Undying Love(1x1)

"Nah it's fine and yes, I hunt them down by myself." She says. "I do have a little bit of help from people who believe in the spirit world but I do all of the work."

Lily looks over at Orion. "What? You're thinking about joining the force?" She smirks, giggling. Wanting to lighting up the mood between them and hopefully a relationship. 'Wait what!?' She thinks to herself but quickly shakes her head at her crazy thoughts.
Orion smirked, "Why not? Do you think I'm to squishy to join? I'm pretty sure the big bad vampire can handle a ghost or two." He flashed his fangs in a smile as a joke.

It was good to joke around, and he was willing to join this force she was talking about if that meant he could spend more time with someone who had a secret to the extent he did. Plus, if he went out with her, she'd be a bit more safer.
Lily laugh loudly and was quickly shhed by the librarian. "Well, I mean I guess I can have a side-kick since it can get dangerous out there." She says smiling. It seems like they've been sitting and talking for hours instead of reading books.

She sees something out of the corner of her eyes come pass them quickly. Lily sits up straight quickly, sensing that something is here and it's not good. She looks around for it, knowing that it's here.
Orion replied, "I'd be a awesome sidekick, I suppose." He smirked at her, but she soon tensed up. That caught his attention quickly and soon he coiled like a spring too, ready to pounce.

His eyes though covered by the contacts, were bright red, and his fangs slide down and out ready for him to maul something.
She looks around the room before seeing the door closing quickly. "There." She points to the door before hopping up and chasing after it. She ends up in the hallway of the the library looking for which way it went.

"Damnit!" She curses, losing the scent on the evil spirit. "A quick one. That's not good." She says out loud.
(Nah, I don't feel like crying. Ooooh true true I almost forgot. BOOM just thought of something. Lets just say it got away?)
Orion watched the spirit escape and he cursed under his breath. He stared at Lily and asked, "Can you sense it anymore?"

Orion did not have the power to sense the spirit like Lily did. He sighed, seeing that he was only holding her back at the moment, which was weird cause even though she couldn't stay dead, she was a HUMAN for all they knew. And he was a vampire, in normal circumstances, he would have the upper hand.
Lily sighs, shaking her head. "No I can't. That bastard." She mumbles, running her hands through her hair. "Sorry, I guess I kind of ruined our ditch day at the library." She says, shrugging her shoulders looking up at Orion.

Lily knows that having an evil spirit get away would just cause a lot of problem for the people in town. Not being able to sense what kind of power it has will only make her worry more.
Orion sighed, "You didn't ruin the ditch day, the spirit did... I need something like your fancy gun though, cause I'm pretty sure I can't mangle a spirit with my hands... Plus we need to find that gun too." He let out a tired smile, knowing she was worried about others. "As soon as we get those things done, we should go searching the city for it."
Lily nods her head. "Yeah, I'll have to find the person that made me gun." She says. "The woman who made it isn't the type of person to stay in one place so lets look for my gun that you threw I might add and find the woman." She says as the go and get their stuff before leaving out the library to the park.
Orion felt his stomach protest, the sun was high and it made his already weakened state weaker. He put on a strong facade, and let the thought that he would feed tonight calm him. He was happy that he had been able to ignore it for the while.

When they got to the park, memories of the night before flooded through his head. It made him wince, imagining Lily cold and dead again. Despite the fact that she couldn't fully die, he wanted to avoid it ever happening again.
"Hmmm, where could it be.." She questions out loud, looking throw bushes and behind trees for her gun and they come to the spot where she died last night, there's still a bit of blood left out the ground.

"Ugh, I can't find it anywhere!" Lily say, looking over at Orion who's standing there in the sun. "Oh no you don't!" She says, pulling on his arm and bringing him over to the shades. "I know you said not to worry about you burning up and what not but I still do. You don't well and I tell that standing in the sun isn't helping."
Orion allowed her to tug him away from the sunlight. He said, "Let me help you look for it at least! I'm not a child to be babied" He said in a teasing tone, "Anyways, you are a bit too young to be my mother."

He turned around and started looking for where he threw the gun. He was slightly frustrated cause it could be almost anywhere.
"Well I know that but you're being stubborn by being in the sunlight to long." She lectures him as she continue looking for the gun which seemed to have been taken all day.

"You don't think the police came and got it yesterday do you?" Lily ask, after looking for it for hours finally giving up and sitting down.
(MY computer is a not nice word) 
Orion sighed, "They could have thought it was a murder weapon." He stood up and moved out of the shade despite her previous warnings.

He bent down in bush after bush, scraping his face and getting leaves and branches tangled in his hair. He reached down in one, and his hand brushed over cold metal. He grabbed it and pulled it out, a dented gun. Lily's beat up, gun. He gave her a sheepish look.

"Will it be ok?"
(Hahah what?)

Lily sits back and watches as Orion goes throw the bushes looking for her gun and is surprised when he hands it to her. "Um..yeah, yeah I think so." She says, blushing a little since that's the nicest thing someone can do for her. "You know I'm going to lecture you for stepping out of the shade right?" She ask smirking, reaching up and pulling a twig out of his hair
(It shut down on me -.-)

Orion smirked down at her, "Maybe I like hearing you lecture me. It's amusing." He replied, running his hands through his hair to get a few more twigs and leaves out. "I look like a madman now...." He let out a laugh
Lily chuckles, shaking her head. "You're going to regret the day you said that because I'll lecture your ear off." She smiles, laughing a little at Orion before she looks over her gun. She looks around to see that it's already getting late in the afternoon. "I know this might sound cheesy and all but today was the best day ever, really."
Orion nodded his head, "I completely agree. It had been a long time since I've actually gotten to talk to someone." He sighed looking into the sky, the sun was lower, and he felt a bit stronger, but the starvation was getting to him. As soon as Lily left, he'd go feed, but the thought of her leaving made him feel lonely. He knew it would have to come though, or he'd go insane with hunger.
They sit in silence for awhile but it's still comforting. After awhile Lily stands up and stretches. "I guess it's time for me to go home and stuff my face." She smirks, every though she doesn't want to go home she knows it's better not to say that. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She ask, hoping the answer is yes.

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