Unforgettable Train Ride

Aiden rips the drawing out of his notebook and forces it into her hands "Oh nothing." he smiles briefly before returning to looking out the window. A soft blush lit up his face and he was trying to hide his face from her hoping she wouldn't be mad that he drew the picture of her
Dan was enjoying his cup of Chai when all of sudden he felt rubber for a split-second and then was soaked. It was obviously Roselina. The CIA agent popped up and spun around, throwing a spinning kick that connecte into Roselina's face. Dan heard a crack, and he saw Roselina on the floor.

"Never... do that... to me.. again!" Dan yelled.
"Caaaw!" Potato exclaimed and flew over to Miranda, standing on her good arm. He looked around a bit, then starting pecking at the seeds. "Sqquuaaaaah!" Potato flapped its wings in a thank-you. He flew and stood ontop of her head.

"Rich snobs...? What a harsh name," Birdy snickered, looking up at Dan with a wicked grin. "I have no intention for night clubs, Mister Train Marshall~" he sang, picking up the jacks. "But," he added," I will do it for the sake of boredom, yes?"

"I specialize in... disappearing acts," he said through the crimson mask," Jacks, cards, papers, people...." Birdy whispered," I can make them... disappear," he spoke coldly, like the villians on television.

He rolled his sleeves higher, only tight red gloves covering his hands. Birdy threw the jacks in the air, and clasped his hands over them. He waited a few seconds, and overturned his hands. "Completely gone~!" He laughed," Now you're wondering where they are, aren't you?" Birdy smiled.

Three more seconds, Birdy snapped his fingers.

Potato, ontop of Miranda's head, lifted off and flew to its owner, staring at him for commands.

Suddenly, Potato started to have a spasm. It hacked and coughed until the jacks cames out of its mouth. A small ounce of crow's blood on some of them.

"See? Magic!" Birdy said," Not all magic is sparkly glitter, Mister Train Marshal," he said, sitting back down on his sear.
(Imma just jump in here)

When sophie and James were on the train they sat down in their seats across from eachother Sophie was wearing light blue jean shorts and a white shirt that had the peace sign on it with a gray cardigan "Im so excited I haven't been on this type of train in a while" she said with joy in her voice looking at her big brother

James turns his head from the window and looks at Sophie through the corner of his eyes"Yeah, but your a little to excited Sophie" he said with a questioning tone. James was wearing jeans and a black plain short sleeve shirt with a cross necklace on his brown hair laying against the window
Roselina's eyes widened a bit. "You....have no idea who your dealing with, mister marshal.... What kind of train marshal are you exactly? I don't remember hearing the need from a train marshal from our host....Is something going on?" She placed a hand on her cheek, wincing slightly. "Ow..."
Miranda went to the bathroom and washed her cut. "Owww..." she groaned. She walked out still bleeding a little. She continued her her job. Holding the tray and it touched her cut. She nearly dropped the tray but she continued her job. She went to Jasmine asked if she wanted anything. "Would you like any coffee, coffee cake or anything sweet?" She spoke to Jasmine.
"I'm sorry, and I do know what I'm dealing with. The NTS, Nation Train Safety, gave me files on every single on of you. And the CI- I mean NTS predicted there may be attackers. So I believe I have made myself clear. Now where is this host?" Dan said.
"No... I'm okay, I'm not really that hungry. Thank you though." Jasmine smiled. She noticed that Miranda was about to drop her tray. She took the tray from her and had put it on the table. "Take a break, I think you need it."
Aiden smiles. He pulls a water balloon from his sleeve and pegs the train marshall with it "Hey." he says toBirdy "Why not make this guy disappear." he chuckles and walks over to the train Marshall he hands him a picture of himself soaking wet. "Nowkicking her was not nice. Are you pkay miss?"
"No, I'm fine." Miranda spoke. She grabbed her tray and walked away. She went to Sophie and James. "Welcome to the train~ Would you like anything to eat?" Miranda smiled. "Don't be afraid to say no, and if you need me just call for me. Okay?" she said.
"I think so....I might need some ice but other than that...yeah." Roselina put on a smile. "And to be honest I don't know where our lovely host is. And if I did know....." She frown slightly as she adjust her masquerade mask. "I wouldn't tell you. And I'm sure we'll all be perfectly safe."
Aiden smiles and offers her his arm "Would you like to sit with me?" he chuckles slightly and smiles charmingly "I promise I won't kick you." he laughs again and wait for her response
Dan looked back at the long train. He knew something was up, and these passengers wouldn't get in his way. The CIA agent started towards the back of the train, and noticed the host come into the train car where everyone was from the opposite direction. Dan just kept on walking.
Sophie looked up and starred at miranda "Woah"she said with sparkles in her eyes she then grabbed Mirandas hands "Your really pretty" she said with her usual energetic tone.

