Unforgettable Train Ride

Jasmine walked up to Vicky. "Hello. Would you like to eat anything? If not don't be afraid to say no," Jasmine smiled at the customer. "You may have a drink too you know," Jasmine just stood there and waited for her reply.

she was startled to see a smiling face it been so long."umm water would be fine if its not much trouble to you"
Jasmine poured her a glass of water. She gently put it down the table. "If you need anything else, please call for me," Jasmine smiled and started to walk away.
((More people that are posting, Not gonna let this Rp die so im just gonna hop in right here xD ))

Marcus sat down at the same table as vicky considering it was a rather crowded place

"Do you mind if I sit here Miss?" Marcus said as he seated himself across from here

"So what might be your name?" Marcus asked out of curiosity

Marcus was smiling through his mask that had a bit of a errie smile already. Marcus waited for a bit and look towards the waiter a rasied his hand a little bit

"Waitress could you bring me a bottle of wine and a chalice?" He asked pleasently
"Oh... ummm yes." Remmi said. She left to the kitchen and grabbed a chalice. She filled it with ice and had put wine in it. "This is how it is right?" She questioned herself. Grabbing a wine glass, she had put everything on a tray. She came back and had put the chalice on the table with a glass wine. "Here you go. By the way, I am Jasmine.. your waiter" Remmi smiled at Vicky
He looked at the glass chalice filled with ice and liquid and looked at the empty cup a bit confused, he then picked up the empty cup and set it back on the tray. He took of his mask and set it down revealing his face and he was obviously quite older than a majority of the people on the train. He continued to lift his glass chalice filled with wine and drink it.

"Ahh delicious" Marcus said with a satisfied look

"Thank you Jasmine" He said with a smile as he took another drink

He set down the chalice letting his body relax and get a bit more comfortable with the crowded area.
Jasmine facepalmed. "Idiot.. I was think about beer... damnit..." Jasmine thought. "I thought you might wanted your wine cold" she smiled awkwardly. "Please enjoy the ride and if you need anything else please call me." Jasmine walked away still feeling ashamed. "I'm an idiot.. I'm an idiot." Jasmine banged her head on a wall.
Marcus heard the a slight thump and turned his attention away from his wine.

"You alright Miss?" Marcus called out

Marcus coul'int help but to chuckle a little bit at the women clumsiness.
Dan got up from his hour trance and resumed his fake role as the Train Marshal. The CIA agent walked over to Marcus and sat across from him. It was a nice table. This entire train was nice. However something wasn't right.

"Hello, Marcus. I'm Dan. I'm the Train Marshal." Dan told him. He didn't want to give away that he was working for the CIA, but hopefully he wouldn't have to.
"Ah hello Dan" Marcus said politely

"I was just introduceing myself to this woman infront of me" He continued

He then took a sip of his wine, Placing his chalice down ever so carefully. He then continued to stand up and shake the train marshals hand.

"Im Marcus Lacavie,"
"I'm fine.." Jasmine walked away the fell flat on her face. It looks like she banged her head to much or to hard. She got up and tried continue servig the customers. Looks lik she also caught a cold.

"oh hello my name is Vicky your name is..."she felt that people keep on talking to her but she had no idea what to say or how to act but then she looked over at the man and smiled very big.Vicky looked over at the mans friend and got up to shake his hand"hello sir how do you do"Vicky for some reason felt so happy around this man.{Marcus}
"My name is Marcus Lacavie dear" He said politely

Then sat back down and poured himself a new cup of wine

"Do you drink dear?" He asked

The crowded train appeard to get a bit more quieter but still seemed to be alive all around

(Short post is short My bad And yes Im still here atleast)

"Thats a nice name"Vicky looked at the wine and said "no,but thank you...so why are you on this train?"Vicky was young and stupid so she had not thought to leave others business alone"ohh sorry for asking about your personally life"her smile was small she felt embarrassed her face got red.

(oh no worries)
(No... I'm dead xD )

As Jasmine sat alone in her apron in her tray she looked around the train. It was so pretty and interesting. Giggling, she smiled and looked down at her table. Her smile turned into a frown slowly. She was so alone. Having no friends, she pulled out her soccer ball and looked at it. She misses her home town but she had to find someone on the other side of the Earth.
"It's perfectly fine vicky no need to feel embarassed" he Marcus said

He took a minute to give her his answer

"Im on a vacation from bussiness I work for a big company and I keep track of what and how much is being produced" he said calmy

"So now!" He pausdd for a minute

"What might a young lady like you be doing here? On your way to visit family?" He asked questionally

"well I really am just here because..."Vicky didn't want to say way she was there because it would take the whole train ride so she said"I guess to start over my life"she thought back on some of the things she did when she was in high school.how she dropped out and ran away from all her troubles.it seemed like she was running away from every thing her mom her school her aunt her friends every thing.
After her Vicky's responses Marcus facial expression changed dramaticaly.

"I'm sorry if I brought something up thats...."

"Uncomfortable to talk about" He said with a voice of concern

He looked down at his chaliced and moved it in a circular motion

"But just rember" He siad then held his smiling mask up

"We all have something to hide. Even me" He continued setting his mask down

"oh don't worry"She smiled a little"so ummm..."

she saw a small piano in the corner (she could probably pick it up if she wanted to)"here i resonantly made a song I'll play it for you if you don't mind"Vicky got up and looked a Marcus.
"Oh yes please I would love to hear it"

Marcus gestured his hands towards the small piano

"I was'int aware you wrote music, To be honest you don't seem like the kind of person"

He waited in his seat with full attention towards vicky waiting to hear her music.

as she walked to the piano she said"i wouldn't think i wrote music if i didn't know myself"she smiled and looked at the piano,waited a bit to remember the song and played.(it was a sad song but became happy at the end) she then looked up with a smile."i forgot a little bit"
Marcus was a bit shocked at the performance not because it was bad but was rather good

"That was wonderful dear!" Marcus exclaimed

Marcus sat there with a smile in front of the young performer

"Ah my son would of loved to hear such a melody" He continued

After Marcus was done clapping he began to ask another question.

"So Vicky what would you like to do with this...."He stopped for a minute

"New life of yours that you are trying to start" He continued and did a circular hand gesture

"well umm i guess i want to become a writer,but first i need to get a job of some sort."she stopped.she didn't really know what she wanted to be in her early years then said"well i want to become some one people look up to some one big like to get me ready for my writing to fill my head with ideas"

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