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Fantasy Valakerra Academy of Magic Abilities (Open and Accepting)

"Valerie Dragonscale? Nice last name, makes you sound scary..." Richard looked her up and down as she said not to call her cute. "But the cute look doesn't compliment it." The boy spat the words out at her before smirking once more. "Well, if you really do wish to teach some manners, I'll take the hard lesson, if you think you can." @JessieCarrie
"Fine with me" she said with a grin on her face. She knew she was bad but she always hoped that the next time she used her powers she'd be better. But since this boy looked to confident she decided it was better to embarrass herself another time. She then lifted her hand up high and slapped him. "That's for calling me cute twice." She then lifted her hand once more and was just about to hit him again.

@Ethan Hart
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What happened next was something Richard did not expect, and it was something that would set him off. Once the first slap connected, he was left speechless. Suddenly, the teen could no longer see or hear Val. No. Instead...

He was back at his mothers apartment.

Richard was watching as a grown man walked over to him, began shouting and spiting at Richard before clenching his fist. He wanted to open his mouth, he wanted to react, but he was frozen in place. Then, the man punched Richie's right cheek, before sending another one at his left. Richard still couldn't move, but he managed to get something out. "How....dare you!"

Snapping back to reality, what he said in his vision had been said out loud. Looking at Valerie, the boy's eye twitched with anger. "You just laid your hand on me..." Clenching his fist up, much like the adult in his dream, the gravity around Valerie increased. "You shall bow to me! On your knees! How dare you attack me..." True, he did say he would take the hard way, but he never imagined he would get hit. Never.

Val suddenly felt a great pull and she knew how to break out of this but the pull was so strong that she couldn't think. She also could hear by the way Richard talked that he was hurt by it. He obviously had some bad experience with getting hit and she knew the feeling of being treated badly. She looked up at him with her green eyes glowing with worry and regret. Maybe she was a bit too harsh this time.

Although the pull was strong and almost made her fall to her knees she was still standing but she wasn't able to let out a word since it would break her concentration.

@Ethan Hart
Watching as the girl struggled to stay on her feet, Richard couldn't believe this. "You still try to fight back?" Smirking, the boy walked over to her. "Sheer will power? You need to concentrate. But how to break it? Hmm...?" He could always increase the force he was exerting, but that would be no fun. He wished to tease the girl after putting her hands on him, serve her justice. Divine justice. Leaning in, he closed his eyes and went in for a kiss, not actually going through with it. This act should be enough to make her flustered at least. And that, even the slightest thing, would break her concentration...well, hopefully. Richard was counting on it. @JessieCarrie
As his face neared hers she immediately tried to back away forgetting about the gravity pull and the fell forward accidentally hitting his lips with hers on the way. Her face turned a bright red color almost identical to her hair. Her expression changed from flustered to angry multiple times.

@Ethan Hart
Richard jumped back and fell down on the floor, his ability stopping as he did so. "W-what the heck?!?" Flustered and hot, Richie looked up at the girl. "Why the hell did you do that! That wasn't my plan!" With a sigh, he tried to force his cheeks back to their normal shade of white. "Jeez..." Standing up, he wiped his trousers off. @JessieCarrie
"Trust me, it wasn't my intention." She said while standing up her face still glowing red. She wiped her mouth off and looked at him in anger again. She mentally punished herself for feeling sorry towards him for a second. He really was just a annoyingly cocky brat. "How dare you!" She said and went up close to him again pointing a finger at him directly in front of his face.

@Ethan Hart
"Sure acted like it!" Watching the girl continue to go red, Richard had calmed down already. Clearing his throat and adjusting his tie, he looked the girl up and down. Maybe he could use this to his advantage. "How dare I? Trust me, it wasn't my intention either." Now was around the time to play it off. "However, the outcome wasn't terrible. In fact, I'd say getting you to kiss me was much better then what I planned. You know you liked it, Red."

His silly nickname just made her even more flustered "Red?! Liked it!?" She scoffed loudly looking back at him. "You wish" She said and while analyzing him from head to toe. It wasn't like he was bad lookin-- wait what was she thinking she shook the though out of her head and put down her hand. "If it wasn't for the fact that we're standing indoors I'd have turned you into a running torch."

