Unforgettable Train Ride

Birdy tilted his head, mimicing the act his bird did. "Potato. His name is Potato the crow. He's my traveling companion and manager. He's quite the entreprenuer!" He said as his hand went up and scratched the bird's chin.

"My name is Birdy Ofilus. Traveling magician. Specialized in disappearing acts." He nodded," And who're you?"
"Hello Birdy and Potato. I'm Miranda Everheart, just a girl who doesn't know what to do now since she finished school." She said. Curious about what Birdy looked like, she leaned over the table and lifted his mask up.
( this where I jump in xD )

Sophie looked at her older brother as he still read the book, his palm was placed on his chin, he was leaning foward and his eyes were glued to each word he read, He has always been like this, ever since they were little he would always read books especially mystery books with master mind murders when they were about ten Sophie would always say "Your going to be a murder" his reply would usually be yes but he was always joking well she hoped

James looked up from his book to see his sister straring at him like he had some type of greek writing on his head "Yes Sophie?" he said with a questioning tone and an eyebrow raised "Oh nothing" she said with an innocent voice as she waved him not to worry he then closed his book and leaned back in his chair and ate a marshmallow he then looked out the window
Jasmine finally finished serving the guests and sat down to take a break. "Ughh.... Working here is hard work." she whined. She pulled out her soccer ball and started to kick the ball. She kicked the ball pretty hard with no aim and accidently hit James behind his hat.
While James was drinking his water a soccerball had hit him right on his head causing him to do some type of spit take "Sh*t" he blurted out by accident while holding his now injured head

The soccer ball landed on Sophies lap she then looked at her big brother who now most likely has a headache "You ok?" she said with a nervous smile James glared at her signalling that was a stupid question to ask "Im just peachy" he says with a sarcastic tone
Jasmine acted innocent. She just sat down and took off her apron. She drank a glass of water and just stared at her soccer ball on the girl's lap. She didn't know how she would be able to get the ball back. Aha! She thought of an idea. She grabbed a tray and a towel. Walking to her table she saw water on the table. Wiping the table she asked him "Would you like more water sir?" She turned her head to Sophie. "Hey.. that's a nice looking soccer ball you got there. Where did you get it?" Jasmine said as casual as she could

When Birdy felt his mask being lifted, he almost had a heart attack. Birdy half-screamed as he fell out of his seat, causing Potato to screech and hover above him. Birdy collapsed on the ground, breathing deeply.

"Uh-ahem... Please don't do that madam," he stuttered, hauling himself back up. He didn't know if she had seen his face, but he knew to he had to be calm. "Ahh- Miss Miranda, nice to meet you," he smiled as Potato floated back down on his head.
"No, I do not want anything else to drink anymore" he says sighing he then looks at Sophie who now has the ball in her hands, he glare at it, "Sophie" sophie looked up from the ball "Yes" she said a bit nervous "Burn the ball" he says with a serious face "Im not gonna burn the ball" she says confused how was she even suppose to burn in they are on a train "Burn it, rip it throw it I dont care what you do I want it dead!" sophie the trys to calm her brother down "I cant actually kill it.. its not living" she says with a nervous laugh, everytime when her brother gets angry he spits out nonsense and doesn't even know it.

Sophie then puts the ball beside her near the window and looks at the girl "Its not my ball so I'll just give it back to the owner when find em" she says with a smile she kinda already knew that this girl owned the ball she just wanted to see if she would admit it
"I'm sorry! I didn't know that you didn't wanted me to do that. Are you ok?" Miranda told him. "Do you want me to get you a glass of water or something to eat?" Miranda had put her hand on his cheek to check if it was warm. "You're not sick.. thank goodness."
"Umm don't you think you're being harsh to a little kid's well my ball?" Jasmine asked and mumbled in the end. She took the ball gently from Sophie. "I'll go put it in the lost and found. Okay?" Jasmine dropped an ice pack on the table too. "I hope your head feels better.."
"That was no where near harsh" he said with a sweet smile Sophie sighed and went through her purse she then threw a bottle of pills at his face "Take your meds!" she said irritated James just glares at the bottle "No they taste like crap" he said looking away and towards the window he could see Sophie glare at him so he quickly takes the bottle and puts a pill in his mouth, he flinches at the disgusting taste

