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Fantasy Valakerra Academy of Magic Abilities (Open and Accepting)

Amy frowned; Crap. I knew lying was a bad idea, she chastisised herself. "Well, um.. I um.. uh.. do you um want to see what my other power is?" she asked, praying that the change of subject would be subtle.

He looked up towards Amy, "Sure that'd be nice." He was grateful that she had chosen to change the subject. I wonder what her second ability is, he thought, hopefully, she might have more control over it than her other one. His clothes were still transforming back to normal. By now, he had knee-length trousers and the upper part of his costume was almost a long-sleeve shirt. The only things he liked about his magical girl costume was that he didn't have to wear heels.

Amy smiled, grateful that he had gone along with the subject change. "Okay... now, I've only been experimenting with this particular action, so it might not be that great," she warned him, then fixed her eyes on a space a few feet away. She concentrated on it, and envisioned tendrils of water sprouting up from the ground, and forming into a massive ball. She then smiled, and with a flick of her wrist, the ball froze into a sphere of glittering ice.


(ignore the tree part and imagine the ball about the size of a grown man)

By now, he was fully transformed into his normal clothes. Marcus got up from where he was sitting and walked towards the ball of ice. He pressed his hands against the cold surface. He turned around and looked at her, "You're way better at using this than your other power." He started to roll the ice-ball around, it was fun. He almost crushed his foot twice. He only stopped playing with the ball of of when his hands were shaking from the cold. He cupped his hands over his mouth and breathed hot air over them in order to warm them up. "I don't have any other abilities, I wish I did. Some people have such cool powers."

Amy smiled, and with a flourish, caused the ice to melt into a large puddle. With another wrist flick, it vanished, with not a trace of it left behind. "Thanks," she said. "Having two abilities is okay, but... it can get to be a lot sometimes. It's hard to control them sometimes. Or, if you're as unlucky as me, you can only control one, and get stuck with randomness because of the other one.

A lazy glance at a passerby's watch told Gallahad that she was late. That didn't seem to affect the earth mage as much as it would to other students, since she sat on the edge of her beloved 'earthboard', cruising at a rather dainty speed. Both her arms supported her head from drooping any further, in a manner that basically screamed 'i'm sleepy don't talk to me' to anyone nearby.

A few seconds of owlish blinking later, she assumed she finally arrived at her destination, what with all her peers carrying bags as well as walking towards the rather unimpressive building in front. Unimpressive, since it was absolutely
nothing compared to the structural wonders and engineering marvels her ancestors had created back home.

Home... She snorted, How alien that word is to me. Memories of the past started to resurface, but with a shook of her head, Gallahad dispersed the bad thoughts away. She shouldn't think of such negative thoughts right now, since it's the beginning of the school year. She should be happy right? New friends and a year's worth of fun experiences to come...

"How corny." Gal blurted out loud, before leaping off the aforementioned 'earthboard' with her satchel, landing on the ground with a thud.

A strong stomp buried the board, as well as fixing the fissures that came with dragging a large rock through the earth. The earth mage turned on her heels, and decided to follow what that book she once read said;

Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with a random stranger! The earth mage decided to do just that.

This redhead seems nice enough. And with that, she found her target.

"Hey, my name's Gallahad Malone." She greeted to the redheaded girl, "Who're you?" She bit her lip immediately after that. That was probably not the most subtle way to ask someone's identity, was it? The mage inwardly groaned, hopefully she won't come off as rude or anything.

A massive bell rung, interrupting what everyone was doing. It was the signal that the school day had finally started. The few teachers that hadn't quit or were injured by last year's events tried to guide the students into the school. This didn't stop some students from escaping but it meant that most of them were gathered in one place.

As the teachers led all of the students towards the hall, some of the newcomers where confused by their surroundings. There were fire extinguishers and fire blankets everywhere, they were lining all of the corridors and rooms; massive posters were hung everywhere, detailing what to do on everything from a small fire to the zombie apocalypse; there was at least one emergency exit per room, complete with glow-in-the-dark neon arrows pointing the way to them; footprints were painted on the ground, leading to the school's storm cellar; there were even life jackets and inflatable boats hanging from the ceiling. It seemed ridiculous but all of these things were a necessity for a school like Valakerra.

