Undying Love(1x1)

Rin narrows his eyes at Orion, about to speak but Len steps in. "Lets go, she's seen enough." He says, looking over at Lily who's crying, hearing that everything they told her was true.

Lily speaks up. "Just take me back...I don't want to be here anymore.." She looks away from Orion, not being able to look at him now. Len nods his head as the turn and leave but quickly stop.

Their path blocked by the demon dogs that are growling at them.

"Sh*t, just our luck." Rin says, pulling out his sword, getting ready to attack but Len stop him. "I'll take care of this, get Lily out of here.."
Orion stared at the growling dogs, he knew they were on "his side". He also knew that they wouldn't hurt Lily, but that didn't mean they wouldn't tear Len to pieces. Orion personally like Len, especially in comparison to Rin, but he knew that Len was a enemy. Orion leaned against the tree, he needed to see if Len would survive or not so he could make plans on what to do after. Len was like a undeclared leader, he knew that at the least.
Rin grabs Lily by the arm and pulls her away from the scene as Len grabs his large sword, waiting for the demon dogs to make there move first. They charge first, coming at him but Len moves quickly. He's known int he spirit world for his quick speed even though he's a tall man. He cuts off one of the dogs head but is soon bit on the shoulder hard, braking the bones in that arm but he gets the dogs off of him. Moving quickly and blocking their bites. Out the corner of his eyes he can see a couple of them chasing after Rin and Lily.
Orion watched as the demon dogs also chased Rin and Lily, he glared betting they were just after Rin, but he motion for Korinia to ensure Lily's escape. The demon cat burst into action, but her disapproval was deep in his mind, 'Patricia will lash at you for this, master.'

Orion shrugged and took off running after the demons pursuing Lily, "Lily's life is in jeopardy, Patricia can f*ck off."

Korinia pounced, clawing at one of the dogs and mauling it before moving to the next one. He unsheathed the hunter sword with his gloved hand and decapitated one of the dogs. His hand burned, even through the thick glove, but he ignored it as always. The screaming demons in his head were more concerning.
"Keep running!" Rin yells from behind Lily before he hears the demon dogs barking. 'I really don't have time for this!' He thinks to himself, stopping. "Go hide Lily!" He says, pulling out his weapon and attacking the demon dog coming at him.

Lily runs through the park, breathing heavily as she tries to keep going but her head started spinning, making her vision blurring as her wounds start too open. She trips on something and lands on the ground hard, groaning in pain.
Orion saw Rin alone, and rage flew through him. Rin left her unprotected! Orion snapped, "Korinia, go find Lily and keep her safe!" The demon cat took off, following where the girl went off. The demon cat followed the scent, but seeing as she wasn't a dog, her sense of smell was not completely as accurate. She saw Lily, on the ground and she approached cautiously. The cat like panther shrunk to make her form a little less intimidating. Her slitted yellow eyes stared at the girl and she tilted her head. Evil leaked out of the demon cat, but she stood a cautious distance away from the hunter. She let out a light meow, but could not communicate the same way she could as with Orion because the hunter was not demonic in any way or form. Orion was restraining as many of the dogs as he could and sending them back to the base. He knew he had hell to pay for slaughtering a few of them for not listening, but he didn't care very much at the moment.
Lily groans, hearing a meowing sound. "Be quite cat.." She mumbles, sitting up a little as she rubs her head as it pounds hard. Lily looks over at the cat, sensing it's demon aura. She groans before standing up, cursing under her breath. "I know you can understand me, so tell your master I don't need his help." She hisses as she takes off again.

She starts to feel something, no, sense something that is lost, a pure soul that's gone and she knows Rin or Len have been killed, the thought making her vision blurry as tears start to come down as she continues running.
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