Undying Love(1x1)

Rin looks at Orion, waving him off. "Anyways, she's not only wanted in the Vampire world, she's wanted in the spirit world as well." He states. "If someone is able to find her then we'll give you your life back, in your case it'll be to turn you back into being human if you find this women."
Orion stared at Rin warily, "As much as I want to be a human again, that woman is f*cking bat sh*t crazy, and I'd like to avoid her as best I can. She's very abusive towards me." He rubbed the back of his head, almost wincing in pain in remembrance. "She isn't exactly fond of me or what I do anyways."
Rin stands up. "She trying to build an army of more Vampires and demons. She's trying to take on everyone and I wouldn't be surprised if she forced you to join in with her." He says. "If she wasn't so fond of you then she wouldn't be showing her face so much. So all I ask is to think about it and keep her far away from Lily." He turns and leaves back to here the group is.
Orion nodded, 'It's not exactly surprising she is trying to start a fight, but I highly doubt she'd want me in her rank when she ditched me five years ago... Keep her away from Lily....' Orion sighed, heading the opposite way from home. He knew what he had to do. Lily had her friends with her now, she was safe from Kaonti with them. He walked, and walked, getting farther and farther away. He trashed his phone, canceled his credit cards, he withdrew as much cash as he could, and he left the city. It hurt, but he knew it was in Lily's best interest.
After being lectured at for an hour Len makes the annoucement that they'll be moving in with her. She winces at the thought. 'I hope Orion wouldn't mind them staying over...' she thinks to herself as they walk to Orion's place, stepping inside. "Orion I have to tell you something!" She calls out, searching the house but not seeing.

'Maybe he was still thinking and walking around.' She thinks to herself, showing the team their bedrooms, they eat up most of the food that were her's and not long after they're all asleep. Lily sits up and waits for Orion but it wasn't until the next morning that he hasn't came back home.
( xD Unexpected house guests)

Orion ran through night, full speed. He had passed through 15 towns, and a handful of small cities. It was mourning and he was in some unidentified park when he finally decided to take a break. He probably shouldn't have because he was then kicked in the face by none other than his creator. "You, my piece of trash, are a stupid little sh*t," Patricia hissed. "Running away like that was stupid!" Kick, kick, kick, kick. Orion grabbed her foot and looked up at her with blazing eyes.

"I'm not in the mood to keep up with your sh*t," Orion hissed.

Patricia grinned like Cheshire cat, "The piece of sh*t finally grew a pair."
(Haha I know!)

Lily snaps out of her thoughts to listen to what Len is saying. It seems like that's what she's been doing all day was fading out in her thoughts, wondering where Orion is as she starts to worry more. "Well have to keep a close eye on this park and areas here." Len says.

"If they have an evil aura to them, take them out, if their a Vampire then take them in for questions at the head quarters." Everyone nods their head, knowing the plan.
Patricia grabbed Orion's wrist, "I like this Orion more. Was that all it took? One girl who you liked to be taken away from you and you grow a pair? I have a proposition for you, trash."

Orion stared at her with blank eyes, he had nothing to lose now. He paused, thinking about it, "No thanks. I still don't want to be a follower."

Patricia cackled, "Of course you don't. How about my second in command, Orion? Leader of demons and vampires. We can rule the world and you can have whatever you want."
The night time falls and after much hours of practice the team is sound a sleep. Lily creeps out the house and takes off, moving through the quite streets looking for Orion.

Knowing she looks like a fool but is still willing to look. After hours and hours of looking she still couldn't find him and her worrieness and mood turning into anger and totally pissed off.

She stops at the entrance of the park, sighing as she sits down on the ground.

"Someone looks lonely." She hears a voice and looks up to see Kaonti.
(Awwww, Lily O.o )

Orion asked for some time, and Patricia actually gave him it... Well after bringing him to her base and locking him to the floor by cuffing his legs to the ground. Granted, he could break it, but he didn't want to have a try with the demon dogs snarling at him. Patricia skipped in, petting the dogs and cooing to them.

