in greeting. She was still on the earthboard, so it made her seem taller than the other girl. This made her feel good.

@Crimson Night @Ethan Hart @JessieCarrie
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Richard was tired of waiting for this trip to begin. Everyone was just talking to each other, as if they had known each other for years. So friendly. Yes, so pathetic. With a sigh, Richard slid his hand into his hair and looked at the ground, mumbling to himself. Jeez, how much longer?
"Excuse me, c-class. It's t-time to go," called out the timid voice of a young teacher. It was Miss Combs. She ran around trying to gather up the students but only succeeded in getting ignored. Headmaster Durham sighed as he watched the teacher's pitiful attempt at rounding up the students. He straightened his body and cleared his throat, "Get in the coach, you maggots! It's time for the trip." The whole school managed to fit into one coach because not many people attended Valakerra.

The coach ride was quite long, it was obvious that the school was going somewhere far away. The headmaster stood up one more. He clapped twice sharply to get the students' attention. "It seems that some of you have been doubting me when I said we would be visiting the most powerful magic users on the planet. Why would I lie about something to make you happy, you idiots? We're going to the countryside to meet up with the Circle of Ironfell Ability-Users. That's right, the ones famous for having godly power," he said in a slightly venomous tone. "They remind me of you guys. Both of you can destroy continents, only they do it on purpose," he seemed to be directing this to a few students.

Finally, the coach arrived at it's destination. The students poured out of the door, happy to finally stand up after six hours of sitting. Two men exited from a rather large cottage. One had a face filled with kindness while the other was swathed in a black cloak and didn't even bother to look up to face the students. "Welcome, welcome! I'm Mr. Abernathy!" said the cheery man, "It's so nice to have you all here! It's rather late so I'm afraid we'll have to start the training next morning. Most of you will probably sleep soon, so it won't be long!"

Then the cloaked man spoke on and on about rules, some students even fell asleep during his speech. Finally, without introducing himself, he turned on his heel and walked towards the big cottage. Some students started to run towards the building before being stopped by headmaster Durham. "Ah, ah, ah," he waggled his finger, then he pointed towards a grassy clearing, "Hope you brought sleeping bags." He smiled smugly before disappearing into the cozy cottage. Miss Combs looked at the students guiltily. She unpacked her bag and gave some of the students blankets and warm jumpers before scampering into the house.
"Dumb school!" Val shouted looking at the field where they were supposed to sleep. Of course she hadn't brought a sleeping bag and was forced to sleep on the blanket kind miss Combs had given her. Spreading the blanket out on a free spot she simply sat down on it her starring at the cottage as if wanting to burn it to the ground.
Stretching as he stepped off the coach, Richard let out a sigh, feeling his body being able to move once more. "Damn that sucked! They put me on that thing for hours without warning? To meet who? These losers?" Richard clenched his fists and felt the anger build up. It didn't help that these powerful ability users didn't look like anything special, nor did they act the role. And then came the last bit of news. "You're kidding me, right?"

Hitting the blanket away, he looked at the teacher. "I don't need your charity, and I never will. Don't pity me, you poor excuse for a teacher!" Turning away, Richard sighed and walked over to a free space and laid down on the ground. Richie would tough it out without any help.

I watch the teachers introductions and rules with bored and uninterested eyes. Then shrugging and walking over to the cloest tree and throwing my backpack onto the ground. Sitting next to the tree and leaning against before closing my eyes with a sigh as I mumble under my breath, "I don't need your training... what I need is a proper place to sleep..."
Looking up at the night sky, Richie got bored. Bored of doing what the teachers said. Bored of holding back. Bored of just staying still. Standing up, Richard began to stray from the group, yawning as he walked. Nothing to do, as he expected. With a sigh, Richard strolled into a nearby forest. He listened to the wild life and watched for rabbits and birds, flying across the few patches on the ground that were lit up by the moon above, creating a silvery flooring. A soft breeze rolled on by, making the trees dance in rhythm with the blades of grass and the wild flowers surrounding the stumps. And above, stars illuminated the sky as clouds floated by, changing shape many times. It would have been beautiful...if he wasn't on the school trip.
As Valerie sat on her blanket she looked around to see all the other students falling asleep. Feeling very annoyed and with no grown-ups around the simply stood up and kicked her blanket away while groaning loudly and then stormed towards the forest nearby. She didn't really know why but the just needed some fresh air and the forest seemed to be the best choice for that. While walking around she concentrated not to trip on all of the tree roots that was covering the ground, you would think with such powerful people living in the area they would make a pathway through the forest but apparently not.

