Unforgettable Train Ride

"20 pounds? Ummm... I'll just put 6 sugar cubes." She went to the kitchen and started making the coffee with the coffee maker. She got a coffee mug and poured coffee in it. She slowly dropped 6 sugar cubes. Taking a tray, she had put the coffee and a bowl of packets of cream on the tray. She also brought the sugar cubes jar just in case 6 wasn't enough. She walked back and had placed the tray on the table. Trying to hide the fact she was blushing she told him to enjoy the coffee.
"O-o-okay" Miranda stuttered. She started to dag the cuts a little harder than she's suppose too. She never been this close to a boy that is half naked before. Well she never been with a guy half naked at all.
Aiden smiles and takes a sip of coffee "Thanks… Jasmine was it?" he smiles once more then looks at the two blushing girls "Erm. What's wrong?" he frowns and looks at the two wondering what he did.
"No problem and it's nothing. I just never been near a half naked guy before. I'm gonna go serve the other guest now." Jasmine said walking away trying to keep her cool.
Aiden frowns "Think of it more as half clothed." he smiles. He just wanted to go sit down and to continue drawing Rosy. "Besides. It's just for medical purposes." he chuckles. Now he just wanted to mess with them. "Jasmine?" he says questioningly hoping to make her stay around longer.
"Blushing? I'm not blushing." Miranda said. "She looked at Aiden. "You must be lucky having 2 girls taking care of you" Miranda smiled. She put a healing pad on Aiden's bruise and secured it with tape. "There.. that should be better. You're free to go."
"You want to kick a ball around later? I'm dreadfully bored." he slips his shirt and coat back on and returns to his seat next to Rosy
"Ummm sure I guess. Good luck though. I'm an awesome kicker. I might just knock the chandelier again or something." Jasmine walked away and continued serving people with Miranda.
Aiden smiles at Rosy and continues drawing. He quietly sings to himself "Life is like a hurricane here in duckberg..." he smiles and keeps singing to himself quietly
Dan swiftly picked up his gun, and shoved it back into his suit jacket. He was silent for the next few minutes, unsure of what to do. Deciding to say something, he looked at everyone.

"I'm... sorry. I got ahead of myself, knowing that I could beat Aiden. I guess the secret is out: I do work for the CIA, and Jasmine, the only reason I don't give people is because of past experiences. When I was in Russia, a few years ago, I was interrogating a prisoner, and he asked me for a chance to talk. I let him, and ended up with a torn hamstring and a minor-major concussion. If you must know more, I'm an Elite Field Agent, one of the best in the agency. I wasn't beating up a girl. It was self-defense. The CIA taught me to react instantly in the most devastating way possible," Dan sat down, feeling dead inside,"I'm no train marshal. I'm just... a federal agent. I guess I will leave you alone. I have no more to say." the agent began to walk to another train car when the host came in.

"Hello! Who's ready to get started? All the other passengers are at the diner, waiting for you," the host had a cheerful British accent. She looked at Dan,"Mr. Williams... will you be join us?"

"No thank you. I'll just sit here, you guys have fun." Dan replied. The host continued,

"Well, just come to the diner when you are ready!" he said as he went back to through the train car.
Aiden hops to his feet and slowly walks to the diner. He puts his notebook in the pocket of his coat and strolls along quietly whistling to himself
The host ran to Jasmine. "We need you to take the shift for the diner," The host told her. "But it will be so busy. And I'm a newbie. Ask Miranda." The host refused to reply to that and walked away. "Ughhhhh." went Jasmine. She walked to the diner and had put on her apron. She smiled and started ordering. "WHO WANTS TO ORDER FOOD?!" Jasmine smiled
Through all this mayhem, Birdy was sitting near the front, humming along as he tried to build a castle made of cards. Potato flew ontop of his head, inspecting it closely.

(didnt know what to say cuz ive lagged DX)
Miranda noticed Potato flying off her shoulder and onto Birdy. Seeing that he was making a castle made of cards she walked over to his table. She sat across from him to watch. Her eyes sparkled when he was almost at the top. Miranda could never do something like that. Looking up at Birdy, she noticed he was so focused. She smiled and giggled and continued watching
Dan watched as Birdy constructed his castle. Quite a magician, in fact. The CIA agent was sad, and he felt pointless. Maybe he wasn't that good of a Train Marshal.

"Guys, go on and eat. I need some space." Dan said to Miranda and Birdy.
"Sure, I'll eat if you come with us CIA agent." Miranda smiled sweetly at Dan. She didn't want Dan to be alone. She could see that Dan was sad. She offered her hand. "Common"
"Sure, Mister Train Marshal," Birdy said without looking up, putting the last several cards together," You can eat here. Lots'a room." Potato cawed again, at Dan, as if it were talking to him.
Miranda touched the cards and made it fell. "Sorry! I didn't mean too!" She said looking down ashamed. She looked at Potato and smiled at the bird. She just couldn't resist animals.
"That's alright, Little Miss," Birdy laughed. He gathered the cards together and closed his hands over them, causing them to disappear from sight. Potato looked at Miranda, tilting its head to the side, before emitting a small squawk.
"I never asked you this but what is your name and your bird's name?" Miranda smiled and watched the cards disappear. She continued to look at Potato examining the type of bird it was but she was stumped. She started noticing how Birdy dressed. It was interesting and she started to giggle.
Still busy working she continued to cook and serve people. "How can you people eat this much" Jasmine panted. She wanted a break but people kept coming and coming. "Ugh... if only there was a faster way to make the food and serve them" She moaned.

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