Unforgettable Train Ride

Sophie listened to the music while she looked out the window and swung her feet she then looked at her brother as hevwas drinking the water "So when ya gonna get a new girlfriend" she a bit surprisingly this made james almost spit out his water he then swallows it "Do we really have to talk about that now" he says a bit irritated "Ok Ok geesh I was just wondering didn't need to get all defense and all" she says with a shy smile on her face she then gets up from her seat

"Were are you going James said looking up from his book and raising an eyebrow "Somewhere" she says with little smile "Sophie" he says with a flat tone "Oh dont worry im just going to the bathroom" James knew that was a lie "Curiosity killed the cat" he said starring at Sophie "Well maybe the cat died happy" she says back giving a little smirk "Fine whatever" he says giving up
Aiden smiles and starts to slowly draw her. His arm seemingly moving of its own accord. He seemed to capture every detail almost perfectly. He smiles to himself. Instead of drawing her on a train. In the drawing she was sitting ontop of a hill. She was leaning against a tree. She had a small flower tucked behind her ear. Some person was lieing with his head in her lap but you couldn't see his face. She was looking at him and smiling. Aiden smiles as, overtime the picture is finished. He looks at it and frowns slightly. He didn't know what he was drawing intil he was done. It was more his arm that did the drawing. Not him. He hands her the picture and blushes
Finishing her song she got up and put her guitar back in her case. "Please enjoy the train ride" Miranda smiled. She sat down with a sigh of relief that she finally played the song right. She brushed her bangs out of her face and took a break. She pulled out her book and started reading. She loves to read mysterious and scary books.
Dan was dumbstruck. This wasn't possible. Not in any way shape or form.

"Do you people have any idea that I just went on top of a roof, kicked a terrorist's a**, and punched him so hard that we fell through the roof and he is in the middle of the room? There is a dead man on the floor can you not see it?" Dan asked.
Roselina looks over the picture, sort of memorizing each detail. She payed no mind to Dan and wasn't planning on it. "It's...amazing." She paused for a moment before smiling softly. "You can call me Rosy, if you'd like."
Jasmine went to Miranda. "Excuse me, but can i get a job here?" Miranda asked. "I kinda need it" She actually just didn't want to sit in the train all day doing nothing. "I'll do it for free if you want." Jasmine begged.
Aiden smiles and blushes rubbing his head "My n-name id Aiden. You may call me what ever you want though." he shrugs and flips through hos notebook. There were various pictures. Of the ocean. Of himself. Of fruit. And one of a very detailed Rose. He blushes as he looks at it. The title of it was "Rosy."
Dan narrowed his eyes and pulled out his gun. These people were idiots. If there is one, there is more. He fired the gun, hoping to get their attention.

"There are more coming, so why don't you just shut up and be calm!" Dan said.
Miranda looked up at Jasmine. "Hm? You want a job here? Ummm ok I guess. Remember be nice and serve with a smile." Miranda chuckled. She handed her an apron. "You can start now if you want. Or when ever you want. I don't mind when." She smiled nicely. She looked at Dan. "NOOOO!" She screamed and ran to Dan. Tackling him and pinned him to the ground, She took the gun out of his hand and had put it in her pocket. "Guns aren't aloud in this train, understand?" She told him as nicely as she can.
"Alright...Aiden." Roselina grinned a bit before rolling her eyes at Dan's actions. "I'm not worried. Our host has plans for any situation, or so I've been told." The man from before others had arrived entered the train car once more. "Oh my....such a waste." She giggled softly. "That's all your worried about?" The man gave a wink before smiling. "Of course milady. Things must be kept neat and tidy."
Dan felt himself tackled. She was messing with one of the top CIA agents in the country. He kicked the lady off and grabbed her by the head. Then the agent continued smash her head into the wall and finally grabbed the crowbar off the previously downed man and smashed it into the Miranda's head. In a last move, Dan flung Miranda over the shoulder, almost knocking her out but severely hurting her. She had glass in her face, blood on her head, and a half broken ribcage.

Dan stood up. "They are allowed on this train, for the CI- I mean Marshals. Don't touch me like that again or I will kill you." he took the gun back and looked at Miranda who was on the ground. He had almost killed someone.
"So you work for the CIA? You kinda gave it away. Train marshals doesn't hurt one of the workers. Thank goodness the glass isn't in that deep. I was just trying to protect the guest because you had a gun. You apparently flipped out. Next time, don't kill me. " She smiled in pain though. Her face was bleeding but not a lot just a few scratches. She didn't really have a broken ribcage. She's just in a lot of pain and he almost did break my ribcage. She got up and limped to the bathroom to wash her face.
Aiden growls and stands up he looks at Dan "Very Very tough. Beating up on girls." Aiden kicks the crowbar from the ground into his hands "Come on then." Aiden walks towards Dan "Put the gun down and I'll put the crowbar down. And we'll fight." he smiles. Since Aiden has been born he had been doing Ju Jitsu. And wrestling. And baseball and football. And pretty much everything else. He did not mess around.
She walked out of the bathroom and went to Aiden. "Calm down, fighting isn't allowed on the train. And I'm fine. Don't worry. Please sit down. I will handle with him." She dragged Aiden lightly away from Dan. She poured Aiden a glass of water then walked towards Dan. "Please take a seat. I would just like to talk to you for a little while. It won't be about something bad" She told him nicely with a smile.
"No. He challenged me. Alright kid. I've trained at the Shaolin Temple for about 18 years. Your Ju Jitsu crap won't work. They have taught me to get out of any hold possible." Dan said. He put the gun back in his suit and assumed the normal Shaolin Kung Fu fighting stance. This would not be easy for Aiden.

