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Fantasy Unrest In The Deep

TerrinX said:
.-. In Soma the Ark was a satellite that had a simulated world and the surviving Pathos-II workers minds copied into it, to be shot into space for human longevity, though many people committed suicide in hopes they would wake up in simulation rather than their copy's
I know, i wasnt talking about Soma Ark. I was talking about Noah's ark, something someone mentioned earlier
Chime said:
Probably there would be weird mutation stuff going on like with the sea creatures
Dominaiscna said:
You'll have to elaborate on that. I am not familiar with the term ( :o )
Say, if your average middle aged American got thrown into an apocalypse, they would die quite quickly. I was thinking our characters have some sort of militant or scientific background.
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RedLikeRoses said:
Can we please not base this off of a video game?
I don't see why not, its got fully fleshed out information we can add on, and Im just talking about Pathos-II not the story line
StoneWolf18 said:
Say, if your average middle aged American got thrown into apocalypse, they would die quite quickly. I was thinking our characters have some sort of militant or scientific background.
Depends on the apocalypse. Instant death? Or over time death?
well by now any humans left were likely born in this water world as even hyper evolution likely require a few generations for changes to happen
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Chime said:
Average Joe: An ordinary person
Oh okay thanks

StoneWolf18 said:
Say, if your average middle aged American got thrown into an apocalypse, they would die quite quickly. I was thinking our characters have some sort of militant or scientific background.
Which would work, coz if they had more militant, skientific background... Perhaps they could've acheived very good technological feats.. Scrap the rich families thing
Dominaiscna said:
Oh okay thanks
Which would work, coz if they had more militant, skientific background... Perhaps they could've acheived very good technological feats.. Scrap the rich families thing
The Ark could have been for the "elite" of humanity or something
Chime said:
In any case it's just that not everyone has played the video game and didn't go into this RP for the intent of doing it based off a video game. Not that's it's a bad idea, just not for everyone.
Im not trying to base it off the game, just the simple location, it was my idea to put humans in this anyways :/
TerrinX said:
.-. In Soma the Ark was a satellite that had a simulated world and the surviving Pathos-II workers minds copied into it, to be shot into space for human longevity, though many people committed suicide in hopes they would wake up in simulation rather than their copy's
Dude. This is not a video game.
Let's not focus on if it's a video game or not, we don't want an argument. This is just speculation and ideas and the creator is the one who will decide things in the end. If someone says something it's not set in stone, and suggestions are only suggestions.
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RedLikeRoses said:
That still doesn't mean we want to rp something that comes from a video game.
What makes a difference if it was from a game or if I made it up?!
no oneso no likes the idea that a lot of time has passed so much so that all the current humans were born in these places ?
TerrinX said:
What makes a difference if it was from a game or if I made it up?!
Maybe it makes people uncomfortable when someone is talking about a game they've never heard of, so imagine them roleplaying something with the same aspects from the game.

I'd just prefer if you'd ease down on mentioning so much Pathos-II stuff, please.

StoneWolf18 said:
Can we all just calm down please...
I'm not getting worked up, I'm just stating my personal standpoint on this.
Karcen said:
no oneso no likes the idea that a lot of time has passed so much so that all the current humans were born in these places ?
Possibly. For another thing, there could have been regular boats. During tsunamis and such irl, boats have remained unaffected.
Karcen said:
no oneso no likes the idea that a lot of time has passed so much so that all the current humans were born in these places ?
I would say they should've lived before everything was submerged to make things a bit easier. Though that's also depends on how long it's been.
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well unless all creatures just spontaneously into new animals then there is not time for them to evolve even at a break neck pace i don;t think that the onceans coudl be populated with a great number of new creatures in less than a single life time
Karcen said:
well unless all creatures just spontaneously into new animals then there is not time for them to evolve even at a break neck pace i don;t think that the onceans coudl be populated with a great number of new creatures in less than a single life time
Then, if there isn't some decent sized society of humans still living, how would there only be a few of them left and survive well enough to support children.
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i am not suggesting their isn;t a good sized human colony or two simply that it has been so long that no one from before the flood woudl be alive
Im trying to think of this rationally. If there was an Apocalypse, say a meteor, anything above the surface, including the air, would we eradicated, an underwater facility would only face minor to slightly troublesome problems.

RedLikeRoses said:
Maybe it makes people uncomfortable when someone is talking about a game they've never heard of, so imagine them roleplaying something with the same aspects from the game.
I'd just prefer if you'd ease down on mentioning so much Pathos-II stuff, please.

I'm not getting worked up, I'm just stating my personal standpoint on this.
Pathos-II is simply the name of the research facility, which I think is a great model for the rp because its actually an underwater facility after an apocalypse, though it was made long before they knew about it.
Remember this is fantasy so not everything needs to be scientific. Maybe if stuff wanted to evolve in a few years, it could!

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