Undying Love(1x1)

(Hahaha that would be funny now that I think about it)

Lily stops walking, looking up at Orion. "I know, I'm sorry." She says backing up. "I just don't want you to get hurt." She says softly, sighing a bit. "I'll stay here and keep the door and windows locked, I won't open the door unless it's you.."
'Lily, I probably won't be coming back,' he thought sadly. He wouldn't put it past the vampire group to kidnap him. This all was most likely a trap anyway. His voice was soft and tender, "Thank you, Lily. It means a lot to me that you care. Thank you for staying too." He slipped out of the room, going to the tenth floor and using the key to open the door.
Lily watches the closed door before making her way back to the bed, sitting down on the edge and pulling her knees up to her chest. "It's like you're saying good bye for good you idiot.." She mumbles sadly.

Kaonti is standing up the window that's over looking the city, the tenth floor was where all the penthouses were and he brought one for the night. When he heard the door to the room turning he knew who it was. Kaonti has brought two of his members from the group with him who couldn't seem to control themselves when five staff members came up, thinking that they were dropping off food. Little do they one that they where dinner.
Orion opened the door and stared at Kaonti, "I guessed as much. How are you?" His eyes were hard and cold, his muscles tensed, his sword was not drawn though, but he was ready to beat the crap out of the guy if he tried something.
Kaonti turned around from the window, holding a glass in his hand. "I'm doing well, just had a lovely dinner." He says calmly. "How are you? I'm guessing you got my message since you're here. Please, have a seat." He motion to a chair near the window as he takes a seat as well.

"Are you hungry? Or thristy?" He ask, snapping his fingers at one of members who appears in a flash. "Get my brother here something to eat." He says to his follower who goes and comes back with a woman tied up and gagged. "I thought I should save one for you. What blood type do you prefer? AB blood?"
Orion stared at the crying woman and shook his head no, "I am full, no thanks." Orion stared at Kaonti, "I am fairly well. How about yourself?" Orion stared at his followers, almost disgusted. They followed Kaonti's orders like little robots.
Kaonti smirked. "You're full? You don't look full to me." He questions before taking a sip of his drink, keeping his eyes on Orion. "Actually you look like you haven't have a proper meal in weeks to be honest." He says, petting the women's head.
"Training," Orion replied boringly. "If I am strong when I am hungry, I'll be even stronger when I am full." Orion watched as Kaonti petted the woman's head and was thoroughly disgusted. "You called me here. I came."
Kaonti smirked. "So I did." He says slowly, keeping his eyes on Orion. "I know that you know why I want you here. To join us brother." He says. "I know you want too, it'll make everything easier for you if you do. That way, no one important to you would get hurt."
Orion practically hissed, "Was that a threat, brother?" Orion looked at Kaonti, almost glowering at him, but he contained his anger. "My human family, as much as I use to miss them, means very little to me now," he bluffed. "They would label me as a monster if they so much as saw what I've done, what I do."
"Yes I of course I know that, I just wanted to get your attention and get you up here." He stands up calmly, going over to the window and looking out. "I know the feeling of being rejected by loves one and even by family." He takes a sip from his glass.

"But how would you feel if something where to happen to this women?" He quickly moves over to her in a flash, pulling her hair back while sinking his long nails in her throat as she screams loudly in pain.
Orion stared at Kaonti's nails that were in the woman's neck and then stared at Kaonti blankly. "What about that woman? I don't know her," Orion replied coldly. He knew if he reacted, he's be dead or put into a worse situation. "Kaonti, I don't exactly understand why you want me in your little group. I'm not a follower nor am I willing to be some little dog."
Kaonti lets go of the girl roughly, tossing her back in place. "That's why you should join us because you have no feelings for this human." He looks down at the woman in disgust. "But what I want to know since you don't care for your family nor this poor innocent woman...how would you feel if something where to happen to that human girl you were with? Lily right?"
Orion smiled at Kaonti while lying, "Lily is my property. It's a pride thing, if she got hurt that means I'm weak. It's safe to say that Lily shouldn't ever get hurt. Anyway, she is useful unlike that walking blood bag and my family." Orion shrugged.
Kaonti raises his eyebrow. "Oh really? I think she'll be very useful to us in the group." He keeps his eyes on Orion. "So then there shouldn't be any problems then, since we all like to share." He kicks the woman with a lot of forces, spending her over to the two await Vampires who attack her, draining her dry.

