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Fantasy Valakerra Academy of Magic Abilities (Open and Accepting)

"Me? I simply looked at her!" Richard protested, turning his back on the girl. Now looking at Val, he shook his head. "I didn't do it! How dare you accuse me of doing this when you have no evidence! I should punish you for this." With a sigh, he began to walk away. "Well, you're fire, right? Warm us up. Or, should I leave...make it simpler?"

@Trust @JessieCarrie
Val shot Richard a harsh look "You know I can't use my powers." She said and then looked away "Not even under pressure." her hand moved up to her shoulder where the burn scar from her father's rage started. She then looked up in with a slight smile "But I might be able to remove the cold breeze from around us, however I need to concentrate then. So keep your distance unless you want it to be cold."

Valerie then closed her eyes focusing her power to remove magical spells around where they stood. breaking down the magical cold breeze little by little their surroundings slowly returned to a normal summer night temperature. However in order to keep it this way she kept focusing on the magical breeze to not get near them.

@Ethan Hart @Trust
The distortions disappear and i give you both a mix of a look between terror and curiosity as my usual cool breeze seems to fade, i immediately feel far too warm and go deathly pale. "...t-too warm..." I say before fainting

@Ethan Hart @JessieCarrie
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Trust said:
*yelps and jumps for cover, my winds seem to go to a sub-zero temperature
"Sorry that i scared you"

I say as i curl up starting to cry on the floor.

"I didn't mean to"

'It's ok'

I feel Ghosty hugging me from behind.

'It will be ok'

I look up. I see the girl with the syth on the floor.

'What do i do?'

'Just try to heal her or something'


I move near the girl and franticaly try to wake her up.
"Um ok"

I ran to a near by water source and moved it over her.

'Thank god for you moving objects ability'

Ghosty watched in awe.

I spilt the freezing water over her so she wasn't so warm. I was still being frantic about her condition.
Valerie sensed something was wrong since the magic breeze kept persisting to come back as if it needed to be there. She quickly opened her eyes and the cold hit them once again. "Odd." She whispered and pulled her sleeves over her hands trying to keep them warm.

Her eyes then shifted to look at Richard and she said "Sorry Pale, I think we're gonna have to freeze until morning." She then grabbed a couple of blanket's from the ground and handed him one "However we have these right?"

(I'm a bit confused to whether we're back at the camp spot but I just figured we were.)

@Ethan Hart @Trust @Phoenix Dixon
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I mumble a little before struggling up. "W-why am i wet?" I ponder aloud, before looking at the strange person holding a now empty cup. "T-thanks... F-for saving m-me... T-that is..." I mumble before noticing that my magic wasn't failing anymore. "I-i should be fine now" i say, my face going a faint pink, embarassed that i had fainted on my first day. @JessieCarrie @Phoenix Dixon @Ethan Hart
"I didn't get one, I do not take charity." Richard looked around at everyone. "So, you need your magic on constantly? Must be tiring. We should be able to fix that..." Rubbing his chin, the boy began to think of something, but ended up with nothing. "Oh well, a little cold never hurt anyone. Just try to keep it at this level. I don't hit girls, but using magic on them is an exception, hint hint." With a smirk, he turned to the girl who had came last. "And who may you be?"

@JessieCarrie @Trust @Phoenix Dixon (Basically, we are back. Like, it's in view.)
"Well of course I need to use it constantly it's only something I learned since my grandmother was born with the power but it stopped with her." She said looking over at the camp "So yeah, I have the ability but can never quite master it. Just like my fire magic." Val sighed a bit before mumbling to herself "Even though it's the power I was supposedly born with."

Her eyes shifted between the ground and the small group of people. "I'm very sorry for troubling you." her mouth formed a friendly smile sitting down beside the young girl. "I had no idea that it was important for you to stay cold."

@Ethan Hart @Trust @Phoenix Dixon
I curl up, embarassed a little. "You didn't know... It's okay." I mumble into my knees. I stare at the ground, not wanting to look her in the face, sad that noone liked the cold as she does.
Marcus sat cross-legged on the grassy clearing. He wasn't sleeping, he had already slept on the bus. All he did now was just sit and stare somewhere into the distance as if he was waiting to fall asleep. His shirt was still stained with the blood from his nosebleed earlier, it looked like he didn't really care about it. It probably looked a bit unhygienic to the other students, the blood had already turned brown. Due to his ability, he sensed that someone was in danger but the alarm bells in his head soon died down. They were probably saved or something, he thought to himself.
He sat there for quite a while. He was bored. He silently wished that someone would come and talk to him. He raked his fingers through his hair and sighed in frustration.
Sketchy was curled up in a ball under one of the blankets Miss Comb has given out, silent except for an occasional raspy snore. He woke up, then spent a few moments trying to move into different positions. When all of them failed to be more comfortable, he stood up, with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and walked around the clearing, looking for a better place.

As the goblin walked, he noticed someone sitting up, so he went over and knelt down on the grass, not far from him. Sketchy stared at the bloodstain on his shirt for a while, then asked, "What in the name of the Great Fungus happened to you?"

I start to calm down a bit but still sit alert looking at everybody from behind the camp fire (i ran away after I helped the girl with the syth).

'What do I do?'

'Just sit down, and sing your lullaby'

I sat down at looked at the girl with the syth who was sitting at the camp fire with some other people. I started to look at the objects I had unconciously started to move. Some of the left over water started to move and dance in the shape of wolves. It started to calm me down even more. I stated to sing the lullaby that Ghosty told me that always goes with the pictures of the dancing wolves made with water which get bigger and bigger as I sing till they become life sized... I start to sing...