((Alright fox. To make this fair and reasonable, Aiden will put up a good fight but Dan wins in total. I say we make the fight about 6 posts. Sounds good?))
Aiden smiles and stands infront of Dan he grins and widens his feet preparing to fight. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a butterfly knife. He drops it in his seat and looks at Dan "Put your gun down then." he growls and smiles. He had no doubt Dan was stronger. But Aiden ha been doing Brazilian Ju Jitsu for 18 years. With all the seats in a line Dan would be forced to get close to him.
Miranda just sat down and watched. She sighed. "Owww... he had to beat me up. They are going to fight now. I better get the first-aid kit." She went to search for the first aid kit caring about their cuts before her cuts.
Dan stepped took his gun out and it on the table. He took off his jacket and decided he would use a little bit of bird Kung Fu in his first move to surprise Aiden. The agent sprinted forward, jumped, and performed a hurricane kick which connected with Aiden's face a few times and sent the boy against the wall. Dan noted that Aiden already had a black eye and bleeding face. Though that wouldn't knock him down just yet.

((If you want to see what a hurricane kick is check out this video. It is one powerful move. [media]

((Oh that song! I love that song.))

Jasmine turned around to see what the ruckus was. She noticed that the guys were fighting just because Dan had beaten up Miranda. She faced-palm and grabbed the first-aid kit. She covered Miranda's cuts first. "Worry about yourself first. I'll take care of them for now. Just get better." She told Miranda then ran to Aiden. She wiped the blood off of his face. "Good luck," She said whispering to Aiden. Remembering that Miranda said smile, she smiled at Aiden sweetly.
Aiden smiles "Thanks." he wipes his face once more for good measure "A hurricane kick? That's cute." he grabs Dan's arm and jerks it forward. As Dan would try to pull back to compensate. Aiden jumps and wraps his legs around Dan's arm and using his arms to pull him to the ground. Aiden wraps his legs around Dan's neck trying to twist him to the ground. Aiden strikes him the whole time
Dan struggled to breath but had an idea. He reached out for Aiden's feet, grabbed them, and started crushing them. He knew they would break, and when they did, Dan lifted Aiden off the ground and slammed the teenager into the velvet flooring. After that, the agent switched to the Chin Ni style and a little bit of Snake Kung Fu, where it was all about attacking nerves and coiling. Dan seized Aiden's elbow and shoulder, locked them up, and used his leg to coil around Aiden's leg and finally destroy about 150 nerves ranging from Aiden's wrist, elbow, shoulder, and leg. After those nerves were killed off, and it would paralyze Aiden for about a day, Dan stood the boy up, performed a side kick, and sent Aiden against the wall. That would cause much more damage than Aiden's cute little hold.
Jasmine was into this fighting. She didn't know who to vote for. She just got out the first aid kid and waited for blood. Smiling she just waited patiently and stared at Miranda who was worried. "Calm down Miranda, we're here to help." She told her.
"What are we? Just healers?! No! This is a train, not a fighting ring. They need to stop! Someone could get hurt! Someone could of almost died like me! Should we call 911? I don't want them to get hurt. It could be my fault that they got hurt! If I didn't tackle him this would of happened. Why do i have to worry to much." Miranda kept going on and on and on all worried.
Aiden chuckles and stands up "Please. I used to get beat everyday. First by my instructor then my dad." Aiden shakes his arm. He couldn't feel it, but he could damn well still use it. He jumps on Dan's back and smashed his foot into the back of Dan's knee so that he would fall to the ground. Once Dan was on the ground Aiden wrapped his leg around Dan's neck and squeezed as hard as he could quickly cutting off air flow. Aiden wouldn't kill him but he was trying toknock him unconcious

Aiden's instructors voice was playing in the back of his head. The screaming he heard every day. 'Do not give up.' Aiden's eyes water slightly as he is filled with rage. All the beatings and broken bones and screaming from his father. Someone who was supposed to love him. His mother leaving. His father hitting his mother and him. His mother being angry and taking it out on Aiden. Aiden would not give up. The girls would have to force him away

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