Sophie watched her brother take the pills "Thank you" she said with a sweet smile on her face she then watched the girl take the ball "All you had to do was admit it" she mumbles to herself then her phone starts to vibrate she takes it out of her pocket then looks at the caller ID she then looks at James "Ignore it" he says with a flat tone and thats exactly what she does
"Uhh..ah..yeahh..." He mumbled," I-I'm not sick..." Birdy said slowly, his cheeks flushing a deep red. He pulled his crimson mask tighter on his face, hoping that was enough to hide his reaction. "No thank you, I'm good," Birdy answered, clearing his throat. He sat back into his seat," A-anyway, what about you? Are you planning on any careers?" Birdy wanted to change the subject to her.
Jasmine leaned forward to Sophie's ears and asked her "Why is he so sour?" She was kinda concerned because he isn't going to be like that to the guest and also she feels like it's her fault.
Dan sat in the now empty train car where him an Aiden had fought. That should have never happened. He forgot about his cup of Chai, which was surprisingly still hot. It tasted as good a before, and nothing could change this moment....

Then there was an ear piercing scream from someone and Dan already had his gun in his hand. He burst through the door to the diner and pointed his gun forward.

"Is everyone alright?" Dan asked worriedly. People started laughing at him, and the CIA agent's face flushed red. He put his gun back into his suit jacket and walked back to the empty train car, hurriedly.
"To be honest... not really. I didn't find any good colleges" Miranda answered. "If you have any good idea's I would love to hear them." She smiled sweetly. Noticing his face turned red she giggled. Her blonde hair shimmered as the sunlight was shinning. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes! Yes, I'm quite alright, Miss," Birdy nodded," I'm a trained entertainer. I know how to keep my cool," he coughed. Great. The conversation was back to him. Just great. "Ahh... So what're you planning to be? I mean, I could maybe think of one if you know what you want to pursue."
Sophie whispered in Jasmines ear "Its fine" then she got closer to Jasmines ear "He has mental problems but he took his meds so he should be sleeping in about 5,4,3,.."

James heard Sophie counting down "Why the hell are you count-" When Sophie got to one he had fallen asleep on the table making a little crash noise as his head hit the wood table

Sophie looked back at Jasmine "He will be is sweet normal self when he up wakes so dont worry" she says with a nice smile on her face then she grabbed the ice pack and placed it next to her "Yeah he'll be needing this when he wakes up" she says with a slight laugh
Miranda giggled when Birdy said that he could keep his cool. "Really? I would love to listen." Miranda brightened up. She stood up and leaned over the table. "Please tell me! Do you want an assistant or something?" She was just excited.
Jasmine eyes widen. "Ummm ok. I hope he gets better like i said." Jasmine said. She talked away with the soccer ball and tray. Putting the soccerball in her luggage she went to Dan. "Are you ok? You seem sad."
Potato cawed angrily, hearing she wanted to be an assistant.

"Hush, Potato. She didn't mean it like that." Birdy scolded, pulling a cracker from his pocket, holding it up for his pet.

Birdy then thought," I've never really thought about that.." He rested a finger on his chin," Tell ne, Miss Miranda, do you have any noticable talents, madam?" He said politely.
Answering the question Birdy asked, Miranda said "Well... I play the flute, violin, viola, cello, bass, guitar, and the piano. I can also sing too. I'm learning more instruments too like the banjo, drums, and the clarinet. I can also cook. Acting is one of my talents too. That's all. They aren't great talents.. I know." Miranda sighed.
"No Jasmine. Nothing is wrong. I just feel worthless. Nobody needs me here." Dan replied. He felt sad inside. Dead inside. Some emotion that made him feel pointless. What emotion?
"That's not right to say to yourself you know." Jasmine smiled at him. "You just need to calm down a little bit and not worry so much. Have fun sometimes."
James woke up and sat but then he had noticed that he had a huge headache "Ow ow ow" he said flinching at the pain, he couldn't quite remember what had happened everything was a bit of a blur "What happened?" he said holding his head looking at Sophie

Sophie looked at her now fully awake brother who was asking what has happened, she pulled her long brown hair behind her hair and smiled sweetly at her big brother "Oh nothing important" she said as she handed him the ice pack that was next to her

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