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Fantasy Unrest In The Deep

Karcen said:
it is an example but yes if there is an underwater base that doesn't equal soma, soma is not the first underwater base and it isn't the last
Im not saying it has to be Soma at all, I keep telling you, Pathos-II is just a great example how an underwater facility would run
anyone can figure out what they would need you could have even said rapture either way no one needs an explanation of how underwater bases work
Karcen said:
anyone can figure out what they would need you could have even said rapture either way no one needs an explanation of how underwater bases work
Its not an explanation, its a simple layout, power plant, transportation, food, water and air processing, things an underwater facility would need
TerrinX said:
Its not an explanation, its a simple layout, power plant, transportation, food, water and air processing, things an underwater facility would need
But we can simply design our own seeing as not everyone wants to model it after a location in a video game.
you know what whatever i'm not the gm if you want the base from soma in this ask them otherwise i feel your just talking down to everyone here because people should know what to expect a self sufficient base to have
Dominaiscna said:
What did you guys decide on? xD
Well from the Main IC, it seems there may be some spots of dry land but they are vanishing into the rising oceans, choking the surface.
TerrinX said:
Well from the Main IC, it seems there may be some spots of dry land but they are vanishing into the rising oceans, choking the surface.
Oh okay and what did you guys come up for for a means of survival?
TerrinX said:
Well from the Main IC, it seems there may be some spots of dry land but they are vanishing into the rising oceans, choking the surface.
Wait...I think we can work with this.

Maybe they are either part of a small settlement or before, whatever we decide on, but their patch of land is slowly being claimed by the sea, and say during own freak storm it gets totally submerged? (Could prove to add a bit of panick.)
Oh my goodness! I kept checking my alerts to see if anyone had posted on my RP and it never said anything so I never bothered to check until now... I apologize for the confusion and I love everyone's ideas! I think the whole island slowly getting swallowed up by the ocean or cryo sleep is a wonderful idea. I will be putting up the CS sheets momentarily.
Just to be clear, humans are at the edge of being extinct so keep that in mind. While I will not stop you from making multiple human chars, do remember they are not as populous as before.
mind if i make a race that is very near human in intelligence ( at least some) that have some trade relations with humans or at least their own primitive cities?
I feel like the only way humans would survive is some sort of Cryofreeze...not an actual settlement... >.<
Are you planning on your human not being with other humans? It seems it would be logical after cryofreeze they would band together at least. They would have to have been near each other or in the same place to be cryofrozen I'm guessing, but it's up to the people making human chars if they are frozen or not and if they have settlements or not. I personally just think it would be a fast way to get everyone interacting....
Nudge said:
Are you planning on your human not being with other humans? It seems it would be logical after cryofreeze they would band together at least. They would have to have been near each other or in the same place to be cryofrozen I'm guessing, but it's up to the people making human chars if they are frozen or not and if they have settlements or not. I personally just think it would be a fast way to get everyone interacting....
I was thinking the very few remaining humans would've all been frozen together.
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StoneWolf18 said:
I was thinking the very few remaining humans would've all been frozen together.
Right, so are you planning on sticking with them after waking or whatever?

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