"The grass, glows, in the moonlight.

The water, sings, a happy tune.

The people dance, happily.

But no one is happier than I"

I kept singing...
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Xylch said:
Sketchy was curled up in a ball under one of the blankets Miss Comb has given out, silent except for an occasional raspy snore. He woke up, then spent a few moments trying to move into different positions. When all of them failed to be more comfortable, he stood up, with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and walked around the clearing, looking for a better place.
As the goblin walked, he noticed someone sitting up, so he went over and knelt down on the grass, not far from him. Sketchy stared at the bloodstain on his shirt for a while, then asked, "What in the name of the Great Fungus happened to you?"

Marcus suddenly snapped out of his daydream. He looked at the strange-looking boy sitting next to him. Marcus looked down at his shirt and had a bit of a confused look on his face. Then he remembered how it had gotten bloody. "Oh, this?" he said in a monotone voice, "I had a nosebleed earlier and didn't have anything to wipe it on." He stared at the goblin in front of him. He didn't care if it seemed rude, he was just interested in this creature he had never seen before. I've heard of them, he thought, but I've never actually met one.
Sketchy did not seem to be bothered at all by having Marcus stare at him. "Looks like it was kind of a bad one. Did you run into something or did someone hit you or did you just sneeze too hard or what?" The goblin rubbed his own flat nose with one hand. "Never had one myself. Guess this isn't the type of nose that bleeds very easily." He grinned and added, "Oh yeah, I'm Sketchy Boggs. This is a pretty exciting way to start school, isn't it?"

The wolves began to get bigger untill life sized. I started to pat them as I started to sing louder...

"The grass, glows, in the moonlight.

The water, sings, a happy tune.

The people dance, happily.

But no one is happier than I"

The wolves started to howl as I continued to sing.

@Trust @Ethan Hart @JessieCarrie
"I was sleeping on a tree. Then I fell face-first and got a nosebleed. There was quite a lot of blood." He nodded, "It must be nice to not be able to get a nosebleed easily. They're annoying." Marcus raked a hand through his hair. His name is Sketchy? he thought, how wierd. "Well, my name is Marcus," he said, not bothering to mention his last name.

Val smiled a bit wider. "But I really am terribly sorry." she said again before standing up and turning to look at how Richard was doing. "How are you coping with the cold?" she asked and smiled at him. She felt a little bit less angry at him now that he technically saved her life and her heart had begun to react differently around him but she just thought it was the aftermath of the shock she'd gotten.

@Ethan Hart @Trust
Laying down, he looked over to Valarie and smirked. "Well, I can't lie, it is cold. Nothing too harsh for me though. But, you'll warm me up right? I done that for you earlier..." Smirking even wider, Richard sighed. "You doing alright with it Red?"

When he mentioned the thing about him warming her before her smile disappeared and her usual red cheeks came back. "I-I'm just fine." she stuttered. After clearing her throat and trying to cool her cheeks down with her palms she sat down not too far from Richard and wrapped the blanket around her still slightly flustered at that comment.

@Ethan Hart
Whether the students had slept or not, it was now a new day. It was early morning. Led by the headmaster, a string of adults came out of the comfy cottage's door. The headmaster stretched his arms and yawned very audibly, "Wow! Such a nice sleep in a fluffy, warm bed," it was obvious that he was bragging to the students. Miss Combs quickly scuttled from student to student, collecting the blankets and coats she had given to them.

When all the students gathered the headmaster declared, "All of you are so lucky to start your training with six of the seven most pow-"

The kind-faced man from yesterday interrupted the headmaster, "You mean seven out of seven."

The headmaster looked back and scanned the six adults behind him, "What? Who's the seventh-"

"A-anyway! Let's c-continue with the first lesson!" interrupted Miss Combs. Then she fixed her gaze to the ground and didn't lift her eyes.

The headmaster looked confused. Then he shook his head and continued, "Well then, Mr. Abernathy here," he pointed at the man with a kind face, "Will be taking charge now. Mr. Abernathy, over to you." Then Mr. Abernathy turned, leading headmaster Durham, the other five most powerful ability users, Miss Combs and the students towards what looked like a cave.

Normally, the cloaked man would have been happy to go to the training centre. However, he was extremely grumpy. Someone thought it would be funny to turn his bed into a living creature. The bed ended up sleeping on him instead of the other way round. On top of that, one of the students accidently caused a minor earthquake that he had to stop and another student disintegrated all of their friend's bones, there was still a motionless blob sitting idly in their small infirmary. He was so grumpy that if one thing angered him, he would lose his cool.
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Richard left Val to herself after she moved in closer. Why she sat so close was none of his concern. But, the rest of the night was terrible. After making her go red, the cold finally hit him and he was feeling it in the morning. Sniffling as he listened in, he sneezed once the speech had finished. As he approached the cave, he smirked before sniffling. "Well, did we get the weakest one to be our teacher, or the dumbest one? Maybe both..."

@Lefic @JessieCarrie
While stretching out on the way into the cave the red head yawned loudly and continued her walk like a zombie. She had gotten almost no sleep yesterday because of all the trouble she had caused herself. Looking around at all of the students she decided she might as well introduce herself to someone new as her only real acquaintance right now was Richard. After a while and a couple of yawns later she spotted a black haired guy who seemed quite nice.

She quickly walked over to him and nudged him with her elbow. "So what do you think they're gonna teach us?" Valeria said and smiled at the boy. "Oh, sorry where are my manners. I'm Valerie Dragonscale. Nice to meet you." She said and held a hand out to greet the tall guy.


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