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Fantasy Valakerra Academy of Magic Abilities (Open and Accepting)

"You don't think that's possible?" Richard remarked with a laugh before continuing. "Well, I mean, you obviously already like me. A hug is a show of affection after all." With a smirk, he turned from the girl and sighed. "You do owe me on though. Let's see. Make me your king? Nah...too low status. God? Well, maybe. It's going to be some form of authority however."

Taking a quick glance back to Red, a small and ever so fast look of concern formed. "You're still shaking?" Laughing to himself as he shook his head, Richie turned around and placed his hand on her forehead. "Do you have a fever or something?"

"Dream on boy." She said while forcing a laugh. "I-I thought you were someone else that's why I hugged you." Val said obviously lying.

As Richie began talking nonsense about him being her god and everything her shaking slowly got worse. She didn't feel good with her having been trapped and all. Countless memories of her being locked in her room flashed before her eyes.

Val was beginning to feel a bit dizzy but kept trying to shake the thoughts away. As soon as Richie placed a hand on her forehead she froze. She looked up at him blushing slightly.

@Ethan Hart
"And who may that someone else be? That other kid...what was his name? Apollo?" Looking down at the girl, he noticed her cheeks growing red by the minute. What had happened down there to have had this affect? "But, I'm hurt that you wouldn't date me, I really am." With a smirk, Richard realized why she was blushing...and it made the boy begin to do the same. 'Stop...It's...it's nothing...' He ordered.

"Come, we should get back to the group. You going to manage Red? Or will I have to be your knight in shinning armor once more?" Pulling back his hand, he waited for a reply while fighting off the red invading his cheeks.

"I-I'm g-good" Val stuttered as she began walking in a fast pace. She had noticed the red in Richie's cheeks and her own began blushing more. The red head didn't understand why she was blushing and it made her irritated. While being frustrated with her thoughts she forgot to look at the ground and tripped over one of the tree roots. Luckily she was able to lean on a nearby tree before falling.

"Auch!" She exclaimed as she looked at her foot seeing that it luckily wasn't hurt. Her dizziness became worse as she leaned on the tree and in the end she had to sit down in order not to blackout.

@Ethan Hart
"You sure?" He snickered, watching as she went a darker shade of red. 'Keep it together...' He told himself, failing. But, it was obvious she was getting frustrated. Once she fell, Richard quickly turned to see what had happened, looking down as she fell onto a nearby tree. "You okay?" He asked once more, crouching down next to her. "If I need to carry you, I will. I'm not having anyone's blood on my hands yet. As I said, I want to be kind ruler..."

"Huh, kind my butt..." she said slowly drifting off. "But sure, thank you Richard." She said in a soft voice before her eyes went shut. Val was feeling really warm do to her being stressed out by what had just happened. She was also not used to being outside in this breeze so that only made it worse.

@Ethan Hart
"Hmm?" As her eyes began to shut, Richard let out a sigh. "No problem Valarie." Then, she shut herself from the outside world, leaving him there alone. "Well...I need to bring her to shelter. It's only right. May even get a servant out of it..." With a few minutes gone, Richie had picked her up with next to little effort, thanks to his powers, and was heading back to everyone else. The only thing that concerned him was that others may get the wrong idea...

Valerie felt something warm against her body as if someone was carrying her. She smiled a bit while looking around in her dreamworld. She couldn't locate the source of the warmth but tried to grab it in her sleep when she found something that felt sturdy and warm she embraced it and did the same in the real world just in the real world it happened to be Richard who was the warm source.

@Ethan Hart
Richard didn't notice the girl wrapping her arms around him until it was too late. She had snuggled up to his chest and wouldn't budge... Going red in the face, Richard took in a deep breath. 'Come on...this isn't too bad. Should could literally nuzzle you. She could make it tighter or drag your head down! It's fine Richard!' Now, they were only a few minutes away from the group. What was the worst thing that could happen?