Hearing a sound from somewhere in the distance Valerie looked up from the ground and before she could react she fell down a deep hole. When she regained her consciousness she became aware of her situation beginning to scream for help. "HEY! Someone is trapped here! Please help me!" she kept on shouting hoping someone would notice her.
Closing his eyes as he slowed his walk, Richard could feel his heartbeat slow down as he relaxed himself. Maybe this wasn't so bad. He had no one to stre-too late. Someone was calling for help. With a sigh, Richie walked towards the weirdly familiar voice. As the boy got closer, he could tell who it was. With a smirk, he sped up.

Staying silent, he arrived at hole and looked down, seeing red hair. 'Yup, thought so.' Closing his eyes, Richard focus on the girl and then the force of gravity repelling her instead of attracting her. The girl began to lift up out of the whole and Richard smirked. "Well, if it isn't Red. How are you? Good? I've got some real dirt on you now..."

As soon as Val was out of the hole she immediately hugged Richard. She had tears in her eyes as being held up in that hole felt like being locked in her room all over again. After a couple of minutes she realized who her savior was and quickly backed away a few steps while wiping her tears off of her cheeks. "T-thank you. A-and shut up! Y-you b-better not tell anyone about t-this." she managed to say while her whole body was shaking.

@Ethan Hart
I walked into the school doors, I was late. I fubled and fell on the floor.

'You ok?'

Ghosty floated above me and help me up.

'Yep, I'm ok'

i said shakily. Me and Ghosty can talk to each-other with our minds.

I moved my sword with my mind. It fell out of it's shaft when i fell. Ghosty rearanged my cloak as i ran to class room C. I wanted to be in C so i could move by my self to A but i wanted to be at a lower level first so i could gain experience of being at school and not being taught things by a maid.

'I wounder who my teacher is and who my classmates are?'

'I don't know, all i know is that you are late to school. It's like, the third day of school and you are even late to do with time too!'

"I know but remember. I was studying on how to make friends! You know i only have you as a friend!'

'Yeah i know, but, still. You have never been to a school and being late on the first day is bad enough but even coming late on like the third day of school is even worse!'

I frown as i finaly get to class room C. It was empty. I fell on the floor about to cry.

'Hey, Alice look at this!'

I walked over to where Ghosty was.

'It's a flyer! It says people are going to a school trip!'

'Really? How can i get there now!'

I start to cry.

'Don't worry! I can fly remember I'm a ghost! And i can only touch you or touch people i want to posses! So i can fly you there in no time!'

Ghosty lifted my up and carried me outside into the air. It felt nice flying. The breeze hitting my face softy.

I could see all the students walking (or in a coach but i don't know where we are up to?). Ghosty flew down and dropped me off. She walked with me as we went to the headmaster.

"Sorry i'm late! I accidently slept in!"

I bowed in apology.

Marcus sat cross-legged on the grassy clearing. He wasn't sleeping, he had already slept on the bus. All he did now was just sit and stare somewhere into the distance as if he was waiting to fall asleep. His shirt was still stained with the blood from his nosebleed earlier, it looked like he didn't really care about it. It probably looked a bit unhygienic to the other students, the blood had already turned brown. Due to his ability, he sensed that someone was in danger but the alarm bells in his head soon died down. They were probably saved or something, he thought to himself.

He sat there for quite a while. He was bored. He silently wished that someone would come and talk to him. He raked his fingers through his hair and sighed in frustration.
Taken back from the hug, Richard lost his smirk for a few seconds and went a light shade of pink. Gulping, me shook his head to recover. However, his face couldn't return to his pale normal colour in time for Valarie to see once she backed away. "Well...I won't tell anyone about that last bit..." With a smirk, Richie continued. "But you in a hole? Hmm....I'll let it slide. I don't want to be a ruler no one likes..."

Val felt her heart skip a beat as Richard mentioned he would let it slide. As she cleared her throat while trying to calm herself and stop shaking she looked away for a bit before saying "You being a ruler and even someone liked by the people." she scoffed slightly as she returned her gaze to him still shaking. "However I owe you one seeing as you did help me out of that hole."

@Ethan Hart
*walks in nervously, a huge scythe on my back and a brisk, cold winds seems to surround me
"You are excused"

I bowed again and walked embarrassed away.

'Don't worry,' Ghosty started to hug me, 'it's ok you can calm down.'

I sat on the floor and took a deep breath.

'I'm ok now'

I got up and walked around.

'Just in case you should turn invisible'

I turned invisible, i walked around and saw a girl with a big black syth. I walk up to her.


I say quitely as I turn visible again.


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