Kaonti moves quickly in a blur before his strong hand is around Orion's neck. "Listen to me you little brat, lying to me won't get you very far with me so I'm give you two choices, either you join you us or you little girlfriend is going to get a visit on the fifth floor from one of my members here and it won't be pretty." His strong hand tighting around Orion's neck.
( xD )

Orion sighed, staring at Kaonti. "I tried to be peaceful, you know? But you seem so insistent on pushing and pushing." Vampires didn't need air, but it was harder to speak when someone had their hands squeezing at your throat. Orion shoved Kaonti back. "You, my brother, are a sick f*cker who needs to calm down. Send one of your members down there. I'll mess them up, and if he gets past me a worse fate will be waiting for him."

Orion stood up, his eyes blazing. He stood as tall as Kaonti and he glared at the older man, every inch of his body leaking hate and annoyance. Orion was pissed beyond belief, the human woman was dead, and Kaonti caught onto his lies.
(I know, I had to put that in, make it all dangerous and what not! lol)

Kaonti shoved Orion back before sighing, moving his hand through his hair. "I am calm, I just don't like to be lied too." He states calmly, keeping his eyes on Orion. "But now I know your weak spot so you've got a choice to make and if you don't make the right one bad things are going to start happening." He smiles before turning back to the window.

"You've got twenty-four hours before you give me your answer, I'll be waiting in the park at midnight tomorrow. I'll be having close eyes on you and your girlfriend so don't try anything funny." He waves Orion's off to leave before looking over at his members. "Leave the bodies here!" He yells.
Orion called after him, "That's impossible! I am always funny! I'm leaving this place though, no need to be caught in a human crime scene." Orion didn't like being friendly with Kaonti, but it was better than getting himself into trouble.

Orion rushed downstairs to Lily and his room and he knocked while saying, "Lily, I'm coming in. Please don't shoot me. We have to get going now. Kaonti killed some humans and I don't want either of us to be caught in his place."
Lily sitting on the edge of the bed the whole time, her guns sitting next to her. When she heard a knock she jumps off the bed, her guns aimed at the door but relief washes over her when she hears Orion's voice.

Lily runs to the door and opens it quickly, jumping up to wrap her arms around Orion's next for a tight hug. "I was so worried I thought you weren't coming back." She confesses.
He wraps his arms around her too, letting out a sigh of relief, but lets his arms drop only a few seconds later. "I hate making these gambles. We need to get out of here. The cops are probably going to be here soon. Kaonti killed some humans. We don't need to deal with the police too." Guild weighed heavy on him, he could have tried to save the humans, but he didn't.
Lily stares up at Orion for a few seconds before nodding her head, going into the room to grab her bag and put her guns in it before coming back over to where Orion was before they leave out to the elevator. As they reach the lobby they see a few staff members talking to the police before Orion and Lily step out into the night air. "Where are we going?" She ask.
"Not far, it is pointless... They are watching us Lily. I have the choice to join them or they hunt both of us." He sighed running his hand through his hair. "We just can't get a break ever, can we?"
Lily sighs, 'This is unfair why couldn't that stupid Vampire gang just leave him alone?' She thinks to herself as they stop outside the hotel. She shakes her head. "What would be your choice?" She ask
"Let's just go home..." He said with a sigh. "We have food there." He stretched, "I think I have to "eat" it seems Kaonti likes to pick fights." He rubbed his neck and growled.
Lily looks up at Orion as they begin walking. "Yeah, I still haven't eaten yet neither..um Orion, how come you don't, I don't know, feed off of me?" She ask before seeing the first snow flake falling down and she smiles up at Orion. "It's snowing which means that Christmas would be here soon which equals...I get to give you a present." She says cheerfully, wanting to lighten up the mood.

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