Undying Love(1x1)

Lily covers her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing to much. "You look so fun with that on." She say with a giggle before the lights in the whole house goes out.
Orion tensed, but asked lightly, "Can I panic and stress now? The power should NOT go off, this place has generators." He was ready to go on attack mode.
Lily looks out the window, seeing complete darkness. "No, no panic and stress now." She says. "I think the power is out in the whole city so relax." She says, a little irretated.
(>.<I kinda ran into the action without a clue and killed your plot line, I think... I want to continue if you have a idea where to go O.o )
(Nah it's not that. I want to make this thread enjoyable for both of us but can't if I'm the one always calling the shots you know? I just through the action in there just because and you can through whatever you want in it but you don't. :/ )
( O.o Ohh... I thought you had some like predetermined plot line, and I was just jumping in and messing things up for you >.< I can make things a bit more interesting if you want :big grin: )
(Mkay:smile 2: )

There was a knock on the door, and Orion stared at Lily with 'I told you so' eyes. "Something is bound to happen, I know it." Orion stepped towards the door, about to open it, when it was kicked off it's hinges. The door, now unattached, pushed him back, and there was a burst of giggling.

"Stupid piece of sh*t," a girl with long black curly hair said. Her eyes were bright red, and her fangs gleamed.

Orion groaned from underneath the door, recognizing the voice from before, "Lily, this is my creator. Creator person, this is Lily, a friend." He was bleeding in a few places, staining his carpet.

His creator giggled, "So this is the little girl who is pestering my piece of trash?"

"She isn't-" Orion started, still on the ground.

"Shut up, trash! Did I address you?!" his creator screeched, stomping on him and the door.
Lily stands in shock, unsure of what to do next. All of the weapons are in the bedroom along with her bag with gun. She mentally curses herself for not being prepared for what could happen and made a mental note to tell Orion that he was right.

Lily stares at the women who is Orion's creator. 'She just look so, evil..' She thinks to herself, trying to think of a way to keep her distracted from trying to hurt Orion.

"Hi, I'm Lily." She says nervously.
Orion's creator cackled, "I am Patricia, or I was Patricia. Well, this girl who I possessed was Patricia. But it is safe to say, Patricia is long gone, and only I inhabit this body now." She looked at Lily, "Did you know that the lily is a flower of death?" She stomped on Orion once more, just for the hell of it. Orion contained his groan, and he was beyond pissed with the crazy lady.
Lily winces when Patricia, or not Patricia stepped hard on the door as she start feeling for Orion's safety. "Um..er...no I didn't know that." She says, keeping her eyes on Orion.

"So, may I ask what pays you the visit?" Lily ask as calmly as she can. She really didn't like this woman and wants to know what her plan is. "Do you mind if I call you Patricia?" She ask.
"Patricia" grinned, stomping on the door once more. "Patricia is fine, I suppose. I came to visit this piece of sh*t you hang around with because I heard that Kaonti tried to recruit him. I don't need MY creations being some LACKEY, so you WILL deny him. So Lily, darling, why ARE you hanging around this piece of trash? You seem capable for a human," "Patricia" sneered the word human.

Orion was angry, he was tempted to push the stupid demon off him, but he contained himself by focusing on the pain.
Lily stands back, looking from Orion to Patricia. 'Oh sh*t she's scary, and evil. Very, very, very evil..' She thinks to herself as she stares at Patricia. 'I wonder how did Patricia get the news about Kaonti and his plan?'

"Well, um I'm hanging around because he's my friend." She states calmly.

Not liking the way she said human. 'I'm basically a walking corpse..' She thinks.
Patricia said while smiling, "Make sure this piece of trash away from Kaonti. I've been watching both of you very closely, I know you are different, Lily. I don't know what you are or who you are, but you interest me, so you are alive. I don't appreciate how Orion leans on you though. Trash, you are not a dog, don't act like one." She stomped, but got off the door. "I'm curious about what you both are going to do about Kaonti though, inform me."

Orion grumbled, standing. "Turn him down. It's not like you gave me much of a choice."

"I can you a choice, trash. It is decline or die," she giggled.
Lily chews her inner cheek. 'This lady is starting to piss me off..' She thinks to herself as she gestures for everyone to come into the living room. "Well, I hope you're going to pay for that door." She says to Patricia lightly, putting on a fake smile.

"I don't want you to mistaken Orion's and my friendship here." Lily says.

"I lean on him really and you have no worries, Orion already turned Kaonti down so I think the person you should be talking to is Kaonti himself and tell him to back off." Lily narrows her eyes at Patricia. "Oh and there's nothing different about me. I'm just your normal seven-teen year old." She smiles.
Patricia laughed, "Oh you, my dear, are hilarious." She glared then, "Watch what you say though, that mouth of yours will get you into trouble, if it hasn't already. Concerning the door, I'm sure the trash can fix it simply. Now, ta ta. Don't forget what I told you, piece of sh*t." Patricia faded into the shadows and the lights flickered on.

Orion was shocked into a silence, "I....Errr... Well..."
Lily sighs loudly, sitting back onto the couch, crossing her arms over her chest before looking over at Orion. "I don't like her!" She says, huffing, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

"I mean did she really have to come all the way here to tell you to stay away from Kaonti and his group? She's not your mother you know."
Orion sighed, propping the door up. "She is a sort of mother, she made me into what I am, but... She abandoned me and then came up out of nowhere when I seemed "useful" to her... It's like she wants child support or something, if this was a normal situation." He smiled lightly at Lily, but grimaced as he felt blood pouring from the back of his head. He started mending the skin, "I don't like her very much either."
Lily sighs, nodding her head. "What mother abandoned her child...?" She mumbles to herself, rubbing her forehead before patting the spot neck to her. "But still, she doesn't need to worry because you're not join them." She shakes her head. "Were you hurt bad?" Lily ask.
"Nothing I can't heal, but now we know that almost EVERYONE is stalking us," he complained. "This is so bothersome, we just can't get a break ever." He looked at the door, "And now I have to call someone to fix that up."
Lily nods her head. "Yeah I know." She says, sitting back. "Well, on the bright side at least we have a half-day tomorrow for school since one side of it was blown up so we'll have to go to the University tomorrow for classes."

(Hey, I'm going to be gone for awhile but I'll be back on later)

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