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Fantasy Unrest In The Deep

StoneWolf18 said:
Remember this is fantasy so not everything needs to be scientific. Maybe if stuff wanted to evolve in a few years, it could!
Fantasy, not science fiction, Magic, not random evolution
Karcen said:
or it could be simple and be hundreds of years in the future and you all got cryo frozen
Where were they frozen, what has happened while they were gone? Would they be able to cope with the mental stress?
But I'm all for Cryostatis, I kinda have a soft spot for it... ;3

Yet we still need to establish where they are, currently...hmmm
TerrinX said:
Where were they frozen, what has happened while they were gone? Would they be able to cope with the mental stress?
Fallout 4 is a great example of being able to cope.
Karcen said:
then you don't need a science sea base you can have a magic bubble base
Ok then, so this is a magic world? Is it based off earth or magical lands? Is there technology or not?

StoneWolf18 said:
Fallout 4 is a great example of being able to cope.
But thats a silent protagonist...
fallout 4 isn't silent as for what has happen people lived in secret sea bases life went on
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TerrinX said:
Ok then, so this is a magic world? Is it based off earth or magical lands? Is there technology or not?
But thats a silent protagonist...
It's not silent, there is voice acting involved.
Well, it can be fantasy and sci-fi; the categories aren't 100% strict. As for cryogenically freezing, that's an interesting idea that could provide plenty of conflict. There could be children of the survivors, and then the frozen people show up too.
Chime said:
Well, it can be fantasy and sci-fi; the categories aren't 100% strict. As for cryogenically freezing, that's an interesting idea that could provide plenty of conflict. There could be children of the survivors, and then the frozen people show up too.
Please...no children. If they are frozen, they could be from before the apocalypse.
Chime said:
Say, what ideas do everyone have for their characters?
A scientist who was blackmailed or forced into being Cryofrozen. If that is what we are going with.
TerrinX said:
Why does it have to be a secret base, everything is always a secret something
It doesn't have to be a secret base. I mean, the government would've most likely know about this.
StoneWolf18 said:
Please...no children. If they are frozen, they could be from before the apocalypse.
My problem with frozen people, is that there is no longer land mass. If they woke up underwater, without any information on what has happened, I don't think its plausible they would know what to do or be able to survive.
I was thinking one of those "evolved" sea creatures or whatever. A jellyfish, perhaps, but my current favored idea is a Portuguese Man o' War. Because it would be interesting to RP as a being made of multiple smaller ones.
TerrinX said:
My problem with frozen people, is that there is no longer land mass. If they woke up underwater, without any information on what has happened, I don't think its plausible they would know what to do or be able to survive.
There could be some sort of motive sh as wanting to know what the hell is going on.

Karcen said:
there could be lots of other people you know a colony
Not sure how I feel about a whole colony...
StoneWolf18 said:
It doesn't have to be a secret base. I mean, the government would've most likely know about this.
Why does if have to be government. AS AN EXAMPLE, Pathos-II was simply a research facility, from a company, anyone could work there, if they were qualified and hired. They had communications with the surface. Until you know everyone died.
TerrinX said:
My problem with frozen people, is that there is no longer land mass. If they woke up underwater, without any information on what has happened, I don't think its plausible they would know what to do or be able to survive.
People who were frozen in a top-secret underwater base? There could always be ways to find information, and adjustment could also add conflict to the RP.
TerrinX said:
Why does if have to be government. AS AN EXAMPLE, Pathos-II was simply a research facility, from a company, anyone could work there, if they were qualified and hired. They had communications with the surface. Until you know everyone died.
Then it could be a private corporation, I'm just trying to keep things logical.
Chime said:
People who were frozen in a top-secret underwater base? There could always be ways to find information, and adjustment could also add conflict to the RP.

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