Undying Love(1x1)

Lily nods her head. "Yeah..I'm fine to travel." She says, taking a deep breath, feeling everything from her wounds and even from the many cuts and bruises she had before. She mentally kicks herself for getting in this situations and putting peoples lives at risk. She looks at Orion who has a strange look to him and shaking in anger, like he's ready to kill. She reaches up and touches his cheek gently. "You need to calm down and get me out of her before I bleed out more. Please?" She ask softly.
(-.- I just thought of Twilight, and now I'm kind of amused/angry... Thank god Orion doesn't shine like diamonds in the sunlight -.-)

Orion nodded slowly, taking in a deep breath that he didn't need. He picked her up slowly and apologized, "I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt a lot. I may run fast, but it isn't exactly graceful." He paused and tried to joke, "I'm not the best vampire for saving the damsel in distress. Forgive me for not glowing in the sunlight and eating animals instead of people."

With a low sigh, he began running, he tried not to jostle her too much. Everything was a blur to him, the scent of blood and death clang to her, and it tempted his inner instincts and sickened him tremendously. He did not want to see her die yet again, it would kill him. Despite their spat earlier, he still cared. He looked down at her for less than a second and her pale face concerned him, he ran faster.
(Lmfao, no, we're staying away from Twilight, far, far away from it! No glowing like a disco ball!)

Lily nods her head slowly, wrapping her arms around his neck to hold on tightly before Orion takes off. She lets out a faint laugh from his oh so corny joke. The fast is a bit bumpy and she holds onto her wound on her right side, closing her eyes tightly as he runs faster. "You suck at joke.." She whisper lightly before everything stops.

The air seems colder and the wind is blowing a little stronger than before and she knew that they are at the temple. She opens her eyes just in time to see the elderly man coming out from the temple with his cane. "I didn't think I'll see you so soon." He says calmly.
Orion stared at the man cautiously. Lily may have trusted the man, but Orion didn't want to take any chances. He stood there, out of place. He didn't know what to say, so he simply did not speak. He watched and waited, and he realized something.

He was practically useless. Lily seemed to be getting hurt all the time and he hadn't been able to stop it. The most help he ever was, was him taking her here.
"Come in." The man says as he turns and walks to his temple. Lily and Orion following behind before stepping inside and into a large room with a shrine inside, making items hanging around and scrolls laying around as well. "Lay her here." He says before Lily lays down on the mate.

She winces in pain when he starts poking around on her wounds. "What careless mistake did you make this time?" He ask, poking. Lily closes her eyes tightly in pain, knowing she'll have to answer his questions to get herself healed. "There was a demon...at first I thought it was an evil spirit but it wasn't and now I'm not healing." She says the man quickly getting up and bringing over a kit but he's look at Orion. "Who are you?" He ask.
Orion followed the man into the temple, and he felt his power drain. This place was sacred, he could feel it. His instincts told him to bolt, but he stood his ground. Whispers filled his head, telling him to run before someone blessed or sealed him, but he was stubborn. Lily was a priority.

Doing as he was told he placed Lily on the mat as lightly as he could. He watched the old man cautiously, but listened to Lil's explanation. 'She always seems to get into trouble,' he thought irritably. When the old man stared at him, Orion almost hissed and ran out of the temple once again. He was edgy, but he replied in a quiet tone, "I'm a friend of Lily's." His eyes flashed, red for a bit, and he couldn't help but break eye contact.
The man nods his head before standing up. "You can go.' He says to Orion. "I know what you are, this is holy grounds and if you stay here to long then you'll be drained of everything you have. So go." Lily pants softly, knowing that the old man was right, if he stays here to long it'll be damaging.

Lily looks over at Orion. "It's fine...you don't have to stay here anymore, you've done your party. Thank you." She says softly, closing her eyes as the old man applies a heal leaf on her wound, feeling it burning.
Orion wanted to leave, but he wasn't leaving Lily alone with this man. He could man up and take the draining. He had fed the day before, he's just feed again tonight. His eyes clashed with the man's and suspicion filled them.

Orion spoke quietly addressing the older man, "I'd like to stay if you don't mind." His eyes moved to Lily and worry was clear in his eyes. He wanted to make sure she'd be ok.
The old man stares at Orion for the longest before standing up. "It may take a while for your wounds to heal, would any of you like some tea? Blood?" He ask, keeping his eyes on Orion before he turns and leaves.

Lily sits up, groaning a little before she can see her wounds healing quickly. She felt that there was something off about the old man, normally he wouldn't talk much or say anything at that. "Why did you stay here for? You heard what the old man said."
Orion shook his head to the older man. He was skeptical and a bit worried about where he got his blood from. Orion's voice was polite, "No thank you, I'm sure I'll be fine." He watched him leave and let out a sigh.

His eyes met Lily's and he let out a exhausted grin. "I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to leave you all alone. You seem to attract trouble like moths to a flame. It worries me." He rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly.
Lily blushes a little but lets out a huff. "I don't attract trouble." She says, smiling a bit. "To be honest I thought you'd just drop me off here...you know since what happen earlier today between us.." She trails off.

Looking down at her wounds and to see that they have healed. "We have to get out of here, now." She says, standing up on her shaky legs, knowing it's to soon to move but having a funny feeling about something.
Orion groaned, "So much for not attracting trouble." He knelt down, his back to her. "Piggy back, get on and tell me where to go or at least where not to go." Well maybe he wasn't that useless, he could at least run.

