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Fantasy Unrest In The Deep

If it's still mid-apocalypse there could be people in areas that haven't been completely submerged yet.
big thing is you want to be from before the flood and i think that all this change can;t have happened in like 20 years
StoneWolf18 said:
Then it could be a private corporation, I'm just trying to keep things logical.
I am being super logical, it doesn't have to be private at all. The international space station isn't a OH FUCK THE ISS PLOT PLOT!
There could be people who willingly volunteered and it could have been some new exciting technology thing. Or it could have been hidden from the world until it was too late, or anything really.
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Karcen said:
big thing is you want to be from before the flood and i think that all this change can;t have happened in like 20 years
The facility was built before everything went down, it could be from 1-200 years later
yes that plus cryo explains you humans and you mentioned not being able to survive so there should be more people a small colony of humans
Anyone see the show "The 100"? Think about it, we could have people in the underwater facility, trying to get the people in a space station to earth before it falls out of orbit
TerrinX said:
Anyone see the show "The 100"? Think about it, we could have people in the underwater facility, trying to get the people in a space station to earth before it falls out of orbit
StoneWolf18 said:
Even in non-realistic environments logic still plays a key roll.
Of course it does, but certain things can be overlooked--a hydropocalypse is not that logical in the first place.
Karcen said:
yes that plus cryo explains you humans and you mentioned not being able to survive so there should be more people a small colony of humans
What do you mean not survive? It would be simple as long as people knew how maintain life support from pressure, leakage, food and air
TerrinX said:
Anyone see the show "The 100"? Think about it, we could have people in the underwater facility, trying to get the people in a space station to earth before it falls out of orbit
That is a good idea, but I think it's a little far from the focus of this RP in particular.
Karcen said:
it was you who said a bunch of cryo people wouldn't know how to survive
They don't have to be cryo, maybe some people could be, wake up and find the generations of survivors
Those frozen would have the correct knowlage to survive due to their backgrounds.

Karcen said:
it was you who said a bunch of cryo people wouldn't know how to survive
Chime said:
That is a good idea, but I think it's a little far from the focus of this RP in particular.
Yeah...Would be cool though, but that takes a lot more people
that is what i have been saying you bunch are cryo people and the base has a colony of people to help you survive
Karcen said:
that is what i have been saying you bunch are cryo people and the base has a colony of people to help you survive
Wouldn't be a colony, maybe like 10-20 people
colony can be however many are needed just the idea that the base is not a city thing for last bit of humanity
Karcen said:
colony can be however many are needed just the idea that the base is not a city thing for last bit of humanity
Its not a city, in the game WHICH IS AN EXAMPLE. Theres literally like one surviving human besides you

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