"So nice.." Val whispered in her sleep. She had already stopped shaking and was only sleeping. She dragged her head up to rest on his shoulder and her breaths hit his neck. While in dreamland she had no idea what was happening in the real world and simply felt like she was in a nice place. Her hair had spread everywhere but she didn't care, she felt nice and warm.

If she knew that it was Richard she was hugging and snuggling into she would probably have been shocked and pushed him away, but she was happily ignorant.

@Ethan Hart
Hearing these words, Richard tensed up and let her rest her head on his shoulder. Her warm breath hit his neck, sending shivers down his spine, yet at the same time made him feel relaxed. Her hair had engulfed his left side of his body, covering almost all of his chest and shoulder with no chance of it getting sorted any time soon. 'I...I need to end this...' He thought. 'Or, maybe I can keep this as a secret for me.' Not knowing what to do, he made his way out of the forest, holding Val.

*peeks out the window at the strange man carrying the unconcious woman with curiosity, the icy air surrounding me turning to a chill breeze once more

@Ethan Hart

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As the air got colder around the two, Richard's smirk grew to full size. "Hmm? Who may this be?" Looking around, he catches the girl who is doing this. "Show of abilities before anything else? Okay then..."

@Trust @JessieCarrie
Val still sleeping felt a cold wind hit her body as she quickly grabbed the warm source tighter. Her heart began to beat faster when suddenly in her dream Richard appeared. What are you doing here? she said in her dream I told you I'm god Richard replied in her dream. "Idiot." she said both in the dream and in the real world. Her face began to match the color of her hair yet again.

@Ethan Hart @Trust
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[QUOTE="Ethan Hart].
(Kinda meant caught a glance xD )

(Oh, sorry>~<)

*panicks and ducks beneath the window frame, out of sight
(It's all good, just needed to clear it up.)

As Val began to tighten her grip around him once more, Richard could no longer help but go a dark shade of red. Why? Why him of all people? He had an image to keep, and this wouldn't help. She then called him an idiot and went a shade of red once more. 'What is she dreaming about?' Looking back to the girl in the window, he smirked as she ducked out of sight. "Scared of a guy carrying an unconscious girl?"

@Trust @JessieCarrie
Loosening his grip on Valarie, he scanned the area once more. A blurred image was in the place of where the girl was before. "You think I need to see you to use my ability against you! Just to let you know before you decide to strike me."

@Trust @JessieCarrie
In Val's dream Richard said the same as in the real world and it confused her a lot. 'what the hell are you talking about?' she asked but received no answer. As she sighed in her dream and looked at the dream version of Richard she said 'Can you please leave? It was so nice and warm before you came here.' the dream version began to smile a very confident smile 'Now who do you think is the source of that warm feeling?' and then he disappeared. It took Valerie some time before understanding what he meant before she remembered asking him to carry her. "Shit." she exclaimed before opening her eyes and looking up at Richard.

@Ethan Hart @Trust
Hearing Valarie curse, he blinked before looking down at the girl. "Oh? Finally decided to stop suffocating me and wake up?" Richard asked, slightly flustered. "So, have good dreams? You called me an idiot in it I assume..."

@JessieCarrie @Trust
Releasing herself from Richard's arms she stood up looking at her with her cheeks burning red. As she cleared her throat she began trying to warm her arms while asking "Yes I did, and why is it so cold?" It was in the middle of the night but it shouldn't be so cold since it was summertime and there was no wind.

@Ethan Hart @Trust
"Why is a very good question." He remarked as he smirked. "But, you should be warm, with all that red in your face after all." With a sigh, Richie pointed over to the girl who was causing it. "I could stop it...but it's fun to watch them try and be intimidating."

@Trust @JessieCarrie
Val scoffed a bit before turning her eyes to where Richard was pointing. "Dear god, how much have you scared her?" She was concentrating on seeing through the blur and spotted a young girl "You really don't change" Val said looking at Richard with judging eyes, her red cheeks now gone.

@Ethan Hart @Trust

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