'I guess running is better than dying, I suppose.' Orion thought. 'This really sucks that I can't sense these things though, it's like I'm blind.' He waited impatiently, if they needed to get out, then he was going to get them out of there as fast as he could.
(Sorry for the late reply! >.<)

Lily sighs before hoping on Orion back. "I don't know where to go.." She says, starting to get a little worried. "Just...ugh damnit just take me anywhere. I don't care we just have to get out of here." She says. She feels drain and exhausted mentally and psyhically.
Orion ran. His place wasn't to far from here on foot (by his standards). Normally, he wouldn't take anyone to his place, but she seemed especially tired, and he didn't know where she lived. When he got there, he unlocked the door and let her get down.

Rubbing the back of his neck, "Well, this is my home. Umm.. Well yeah... It should be safe here. Things and people don't like coming around me cause well, I let out a evil aura that is "violent" or at least I have been told." He motioned to the couch. "Umm, there's nothing in the fridge that I know of, but if you want me to pick something up..."he trailed off. 
(It's fine =) )
Lily shakes her head, looking around Orion's house before she walks into the living room and falls on the couch. "It's nothing like a bed but it'll do." She says, closing her eyes a little. "Thanks Orion for letting me stay. When I wake up I'll be out of your way so don't worry about me just worry about yourself for a while."

She knew that she'll have to stick to her word, knowing if stays here too long then whatever it is will find it's way here and she doesn't want Orion in any danger. It'll break her heart if she puts him in danger.
Orion mumbled, "I have a bed in the bedroom, I don't use it, but if you want to rest you can use it. I just assumed.. Well, you wouldn't want to use it." He shrugged kind of embarrassed. Orion went to his desk and turned on the light, he pulled out some books and started doing the homework for his classes.
"You have a bed?" She ask. "I just thought since you're a vampire that you sleep in a coffin." She smirks, teasing as she sits up before going to the bedroom and laying down on the bed. "So that's why you're so smart, you're up studying all night. That should be counted as cheating Mr." She lectures, wanting to lighten up the mood between up one more time.
He smirked, "The coffin is in the kitchen, since I don't eat." He was joking lightly. Then said, "There isn't much to do during the night, I can't sleep, so working ahead makes it easier.... Honestly, I don't know how you balance it all. You have friends, school, school work, and you hunt spirits.."
Lily shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know...I have only two friends and she doesn't know what I do in my spare time. I do have to stay up late sometimes if I have to to do my homework." She says, laying back on the bed. "You said you've been a vampire for five years right? So how old are you really?"
Orion nodded in understanding, sort of. He opened his mouth, "I've been alive for a total of twenty two years, seventeen of them, I was human." He didn't feel like he was twenty-two though, he still felt like he was seventeen. He would always seventeen, and that thought alone made him depressed.

"I died when I was seventeen, I remember every single part of it. It hurt so much, but I'm over it now. Sometimes, I'll get caught in my memories and have panic attacks, but other than that I've moved on." He paged through the homework, flying through it in attempts to get in done quickly and get it out of the way.
Lily sits and listen, thinking how sad it is that he didn't have a choice, he could of been graduated from high school, went to college and maybe had a job and grow old like humans do.

"I really wish I could help, even though you don't want me to I could still dream." She says softly and out loud. Wanting to help him so much but would just get pushed away. 'Maybe it's for the best..' she thinks to herself. "So, why continue on with going to high school?" Lily ask.
Orion sighed, "Mostly to finish it so I could go to college. I wanted to get a degree and get a real job. It was to waste time too, life can get boring and ecstatic little humans can make it better." He smiled at her, "Well, you make life interesting too, but I swear you are going to give me a heart attack, and my heart doesn't even beat anymore." He complained, "You need to stop going to that park at night, it is unlucky."

He said quietly, "Even though you don't seem to stay dead, tonight was a close call. If I wasn't there... You were bleeding and wouldn't heal... Why weren't you healing, by the way?"
Lily laughs, rolling her eyes and smiling. "Oh, now you're lecturing me?" She says, sticking her tongue out at Orion. "I don't know, for some reason a lot of evil spirits wander around that area, maybe because humans walk through there and easy targets."

She's quite for a few seconds. "I think I stopped healing because it was a demon." She says. "Evil spirits and demons are two different things. With evil spirits they live off of humans body and they're easy to get rid of but demons..it's going to take more than a gun to get rid of them because they don't need human bodies to live off of, demons feed off of energy."
Orion groaned, throwing his head back and putting his hands over face. "Ughhhh, I know demons to well." He rubbed his neck and arms vigorously. He remembered the holes from the pureblood biting out chunks of his flesh. He shuddered.

He asked tiredly, "You aren't going to go on a demon hunt, are you?" The thought worried him, demons were something he, even as a vampire, was scared of. A demon MADE him for goodness sake, he prayed (even though he knew no one would listen to his prayers) that she was not going after them.
Lil' shrugs her shoulders. "I...I don't know." She says truthfully. "I won't go on a demon hunt UNLESS there are innocent people getting hurt." She says. "I just don't want people to get hurt." She rubs the back of her head, not feeling tired at all knowing that there's a demon is out there fully roaming the streets. "We'll just have to be careful, that's all."

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