"Made your decision, Oreo?" she asked happily.

"I'll join on one condition," he replied quietly while ignoring her pet name.

"Speak, my lovely little creature," she smiled.

"I want Lily to be kept safe, I don't want any harm to come to her," Orion said.

Patricia paused, "I don't know... Kaonti seems to have a interest in her. He's with her at this very moment." She shrugged.

Orion burst forward, "THOSE LOUSY HUNTERS AREN'T PROTECTING HER?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Lily looks up at Kaonti as he towers over her. "What's wrong? You're normal talking and killing off my dogs." He smirks, kneeling down so they're face to face.

"It seems that you're looking for something or someone. Mind telling me?" He ask

Lily sits still, a million of thoughts running through her head. 'Where the hell is Len and the others, I know they followed me so where are they..!?' She thinks.

"Don't worry about your friends, they're in holding for now but beaten up very badly." He says. "Are you looking for Orion by any chance?" He ask, smirking. "Last time I saw him he ran away with his creator, something about them being together and what not and starting a army together to take over the world."
Orion roared, and Patricia laughed. She spoke, "I shall grant you two things, Oreo. One will be a power, and a demon of your own." She snapped, and the shadows entrapped him. It bit at his skin, making him scream in pain, it seeped down his throat. "You can become a part of the shadows, you can travel faster." She snapped again and a small cat appeared, "Despite her looks, she is quiet ferocious. Now go save your precious girly... She'll hate you though."

Orion ran, and it seemed as though his body was lighter and quicker, he ran as fast as he could, the only thing on his mind was, 'I'm coming Lily, and I'm sorry.'
Lily shakes her head quickly. "No, that's not true." She says. "If he left then it was for a good reason." Kaonti smirks. "And you're right, it was for a good reason, to get away from you." He spat.

"Don't you think it's already though on him to be alone in the world then you show up and ruin things. He can't stand you!" He says. "I couldn't put my finger on it until I saw you earlier today training with those demons hunters and that's when I knew what you are." He goes on, talking as Lily covers her ears.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.." She mumbles. "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!" She grabs her guns that were attached at her waist and fires at Kaonti quickly, knocking him down on the ground

as he hold onto his shoulder. Lily gets up quickly to run but Kaonti appears in front of her quickly, grabbing her by the face and slamming her down on the ground hard.
Orion threw his apartment door open, seeing no one and hearing no one. The cat had been following him, and he watched as it grew as the shadows wrapped around it. A voice whispered in his head, 'You are searching, but you find no one. Shall I lead you to your target, master?' Orion stared at the cat astonished, "Take me to Lily, I don't care what the consequences are." 'As you wish, master,' it said looking at him with calculating eyes. It took off, speeding towards the park, and Orion past by the hunters who were fighting. He did not stop to help them, as they were not his target. He was a dark mist flying through the air, and no one seemed to notice him.

When he saw Lily, he materialized. He tackled Kaonti off her, punching him in the face and hissing. His eyes blared, "You f*cking bastard, don't you ever touch her again." He continued to punch him.
Kaonti kicks Orion off of him quickly, moving as far away from them as possible. He stands up, whipping the side of his mouth that had blood coming out. "Well, I'm glad to see that you're here but I don't think she'll be happy to see you." He was about to attack when he heard yelling in the distance and knew it was from the demon hunters. "I'll catch you around." With that he disappears.

Lily cough, spitting up blood. Her body felt limped and heavy, see fights to keep her eyes open, knowing she took a bad hit and blow to her head, feeling when her sulk cracked on impact. She tries to move when she heard footsteps. "What the hell happen here!?" Someone yells
Irritated, Orion stormed to Lily, checking her pulse. "Don't die on me Lily, I'm right here," he whispered. The light voice from before whispered, 'You are here for now, but you will have to return soon.' "Don't die on me, Lily. I hate it when it happens." He tried to heal her as best he could, but he was not used to healing people other than himself.
Rin rushes over, bruised and blooding himself as he kneels next to Lily. "What happen to her?" He ask as Len comes overs as well. "Len she's not healing do something!!" Rin shouts, narrowing his eyes at Orion. "You smell of evil!" He spat, moving his hand through Lily's hair as she coughs up more blood.

