Undying Love(1x1)

Orion's eyes immediately went to the people who walked into the classroom. His eyes narrowed considerably, and there stood the girl who he a presumed dead. She was walking, talking, and her heart was being, but she smelled of death. 'What is she? Or is my guilt consuming my thoughts and making apparitions?' he thought. He stared harder, it was definitely the girl from before, but he was absolutely sure she was dead when he left. He needed to get out of here, he couldn't handle it. She wasn't dead after all, and he left her there all alone to die. Guilt ran through him, and he raised his hand abruptly, waiting for the teacher to call him.

"I'm sorry, sir." Orion said, he manipulated the man's mind, making his eyes glaze over, "I have to go, I'm feeling sick." The man absentmindedly nodded, and Orion stood up, nearly running out of the room. He heard the whispers of his classmates, but he did not care. He ran, ran out of the school building, but the sun blinded him and made him weaker than before. He ran under the shade of an oak, trying to calm his mind and ease his guilt.
Lily eyes went straight to the guy who raised his hand and see knew who he was. The night in the park flashing through her mind quickly. She can sense his power and know that it's very, very strong and seeing it first hand from what he just did to the teacher. 'I knew it! He was an evil spirit!' She thinks to herself before standing up.

"I'm not feeling well." She says as she grabs her bag and leaves out the room quickly, following his scent as she runs through the hallway. His scent leading outside and she finds him quickly. "What is your plan!?" She ask, standing in front of him.
Orion watched the girl from last night approach him, and a look of pain flashed over his eyes. Guilt and horror covered his face, and he couldn't bear to look at her without seeing her dead face staring at him when he held her cold body in his arms. His voice was mumbled, "Leave me alone, I'm sorry I let you die, but don't haunt me."

He looked at his shoes, unable to stare at the girl. Pain filled his stomach, and he almost moaned in pain. Death clung to her, he could tell it through her scent. 'She was dead, you couldn't have done anything. She was dead,' he thought to himself.
Lily looks at the guy confused. 'Oh yeah that's right, he thought I died.' She thinks to herself before it hits her. He wasn't an evil spirit but has the same scent as them and also looks and smells dead.

She takes a deep breath and sit next to him. "I'm going to haunt you." She says. "I die a lot and come back. I'm a...spirit I guess..I don't know what I am but what are you?" She ask him.
Orion couldn't grasp what she had just said. 'She dies and comes back to life? A spirit that interacts among the living? What?' he thought. He stared at her, she did look like she was alive, but she smelt like death for now, maybe it would fade. He then stared at his hands.

"I'm.... Well, people call what I am a vampire... I suppose that is the most accurate description." he replied dully. "I drink blood, never enough to kill someone, just enough to barely survive..."
Lily gasp. "I knew it!" She says loudly. "Well, I know it but I knew you were something else...not human." She says, staring at the guy. That's why he left the classroom and even before in the park, that's why he came over to her pile of blood laying on the ground.

"Well, this clears up a lot of things. I'm sorry for trying to kill you. What's your name anyways? I should make it up to you for almost shooting you and throwing a knife at you." She smiles a little.
Orion stared at her, confused. He was wondering why she wasn't trying to stick a knife in him now. He was a VAMPIRE for crying out loud. He drank people's blood, he was a monster. Orion hated himself, but he was never strong enough to end his own misery.

"I'm Orion," he muttered. He wasn't trusting of this girl, she knew what he was, but then again he knew her secret too.
"O-ri-on.." She tested his name. "I'm Lily." She says as they sit in silences. What else was she suppose to say to him? She knew he was probably still mad about her almost killing him and dying first in front of him.

"Look, I'm sorry alright." She says loudly. "I didn't mean to try and kill you but it's my job to get rid of evil spirits and you sir smell like one so I thought you were one but I find out now that you're not one and now it's awkward." She rambles on before standing up. "Ugh, whatever." She says as she grabs her bag and starts walking.
Orion watched her, he was aware he was being slightly rude, but he couldn't help it. He spent five years all alone, pushing others away because he was a monster. But she had a secret like him, she was probably one of the few people he might be able to trust one day. He stood up, walking after her. The sun made his pain worse, but he sucked it up.

He went to reach for her arm while saying, "Hey, wait up. I'm sorry, it's just... I watched you die, and I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that you are alive, well sort of."
Lily was mentally kicking herself, she felt bad for having him witness her death. She shakes her head, knowing that it's hard for someone like her to tell someone that she dies and comes back, she'll be looked at like a freak no, she is a freak. Not normal or human.

She heard him calling and felt him touching her arm, hearing what he's saying she looks up at him. "Yeah well, that's why I don't like telling anyone. I don't think people find that fun or normal to be around someone who dies and you see them walking around like nothing happen." She shrugs her shoulders.
Orion sighed, "It just confused me, I'm sorry. Can we just start over again? You are the first person I told well my predicament to."

He looked at her face, trying to get the point that he was sorry through his facial emotions. He felt bad, she probably knew how he felt like too. His stomach cramped up, and he let out a low moan of pain. He was going to feed tonight, he had to.
Lily takes a deep breath. "Yeah, sure lets start over." She says, smiling a bit when she realize that the sun is out and it's soon approaching the afternoon when it get really hot. Lily tackles Orion as the roll around on the ground before laid in some shade.