@Ethan Hart
With a snicker, he smirked and continued. "I mean, I liked it myself. It was just a surprise, that's all." Richard pretended to act hurt as she mentioned the fact that he wished it were true. "Red hair, red face...I'm going to call you Red from now on." Fire magic was apparently what she could do. "But if you were so great with your magic, you could control it. Hell, there are fire extinguishers everywhere in here. Maybe you aren't too good with your abilities..." @JessieCarrie
Feeling frustrated that she couldn't say anything that he couldn't turn around to his advantage she decided to try and use her powers. "Not being able to control huh?" she whispered in a angry way and threw her hand forward as if to cast a fire ball she was disappointed that all that came out was a little *puff* and some smoke. Her face turned pale again as she looked up on Richard awaiting humiliation.

@Ethan Hart
Richard blinked as the puff of smoke came out of Valarie's hand. He then stayed silence for a few seconds. "Well..." He mumbled to himself. "It's not the worst I've seen..." The boy thought it could be fun to see how much stronger this girl could become. She had potential, as she could even use magic to begin with. "So, next time, do what I did. Let all your anger out in one go. Feel the fire of violence die down as you force them out. Then, you would make an excellent subject." Scratching the back of his head, he turned away from her. "Eh, not saying you're on my level yet however..."

Valerie stood up straight looking at the boy in a confused way, why was he suddenly trying to help her? Then she got and idea, maybe he really was shy towards her because of the kiss. While smirking she slowly walked over to him leaning in and whispering in his ear "Have you already fallen for me?" she then leaned back out while enjoying the sudden turn of events.

@Ethan Hart
Artemis frowns in disappoint as no one exits the portal, turning to look at the suddenly grounded earth rider. Dissipating the portals with a wave of his hand before turning to the two people who seem to be arguing. Then raising an eyebrow with a smirk of amusement as their lips touch. Slowly pulling a marble out of his pocket and waiting. Watching with humor etched onto almost every inch of his face.
Richard flinched as he felt Val lean on him. As she pitched her idea, the boy went slightly red. Trying to hide it, he smirked and pushed the idea out. "No. I just want some competition in the school." With a smirk, he leaned in towards Valarie this time, returning her snarky comment. "Though, you can always admit your feelings for me." Grinning, he leaned back out and looked around. "Oh well."

Artemis tosses the marble from hand to hand as he watches the two students lean in and exchange whispers. Raising an eyebrow again as he watches the two closely, waiting still.
Rolling her eyes and turning around so fast her hair brushed against Richard's face. "Well, bye for now pale boy." with that she started walking away as she spotted a boy watching their argument. She walked over to him in a angry pace "See something interesting?" She said and raised a eyebrow at the boy.

@Ethan Hart @Felix
He blinks his eyes a couple times before chuckling, "Yeah, you and quicksilver over there." He says with a small nod to the pale silver haired student, "You two seemed to be having a interesting conversation, unfortunately I couldn't catch that last part, what was you two said?"

@JessieCarrie @Ethan Hart
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Richard blew some of her stray strands of hair out of his face with a pfft. "Sure, see you later I guess. Maybe I'll even tutor you?" With a smirk, he walked back outside, past the person who called him quicksilver. Sighing as he got outside, he looked at all the other students again. So, how many more won't know how to use their abilities? Probably everyone else there.
Valerie looked at the guy with a curious face "Does it even matter?" She asked. "Really it's nothing, I would rather like to forget it." She sighed and looked as Richard walked outside. After he had disappeared out the door she looked back at the other guy. "Well, then I guess you already know my name is Valerie Dragonscale. May I ask what our observers name is?"

"Artemis at your service Ms. Dragonscale." I say teasingly with a mock bow, holding in a chuckle as I stand again, "I noticed your attempt at a puff, how long have you known about your abilities?"
Valerie's face that had just recently gotten back to it's normal color turned red with embarrassment yet again. "I-I've known about it since birth" She said while stuttering. "I guess it's just because of the new surroundings that it's to weak." she quickly looked away from Artemis.

"Huh, weak lie. Nice attempt though. and if it's not lie, it's not far off from one." I say with a soft laugh looking at you, a faint smirk touching my lips, "How often do you practice with your powers? And have you ever managed an actual fireball?"
Valerie was starting to get slightly annoyed by all of these cocky boys at this school. Had they never heard of the Dragonscales? "It's none of your business. Does anyone in this school have manners?" She said in a annoyed tone.


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