When they arrived in the main hall they were greeted by the sight of a weary old man, the headmaster. "Welcome, students. I see new faces and... a lack of old faces," the way he said this made it sound like he was implying a few people died last year. His voice droned on, it was obvious that he didn't really care about Valakerra or its students. "Me and your teachers have decided to reward the excellent, hard-working stu- Oh, I'll just cut the crap. We don't like you, putting our lives in danger by trying to teach you or getting in trouble with the government. How do you accidentally cause a tornado? How many times do we have to put you in detention before you stop causing tsunamis to hit the school- Yes I'm looking at you, Jennifer!" when he realised the students are staring, he cleared his throat, "Umm. My apologies, I got slightly sidetracked. Anyway, we'll be sending you on a trip to meet the most powerful ability users in the whole planet. Use the free time you have now to pack up your things, Miss Combs will take all of you to the destination at lunch time. Sadly, I'll have to come along to greet the ability users that we will be meeting."

After that, students who lived at the school went to their dorms to get some things together while others quickly ran home to gather up what they needed.

(As promised, the next post.)
Val looked up at the girl who had approached her and a confident smile spread across her face. "I am Valerie Dragonscale. And yes, one of those Dragonscale's!" She said while flicking her ruby red hair. "Nice to meet you Gallahad." She said less proudly and stretched out her hand.

But before the other girl could shake it, teachers began to push students inside the school.

As Val sat down on her bed in the new dorms she sighed slightly. It was almost like being trapped in another place all over, but she was going to get through it she thought to herself.

She then stood up and walked out of the girl dorms and continued down one of the hallways.

Richard tried his best to stay awake during the assembly. Honestly he did...would that fool anyone? Would anyone even really care? So far, all the teachers at the academy were rather boring, lifeless and frankly couldn't be asked. A perfect place to assert his dominance. Snoring loudly, Richie suddenly woke up at the word powerful. Sitting forward, he smirked. 'Most powerful ability user? And they aren't talking about me...Well, I have to see this.' Smirking through the rest of the lecture, Richard waited for it to finally finish. As soon as the headteacher shut his mouth, Richard stood up. "Well, this is great! I may meet someone worth my time!"

With a sigh, the boy walked out of the hall, scratching the back of his head and yawning, making sure everyone could see and hear him. Once he got out the door, his normal smirk grew wider, stretching across the whole of his face and making him look almost like the Joker. 'I must go pack...oh wait, I have nothing thanks to my good for nothing mother.'

Shizuka Kihara

Shizuka had arrived early at her new school, Valakerra Academy. Applying stitches to one of her injured plushies, she watched from a distance as all of the students arrived at their own paces. Monobear sat upon her head and examined each face. "I don't see anyone or anything interesting, yet." The words flew from he teddy bear's mouth as he watched a white-haired girl walk into a tree. "You won't be disappointing, Mono." As Shizuka finished up her sewing, she patted the little plushy on the head and gently placed her tiny companion in her bag. Most people would expect at least a book or two in a school bag, heck, even a pencil or pen, but it was full of dolls, plushies and stuffed animals. The second she looked up, she witnessed a boy her age cross-dressing. A small shiver went up her spine and found its way out of her mouth. Shizuka couldn't stop herself from laughing at this odd boy. Monobear witnessed as her eyes had turned a light shade of gray, but ignored it as he lightly snickered himself. Her eyes always changed colors along with her emotions and Monobear, being with her since four years old, memorized what each color meant. Soon after, a group of teachers swept all the students into the building like they were objects. With a slight smile and the color in her eyes once again blue, she jumped off of a high platform. "Shall we go Mono?" The bear climbed off of her head and planted his little feet on Shizuka's shoulder. With a slight nod of his head, the duo made their way inside the school. Their eyes bounced from fire extinguisher to fire extinguisher. They probably needed as many things they could get their hands on to prevent some deaths, but she could immediately tell that teachers at this school didn't have interesting abilities if they were this scared of the students. Although Shizuka's intentions on attending this school were unknown, she treated a small part of this as a field trip to gain new powers. The teacher's lounge would probably not be a good place to start. The students were led into a room only to listen to the headmaster ramble on about how dangerous these teenagers were. Getting a bit bored, both Monobear and Shizuka pretended to yawn with a tired look across their faces. But, both of them perked up ever so slightly at the mention of "the most powerful ability user in the whole planet." She could tell that this statement was an exaggeration, but it probably wouldn't be a waste of her time. Shizuka didn't see herself as all that strong, but she knew she wasn't weak. It would be a perfect opportunity to test her abilities and hopefully snap this "powerful" ability wielder like a twig along the way. A smile formed upon her face; one that only showed malintent. She made her way outside and looked around at the students taking their leave.