"What are you crazy or something!?" She ask, looking down at him as she sits on him. "It's sunny out and you're a vampire you idiot. You could hurt!" She says
Orion almost groaned in pain when she sat on him, it wasn't because she was heavy but the momentum of her tackling him and then landing on him hurt. He was in the verge of laughing and crying out in pain, "I'm not going to burst into flames, how do you think I get to school? Urgghhhh, get off me, I thought we were starting over and you jump on me like last time... Is this a regular occurrence?"

He couldn't hold the laughter in, he broke out laughing hard. It made his empty stomach cramp, but he couldn't stop it. She was too silly, and acted on some silly impulse. He was flattered that she cared, but he wasn't a piece of glass. He continued laughing till it truly did hurt, then he stopped.
Lily looks down at him for a moment. "Oh right.." She says, rolling off of him and laughs as well. "I didn't think about that actually..that you being at school in the day time." She laughs, shaking her head. 'There I go, making a fool out of myself.' She thinks to herself.

She looks up at the sky. "Sorry about tackling before and doing it again just now." She giggle before hearing Orion wince in pain. "Are you okay?" She ask
Orion glanced up at the blue sky, and sighed. His stomach hurt a lot, but he'd live, well he wasn't exactly living in the first place. He stared at her and smiled lightly, "It's ok. I'm fine, it's just the sun. I may not burst into flames when it is sunny, but I'm not exactly at tip top shape when it is up." He didn't lie, but that wasn't the reason he was wincing.

Standing, he offered his hand to her, smiling. "Let's get back to class? I'll just tamper with the teacher's memory like we never left? Or we can ditch and I can fix it up later?" Orion ditched school often, it didn't exactly effect his grade much, and if he missed a test or something, he's take it and influence the teacher that he took it with everyone else.
Lily grabs Orion's hand and stands up. "Hmm.., well it is my last school year so yeah, lets ditch." She says smiling as she grabs her bag and they start leaving. "Just so you know, now that you're my friend. I die a lot okay? So you're going to have to get used to it. Oh and if I am dead and haven't moved in five minutes don't worry, it's a process that takes thirty minutes for me to come back."

She rubs the back of her head. "So..um...have you..ate at all yet?" She ask, hoping that it isn't to much of a personal question.
Orion's eyes were bright red behind their brown contacts, and his fangs slipped out at the thought. He let out a tired sigh, "I haven't at in weeks, but no worries I'm fine." He smiled, with his mouth closed so he wasn't flashing his fangs at her. He explained, "I usually try not to eat often or much, I was human once, so it is awkward and bothersome to me, you know? Well, you don't know, but I'm guessing you can sort of understand."

He shrugged and started walking out of the campus area, "Is there anywhere special you want to go?" He had a few places in mind where they could go, but if she had anything special he wouldn't mind. He stared up at the sun then at her.
Lily nods her head. "Yeah, I know what you mean." She says, remembering those days where she hasn't been able to eat due to the fact that she couldn't move. "I can normally eat a lot in one day it it'll last me for a week or so."

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know..funny thing is it's my time ditching school." She looks up at Orion and laughs, rubbing the back of her head. "So I'm new to this so where ever you want to go then lets go." She says cheerfully.
Orion shrugged, "Want to get ice cream or something? I usually go to the library or book stores when I skip, but that usually isn't the type of place you take friends too," he laughed. "It's been a while since I've had someone to talk to, let alone a friend. Being a scary monster doesn't really allow you to get close to others, especially when they are like a food source."

He started walking down the street, admiring the plant life and the blowing trees. The sun hurt his eyes a bit, his stomach screamed in pain, but he was willing to maintain his calm composure because he actually had a chance with this girl.
"Hmm, I wouldn't mind the library at all actually." She says. "Believe it or not I like to read but I've been so busy dying and running around trying to kill evil spirits that I haven't had a chance to sit down and read." She chuckles. "And yeah, I know what you mean. I don't normally get close to people either. I mean, what if I die in front of them then boom! I'm back to life. I'll be looked at as a freak pretty much." She shrugs her shoulders.

Lily smiles, glad to have a friend that she can on some levels relate too and not have to worry about scaring him off. Yet. They arrive at the library and make their way inside, hearing how quite it is. "What kind of books do you normally read?" She ask Orion.
Orion smiled at her, somewhat surprised she also like book. "I like scifi, adventure, realistic fiction, and horror... I also love original vampire books, which is humorous, right?"

He stretched out, feeling calm and happy for once. He was enjoying this outing, it had been five years, so he was clinging to this attention like a child.
Lily chuckles. "Yeah it is pretty humorous." She looks through the row of books, finding something that'll catch her interest. "I like romantic books. Yeah I know I'm such a girl." Says.

Taking a seat and sitting down across from Orion as she opens the book, this is the first time she's been able to read a book in peace and she's really enjoying the company that comes along with it.
Orion looked over at her, humored. The girl who tackled him to the ground when he could have crushed her to death was interested in romance novels? It didn't seem to match, but he guessed he wasn't the best person reader.

"There's nothing wrong with being a girl... Adventure and scifi makes me such a boy," he shrugged. "Why did you start hunting evil things?"
Lily shrugs her shoulders. "I..don't really know." She says. "I don't really remember it will but I died trying to save someone..a little girl..when I was recovering at home turns out that the little girl was an evil spirit that fed off of people energy." She says. "Come to find out that she killed twelve children..." she trails off.
Orion nodded, not exactly being able to relate, but understanding. "And you do this all by yourself? You fight these spirits without any help? If you don't want to answer, feel free not to."

He was purely curious, but he didn't want to push his limits with her. He didn't want to lose his chances, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for him and he didn't want some stupid question to ruin it.

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