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Fantasy Unrest In The Deep

fallout 4 isn;t all that realiztic to stress you are one of 5 people in a unmaintained environment that is like saying subnatica is a great example because it involves water
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StoneWolf18 said:
Once again I use Fallout 4 as an example.
But Fallout 4 the entire world ins't eradicated, In Soma, the dude (( Who's conciseness was into a robotic suit )) freaked the fuck out, a lot, he couldn't even cope that he wasn't human anymore
Not everybody is human in this RP, recall that. There could be interspecies relations, seeing as everybody is supposed to be sentient.
And everyone handles different situations differently, so we should choose what works best for this RP and individually. Not everyone has to come from the same place.
Karcen said:
fallout 4 isn;t all that realiztic to stress you are one of 5 people in a unmaintained environment that is like saying subnatica is a great example because it involves water
Subnatica is actually a great idea, alien world with alien fish? Shipwrecked humans? Huh? Huh?
i'm being a giant monster and basically a naga i'm not coming spitting distance of being human
TerrinX said:
Subnatica is actually a great idea, alien world with alien fish? Shipwrecked humans? Huh? Huh?
if it gets you to stop it with soma then yes that is the new comparison
Karcen said:
i'm being a giant monster and basically a naga i'm not coming spitting distance of being human
Subnatica like world works, giant sea creatures, vast underwater biomes, confused humans in an unknown place, other possibly intelligent beings
i know what subnatica is it is why i suggested it and it get you to stop saying it is like this in soma
Karcen said:
i know what subnatica is it is why i suggested it and it get you to stop saying it is like this in soma
.-. No, you said Subnatica as a counter example to Fallout 4, you had no intention of it becoming a topic .-. Also Soma is a great idea and yes, its exactly like this in Soma, just with robots, but whatever.
Karcen said:
soma has one thing in common that it may have a base at the bottom of the ocean
A base at the bottom of the shallow ocean that survives an apocalyptic event, thats literally all I was gonna add, not the robots not the Wau, not the story or anything, just the location. Seriously.

Also in Subnatica, the ship it covered in radiation right? So lets say the survivors who wake up are exposed at this point, and have just woken up in a pod, and there can be some genetic goo or whatever like in TMNT that mutates them by feeding of the radiation
TerrinX said:
A base at the bottom of the shallow ocean that survives an apocalyptic event, thats literally all I was gonna add, not the robots not the Wau, not the story or anything, just the location. Seriously.
Also in Subnatica, the ship it covered in radiation right? So lets say the survivors who wake up are exposed at this point, and have just woken up in a pod, and there can be some genetic goo or whatever like in TMNT that mutates them by feeding of the radiation
Mmmmm...so they wake mutated? That'd be a giant mind fuck x3
let me put it this way my idea f the setting it dosen't need a video game to explain it

it is hundreds of years in the future the earth is flooded and you humans wake from cryo and find out what has happened ta dah no games needed no mutations just basic stuff

this isn't suma this isn't subnatica it doesn't need either
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StoneWolf18 said:
Mmmmm...so they wake mutated? That'd be a giant mind fuck x3
No, more like they a prone to being mutated,

Karcen said:
let me put it this way my idea f the setting it dosen't need a video game to explain it
it is hundreds of years in the future the earth is flooded and you humans wake from cryo and find out what has happened ta dah no games needed no mutations just basic stuff

this isn't suma this isn't subnatica it doesn't need either
Wake from cryo where? This is why I brought up Soma, its a part of the world thats habitual for humans
just because it has or could have an underwater base doesn't make it soma hell at this point they could live on a floating city for all that has been decided
Karcen said:
just because it has or could have an underwater base doesn't make it soma hell at this point they could live on a floating city for all that has been decided
But how does that tie with underwater creatures if they can just live above the surface
it is an example but yes if there is an underwater base that doesn't equal soma, soma is not the first underwater base and it isn't the last
StoneWolf18 said:
Don't advertise in other people's roleplays. This could be seen as trying to steal players.
.-. How is it stealing...Its not hard to do more than one rp..

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