James looked at sophie who was grabbing Mirandas hands "Sophie" he said in a worried voice "Please calm down" he then grabs Sophie and sits her back down "Sorry about that, Can I have some water" he says to miranda with a nice tone, he then looks back at Sophie "You just cant out burst like that" Sophie looked embarrassed then she giggled "Sorry about that" she said in a nervous tone swinging he feet back and forth
"Owwww.... It's okay and thank you." Miranda yelled out in pain when Sophie had touched her cut. "I'll be back with your water." Miranda smiled. She left and went to the kitchen and poured a cup of water. She dropped only 2 ice cubes in the water. Miranda left and went to James. "Here is your water. If you want anything else please ask. Would you like anything Sophie?" She asked politely.
Roselina giggles softly as she takes his arm. "Of course. And thank you. I'd appreciate that." Remembering the drawing he had shoved into her hands, she carefully looked at it. Her cheeks tinted a light shade of red.
"Im fine thank you though and umm sorry about grabbing your hand I didn't see you cut" she says a bit guilty she always overreacts to things she didn't quite understood why, she guessed she was just that type of person.James looked at miranda "Thank you" he said with a nice smile and he then started to drink the water then he pulled out a book and started reading
As Dan go to the back of train he noticed something was weird. None of the storage crates were there, and in fact nothing was there. It was just a cold empty room. Then all of a sudden, Dan was tackled by a shadowy figure. The CIA agent kicked the man off and assumed a fighting stance. The man punched out at Dan, and the agent caught it. Instantly Dan kicked the man's right leg with a backwards kick, taking him off balance and allowing Dan to throw him over his shoulder. Then Dan's legs were swept out from under him and he fell. Without a moment to spare, Dan blocked the incoming foot that was aimed at his face, and shoved it forward. This made the man slam into the steel wall. Dan's attacker kicked open the door and climbed on top of the train. Dan followed and climbed up the ladder as well.
Aiden leads her back to his seat an blushes slightly as he sees her look at the drawing "Um. D-do you like it?" he sighs and runs a hand through his hair "Sorry it's not very good and I. Sorry." he blushes and looks down to hide his face
Roselina nodded and smiled softly. "Yeah. I really like it. It's...beautiful." She tilted her head slightly. "Please...don't hide your face. I really do like it....I've never seen anything like this before....Thank you."
"Don't feel guilty sophie. It's okay." Miranda said. She took off Potato, the bird off her shoulder and put him on her shoulder. Miranda walked away with the bird. She took off her apron and took out her guitar. It was time for entertainment. She started to play some music and sing for the guest on the train.
Sitting down she watched Miranda play sweetly. She just sat down and relaxed while eating her pocky. She wanted to apply for the job too. She waited and listened first before she asked Miranda for the job. She didn't want to be rude and interrupt her playing.
Aiden smiles and blushe even more "Could I um. Draw you some more?" he pulls out a pencil and picks up his notebook "I mean. If it's okay with you." he frowns slightly and rubs the back of his jead
Dan chased after the man. He jumped and launched into a flying kick, which connected into the man's back, knocking him down. A crowbar was taken out of the man's jacket, and he charged at Dan. The crowbar was swung down at the CIA agent but Dan jumped out of the way. He heard a clang, and the crowbar had broken into the train car. Little did Dan know was that this train car had most of the guests in it.

The agent caught the attacker's hand and flipped him over his shoulder. Dan got on top of the man and started pounding his face. Blood went everywhere, and finally, Dan felt the ground beneath him fall, and he was once again in the populated train car. Only this time, he had killed a terrorist with his bare hand. Dan got off the man and stood up, noticing eyes looking toward him.

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