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Yawning as he walked outside, Richard looked around at the students, trying to picture what abilities they all had. A tall, skinny kid? Well, probably something like the power over bones. A fat girl with ginger hair, wearing red? Well, little red riding hood could probably do something like turn into a bouncy ball. Bouncing Ball Gal! A blonde girl with red lip stick, standing with an evil grin on her face by herself scanning other people, much like him. Now she could have many abilities. Duplication, the smug types tended to have abilities such as those. She could be a copy cat, being able to copy someones look and powers, using people's strength against them. Heck, she could even have something stupid like control over toys.

Despite this, Richard walked over to the girl, smiling as if he wasn't phased...because he wasn't. No one, as far as he knew, could touch him. He was invincible here, possessing power much greater then everyone else. Plus, he needed to start small. Richie wanted to take over the school, but he wasn't naive enough to believe it would happen over night. No. Maybe one person at first. A small group? Then maybe, a class? Up to a grade and finally the whole school. And what better place to start then with someone who could go many ways.

Running his fingers through his silver hair, he stopped in front of the girl. "Well, see anyone you like? I mean, they aren't much, but subjects are subjects. We can't all be winners." With a smirk, he looked into the girl's eye. "Looking forward to meeting the 'most powerful ability user' of all time? I know I am, for a similar reason I believe you have."

@Crimson Night

Shizuka Kihara

Shizuka looked up at Monobear with a slight smile. "What now?" Both of them knew exactly "what now", but they were soon interrupted by a white haired boy. Her gaze focused on him as he called these people "subjects". She could tell he had some sort of God Complex going on. As he mentioned the powerful ability user, Shizuka could understand this boy a bit. Replacing her malicious expression with a friendly facade, she looked at the person standing before her. Although overly confident people that held themselves above all else weren't always strong, this could be a start. "And your name is?" Monobear examined the boy with loose clothes trying to figure out his power. Going through both of their heads, they thought he had control over something. For instance, people, thoughts even some sort of element. But, this was with the little information they had on him. Wondering if he was worthy of copying, she kept up her kind smile.

@Ethan Hart
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(Sorry for not joining in until now, busy day)

Artemis walks out of the building with the last few stragglers, taking a marble out of his pocket and opening a portal in his palm, the marble falling through and appearing underneath the foot of a kid running towards his bike. Most likely to go home and pack, but ending up falling onto his side a few feet away from a couple of kids standing around and talking about who knows what. The closet one to the fallen kid a boy with white hair, then in front of him a blond.

He readjusted the backpack over his shoulder as he walks over, laughing under his breath as he bends over and picks up the marble, pocketing it quickly.
"Careful where you're running from now on." I say holding back laughter as I help him up, chuckling under my breath as he nods in appreciation before running back over to his bike. Turning to the two other students Artemis waves with an obviously fake smile, "Hey there, how are ya?"
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"That Headmaster seems like a straightforward ass." Gallahad was not one to keep her opinions in check. Ergo she was the one that voiced hers quite loudly, so when the earthmage heard the Headmaster publicly shame a student, she immediately shouted out those words. Poor Jennifer. The faculty couldn't have heard it, not through the noise of the crowd. Gal didn't know if it would lead her into trouble.

Anyways, she was talking to this redhea--Valeria, her name was Valeria--when suddenly they were pushed into the school building, separating the two.

Right now, they were supposed to meet some powerful guys with powerful abilities or something at lunch time. She had nothing left to pack, so that was good. The earthmage didn't know where Valeria was though, she saw her pushed off in another direction, Tremor Sense didn't help her either, so she decided to find her by doing it in the fastest (and most reckless) way she can; Earthboarding.

"'Scuse me! Sorry--Hey, move!" The rock Gal had summoned was smaller than usual, but that didn't mean she can move through the crowd quickly without bumping into others, so the mage resorted to verbal warning. This was partly successful until she came across a trio of conversing students that didn't seem to hear her words.

"Earth mage coming through, move people." The girl announced. These people seemed to be an interesting bunch though.

