Unforgettable Train Ride

Miranda choked on her water. "You're really hiring me? What about your manager?" She asked looking at Potato. "Is he okay with it?" She smiled at Potato. Potato was just so adorable to her.
Potato squawked in agreement, hopping down to the table and ruffling its feathers.

"I guess that's it," said Birdy," Our next show will be the second stop for this train."
( YAY!! You're back :D Well.... Dan is lonely. Jasmine had hit James behind his head. I am with Birdy and became his assistant. And Aiden is drawing you and is still in pain after the fight he had with Dan)
Birdy shrugged," Whatever, I guess. Just do what feels right. Trust me, you'll get it," he smiled. Birdy stood up and walked in the back," Be right back! Potato! Keep her company, won't you?" Birdy called before walking to the bathroom.

"Caaaaw," Potato hopped over, wiggling his tail
Miranda waved at Birdy "Bye." She turned to Potato."Hi Potato!" Miranda smiled. She patted his head. "You're a good little pretty bird you know" She layed back against her chair to see what she should do in a magic show. She doesn't have any experience of what magic shows do. Thinking of ideas what to do, she kept shaking her head no.
The man chuckled a bit. "Things certainly are...lively again. Though...with you around, it's not surprising." Rosalina giggled softly before smiling. "Of course. Could you bring me an iced tea?" "Definitely." She leaned back and hummed softly as he left the cart, to prepare her request.

((Sorry if its....bleh. Writer's block.))
Jasmine ran to James and asked if he was okay. "Are you feeling better? You fell and landed on your head." She lied. "Do you want a drink of water or something to eat?" She asked James and Sophie.
Marcus was in the trains restroom looking at himself in the mirror and looked at his reflection it was just a tired looking man with messy hair wearing a suit and a mask in his hand he pulled out the letter that was given to him about the train ride.

"Maybe this could be kinda fun" he thought to himself for a while

He quickly combed his hair back and fixed his suit almost looking like a new man. He then put his mask on and slid the door open feeling rather confident. As he was walking along the isle of the seats he noticed a women say "Hello" to a bird and give it compliments and glared out her for a moment "Strange set of characters we have on this train" He said quietly. Marcus then continued to his seat near a window.

"Waitress!" Marcus called out.
Birdy came back, with a grumbled, irratated look," Geez.. This ride is a bit long..." Birdy mumbled to himself," Oh well. Not like we're in a hurry~" he shrugged. For a professional, Birdy was very laid-back and casual. He blinked a few times," Miss Assistant," he called," The Magician is sleepy. Would you please show me where the sleeping quarters are? Magician got lost to the bathroom, so..." He laughed lightly," Yeah.."
Rosalina adjusted her masquerade mask before sighing softly. It seemed with herself on board the train, an array of possible situations could happen. But maybe, just maybe, that could be used to her advantage. After all, the lovely host planned a long party and she couldn't possibly pass up the chance for so many opportunities for mischief and mystery.
"Umm sure. Very well, follow me master," Miranda got up. "After your nap we will start the tour or we may do our performance." Miranda chuckled. She got to the sleeping quarters. "Pick a room and then I will put your name on a card and hang it so you can remember which one is yours,"
"Master? Such a high name... Please call me Birdy." He chuckled as he followed Miranda to near the further end of the train. He was then presented with doors, the rooms. He smiled," That one," Birdy pointed to a door, which was numbered "13". Birdy nodded in agreement, while Potato mocked his same reaction on his shoulder," Number Thirteen is my favorite number," he said," Many believe it's a jinx number, but I think its good luck." Birdy quoted, smiling.
Miranda signed the door labeling it Birdy "I see, I use to think that too when I was little." Miranda said handing him the key. "Please sleep well Birdy and Potato. If you need anything please call me. Also I will always have a spare room key just incase you lose yours. Sleep well!" Miranda said waving good bye.
Dan walked into the diner and sat down. It was filled with chatter. He ordered a hot cup of tea with some lemon in it. Then he out his finger to his ear and talked through his communications piece.

"Anderson, keep an eye on anything suspicious." Dan told him. He saw Anderson nod and then looked back to his cup of tea. Anderson was the real train marshal, as he would never tell that to anyone.
(To be honest, I am not sure at all. It wasn't at the beginning.....I'm not sure if everyone who signed up has posted at least once.)

the train came to a stop her long red hair was in the wind as it was raining her face was sad *what a sad day to leave home*she thought.the only reason she was leaving was because her mom thought she was a bad kid so she was sent away to her aunts for the summer but she couldn't help running away from the world and all her trouble by changing her hair color to red and her name to Vicky.she planed to make stuff right ,but first she had to get her grades up so she thought to do as the letter said and go on the train ride so she could learn on the train and have no one know who she was as Vicky.

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