Unforgettable Train Ride

"Oh but Vicky what makes you so sure people don't already look up to you?" Marcus said

"Sure maybe your not someone big" He continued

Marcus went quiet for a minute then continued on with what he was saying

"But you could change things dear! Oh yes I bet you could!" He said with enthusiasm

Marcus thought thats all the young writer needed was someone to simply belive in her and that would give her some sort of motivation.

"Ah Vicky you remind me of myself when I was in my younger days"

She was happy some one believed in her she never really had some one who wanted her to make her dreams come true. "Thank you Marcus"Vicky smiled.She was getting hungry "umm waiter could i have a menu?Please"
"Marcus what do you do...as a living?"Vicky was intrusted in what Marcus did he was well mannered and he was a nice gentleman.Surely his job would be talking with other people to make then feel at home.Vicky for some reason thought she had already known Marcus from first sight.What was it about Marcus that made Vicky so happy?
(Sorry I forgot to post Derp)

Marcus cleared his throat and looked down for a minute then looked back up and faced vicky.

"Well Umm what I do for a living is somewhat frowned on" He said

He debated on whether or not to go on. He always got mean looks form people when he told them his occupation.

"Well Dear you see I work for a company that produces military surplus items" He continued

"I keep track of what is manufactured, how much is made and what was made. Then I make the deals and ship them off to where ever they need to go" Marcus finished looking down at the table

It was a ugly business Marcus was in and he was ashamed to admit it.

"I know what I do is wrong..." Marcus finally finished.
"oh don't worry Marcus"Vicky smiled"that is a wonderful job Marcus,it doesn't matter what you do it matters if your a nice person or not,but not what you do"
'Thank you for your kind words Vicky" Marcus said with a smile

"But my decisions still show who I am"

It was rather quiet for a while and Marcus realized his chalice was empty and ordered a new bottle.

"Do you have any relatives or children maybe?" He said pouring himself a foruth drink

Old habits die hard Marcus thought

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