@Ethan Hart @Crimson Night @Felix @JessieCarrie (mentioned)
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Artemis turns towards the sounds of someone yelling, the voice seeming to grow closer a lot quicker than it should have. Then seeing someone riding a sort of rock he immedieatly steps in front and starts waving his arms like people do when motioning for planes to lift off. Waiting until they were near before opening a dirt brown, completely rectangular portal. Obviously visible to anyone looking at from the front or back or even diagonal, but unnoticable if looked at the from the side. Then quickly turning to the opposite side of him and the other two students, waiting for the earth riding female to appear out of the invisible portal that served as the exit point for the brown portal.

@Crimson Night @Ethan Hart @XiaoWeiXiao
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Marcus sighed. He was probably the only one who wasn't looking forward to the trip. I don't really want to transform more than I have to, this morning was enough. He was aware that whenever he transformed, he would get so embarrassed that he would seem weak. it was impossible trying to act manly while in costume. He passed by an expanding group of students and briefly listened in before walking onwards.

He was home. "Hey mum! Field trip! Pack me something!" He was spoiled by his mother, she did everything for him. While his mother was getting his things, he casually chatted with his sister. When his mother came back down the stairs he grabbed the bag from herbandbslung it over his shoulder. He escaped through the door while his mother was still shouting pieces of advice to him.

Marcus was back at the school. He couldn't see the girl who he talked to earlier. He didn't try to find her, he was still embarrassed about what happened earlier. Instead, he climbed up a tree and was lying down on one of the brushes. He was just staring at people who were passing and listening in on conversations.
Richard met the girls gaze with his normal smirk. Suddenly, he looked down at the ground and tried to clear his smirk. He obviously failed. So, all he done was rub his fingers through his hair. Looking back up, he tilted his head to the left and answered. "My name is Richard. Do not call me Dick, I'll allow Richie." With a sigh, returned the question. "And who do I have the pleasure of talking to? I'm also talking about the bear..." Looking at the bear, he turned quickly as someone yelled out.

"Do you mind?" He asked, stretching his hands. "Pretty sure no one wants you to do that. Oh well, you'll be grounded..." Snapping his fingers, he increased the gravity just in front of the surfing girl to a point where no one with normal strength could move. "And now that that is done..." Turning back to the blonde, he smiled back at her. "I swear, people have no manners." @XiaoWeiXiao @FeIix @Crimson Night
Val spotted the girl she had been talking to before, Gallahad was her name. She also saw some brat using his magic on her just because she was trying to make her way around them.

"HEY! You there!" She shouted and pointed at the silver haired boy. "Let her go!" she said and stormed over to where he was standing.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Using your powers on a innocent student?" Then she turned to Gallahad and looked at her with worry.

@Ethan Hart @XiaoWeiXiao
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June sighed as she walked up to the school. "I wonder how long this will last before I lose control and get expelled." She sighs again and walks inside. She looks around for someone who can help her.
"Hmm?" He mumbled before looking over his shoulder, intrigued by the situation. "Who do I think I am?" With a smirk, he left the blonde to do what she wanted and grinned. "You dare ask me in such a tone? Hmph, well, I can't except everyone to have a good upbringing here. I'll entertain you for now, but when I get bored of this act, you'll know. Richard." Snapping his fingers once more, he let the girl go. "Happy now?" @JessieCarrie
Harrison quickly flew to his tree. He picked up the clothes he had lying around on the branches into his bag and slid it over his arms so it was on his chest. He flew back to the school and looked around at the students. "Socializing. Something I am not good at."
Valerie scoffed and looked at the silver haired boy who's name apparently was Richard. "You are a horrible entertainer." She said while crossing her arms. "Not happy, how can you treat people like that? I might say that it is you who needs to learn some manners, but I'm not sure you're capable of that."

@Ethan Hart
June walks around asking if anyone can help her. "Why would anyone want to help me?" She thought to herself sadly.
"Why thank you." Richard smirked. As the girl went on to lecture him, the boy laughed and watched her go on and on. "I have no manners? Well that may be true, it's obvious you don't have any either. Isn't it rude to not introduce yourself to someone who already has?" Shaking his head, Richard sigh. "Why are all the cute ones feisty?" He joked to himself. @JessieCarrie
Val smirked "Well alright then, I'm Valerie Dragonscale." she said and looked at him with er fierce green eyes. "And I would prefer if you didn't call me 'cute'" She said and shivered at the word. She disliked being called cute because it made her seem weaker. Plus the way he said it didn't really sound like a compliment.

@Ethan Hart

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