"Rin that's enough!" Len yells, looking over Lily. "She's going into shock, the blow to head is making it hard for her brain to respond to her body so she'll be going into limbo and I don't know how long it'll be until she comes out." Len says.
Orion blew up, "You idiots didn't protect her! I leave for not even a day, and she is dying!" He forced more of his healing magic on her, but it didn't seem to be working well. "You guys left her all alone," he hissed, his eyes blaring. The air around him seemed to pulse angrily. He shut up when Len told Rin is knock it off.

Orion kneeled next to her murmuring, "Lily, I'm here. You can't die on me, even if you do come back. Forever, remember?" He was draining himself as he tried to heal her, but he wouldn't be able to fix any mental damage and trauma she might have.
"Weren't you suppose to be protecting her before huh?" Rin says loudly. "But you're a little sh*t selfish bastard who left her, so you're the one who left her alone!" His eyes blazing. "I said that's enough, both of you!" Len yells loud enough. "None of this is going to help heal her so both of you shut up and move."Len leans down and scoops Lily up in his arms, pushing both Rin and Orion out of the way.

"I'm taking her to Arion to see what she can do. Rin, I want you to go check on the others to make sure they're okay and Orion.." Len looks at him. "You'll just have to go back from where you came from. I can't trust you around her now that you're on Patricia's side, it'll be for the best." He states calmly before turning around and walking away with Lily's body.
Orion twitched thinking about what he was just about to say to Rin, 'I left her alone because you told me to keep Patricia away from her, you dumb@ss.' Orion stared at Len, but her also understood. He didn't know how they knew about the deal he made with Patricia, but he wasn't going to force himself. He turned and went further into the park. Shadows swirled around him, and voices whispered in his ear. 'I'd do anything to keep you safe, Lily. Even if that meant selling my soul.' Little did he know, Orion had pretty much did just that.

(I gotta go O.o )
(Okay, message when you get back)

The light shines bring in Lily's eyes as she opens them again. "The field...I'm in the field again." She says, looking down at her all white dress and sun hat, she knew where she was. She's dying, her soul is slipping away from her slowly and she knew it. "I'm not going to make it this time.." She mumbles to herself as she sits down in the mellow field.

Len carries Lily's limp body to the western temples on the other side of town. Greeting Arion and telling her the story. They lay her down, getting her out of her clothes and patched up, not knowing how long it will be until she wakes up.
Orion was worried, he couldn't help it. He knew where they brought Lily, so he headed over, despite what Len said. She wasn't healing, and he couldn't lose her. The demons whispered in his mind, 'She is dying, let nature take her back. Let us take her back.' Orion practically roared, "NO!" He shook his head, trying to ignore the laughter. 'I can't lose her. I just can't,' Orion thought.

Orion ran to the temple, and he walked into it. The demons screeched, and the demon cat would not enter the temple. He felt his energy drain, but he entered anyway, stubborn as before. "Is Lily going to be ok? I have to know.."
Len is standing over where Lily is laying at as Arion does her healing magic but she quickly stops when she points in Orion's direction. "Why is there a demon on my land?" The old woman questions as Len stands up quickly. "What the hell are you doing here!? What did I tell you about coming here!?" He ask, growling.
( O.o I thought it was the old man.. LMAO xD )

Orion looked at Lily, "I'll leave as soon as I know she is going to be ok." He didn't look apologetic, and he wasn't. He came here for Lily and he didn't give a sh*t what the others thought or said about it.
(Haha my bad!)

Len crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at Orion. "You have three minutes to see her." He says. "After that I want you gone and to stay away, who knows who's following you, I've already lost enough of my men and I don't need another attack." He steps outside, leaving Orion in the room with Arion and Lily's body.

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