Undying Love(1x1)

He walked into a hotel, showing the person his ID, and giving them his credit card. He looked at Lily with worry, "They'll be back. I don't want to bring you into this, Lily. They don't seem like nice people." He almost laughed at what he said. OF COURSE they WEREN'T nice people.
Lily frowns as she follows Orion into the elevator to the floor where their room is at. The elevator ride was silent, she was starting to get worried about him and now that this happen he seemed more stressed and exhausted than before.

Once they reach their room they go inside and put there stuff down. "It's not all your fault." Lily finally says. "I dragged you into what I do. And I know I cause a lot of stress for you and it breaks my heart to see that you're putting so much stress on yourself.." She says softly.
"What you do doesn't, well didn't include demons. You saw those dogs, they were with the vampires. That means that the demons were here because of me. They are going to come back, Lily. I don't want to join them, and I don't want them to hurt you. But even if I left you, I know they'd track you down just to get to me." He groaned, "We are f*cked."
Lily sighs, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I know, we're screwed." She says, shaking her head. "We'll just have to say here for a while, be extra careful when we go out and just keep an eye out for them." She says, looking over at Orion, patting the spot next to her so he can sit.
Orion plopped right next to her. His arms rested on his knees, and his hands covered his head. He turned to stare at her while saying, "You make this seem like such a simple problem. It's almost convincing me that I don't have to worry. What would I do without you?"

He covered his face with his hands once more. He thought, 'I know exactly what I would have done without you. I would have joined that group of vampires. I would have killed countless of people. She doesn't understand how much I need her.'
Lily sigh, taking one of her hands and rubbing Orion's back. "I'm sorry." She says softly, letting them sit in silences fro a while. 'Yeah, they were screwed...if the evil spirits, then the demons randomly showing up and now this...why can' they just be happy?' She sighs thinking to herself. "Lets jut stay in here fro tonight and all day tomorrow to just clear our heads.
Orion looked at her, "Should we order room service? You need to eat." He was worried, they couldn't stay in hiding forever. For all he knew, they were watching his credit card purchases, they probably already knew what he was doing and where he was. There was one thing he didn't truly understand, 'Why do they want to kill my creator?'
Lily sighs. "Yeah sure." She stands up, going over to the dresser where they have menu. "You know, you've brought lot of stuff for me and I haven't gotten you anything.." She says, looking at all the good looking food. "

"So, to help take your mind off of things I'm going to buy you something but it's going to be a surprise." She smiles, really wanting to lighten up the mood.
Orion smiled lightly, but he was still stressed beyond belief. "I like to take care of others, my... condition... didn't allow me to get close to many others." Orion throwing himself backwards onto the bed. "You are going to buy me something? That's unnecessary," Orion said waving his hand off at her.

"I've had enough surprises anyway. I met my creator last night, I got into a fight with you, vampires tried to get me to join their little group, demon dogs blew up our school, and I found out I am being stalked."
Lily frown, coming over and sitting on the bed. "I didn't mean for us to fights.." She says softly, thinking about their little argument. "I just wanted to bring that up just in case something happens...that's all." She pick up the phone in the hotel room, placing in her order.

"And besides, I want to buy you something so don't even try to talk me out of it Mr." Lily wiggles her finger at Orion, wanting to see him at least happy.
Orion sighed, "I know you didn't mean for us to fight. It was mostly my fault, I over reacted. It is a hard topic for me to talk about." He paused, "I hope nothing comes up. Well nothing more comes up. I just want all of this drama to stop, you know?"

Orion smiled at her, "Fine, but you are being silly." He grinned at her, "I don't think it is possible talking you out of anything. You are so stubborn most of the time."
Lily nods her head. "Yeah but still, I shouldn't of brought it up to you without knowing how you felt." She says, rubbing the back of her head. "Hmm, yeah that's why I think we should just stay low for a while...just until it all blows over."

Lily smiles at Orion. "Yes I'm stubborn and that just how you like me." She grins widely, giggling before thinking about it. "Hey Orion, would you ever really join that Vampire gang if you had the chance?" She ask.
"I wish this all just blows over. Unfortunately, I do not believe either of us are THAT lucky," Orion replied with a slight groan. "I do like how you are stubborn, it is quite amusing."

Orion twitched uncomfortably and spoke quietly, "I don't honestly know." He looked worriedly at her. "If you weren't here with me, I wouldn't have any reason not to. I wouldn't have been able to take them on and surrendering would have been easy. Plus killing my creator seems to be a plus."
Lily smiles. "Well, I'm glad I've made that much of an impact on you lover boy." She teases before hearing a knock at the door. "Oooh that's my food, yay!" She hops off the bed in excitement, hurrying over to the door before opening in, seeing nothing but a box and a note on top of it.

"Weird.." She picks up the box, going it slowly before putting it down, seeing a photo of a happy family before reading the note. "Hey Orion...I just found the strangest thing.." She comes into the room, holding the photo an note.
Orion tensed visibly, "Where did you get that? Lily, what if this is a sort of trap?" He rushed over to her, snatching it out of her hands. It sounded suspicious to him, and he expected it was something from the vampire gang. 
(Sorry for the short post. I'm not exactly sure where you are going with this, and I'm leaving the blanks for you. xD )
Lily shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know, I thought it was housekeeping with my food but there was just a box there with that note saying 'what a cute family'" She looks at Orion facial expression.

(It's fine, I was trying to go with maybe the gang Vampire found Orion's family or something)
(Makes sense O.o )

Orion stared at it and he dropped the picture and snatched the box. He was horrified, the picture was one of his family. He was staring at the box intently, 'What was in it? Was it a appendage? Did they kill my parents? Oh god..' He couldn't look away from the box, so he said, "Lily, please read the note to me."
Lily stares at Orion, seeing that look on his face worries her a bit more. "Orion what's wrong? Is everything okay?" She ask, stepping closer before picking up the note and reading it. "You have a very lovely family who would be happy yo see you again." She gasp loudly. "Oh my, that's your family.."
Orion stared at the box, horrified. "They know who my family is.... Those monsters...." He growled out. He opened the box to find...
(Damn was going to leave that part to you! LOL)

Lily stands beside Orion as he opens the box seeing nothing but a room key with a note attached to it. 'If you change your mind will be in the room on the 10th floor.' Reads the note.

Lily eyes open widely. "They're...they're here...at the same hotel.." She shutters.
( xD ! I was expecting like a head or something to be in it)

Orion cursed, "Can't we get one f*cking break? Lily, stay here. Lock yourself up in here and be ready to shoot. I need to have a talk with these people. These monsters. They took it too f*cking far." He picked up his key and sword, and then he got ready to storm to then 10th floor.
(Hahaha a head? What are we doing godfather? xD )

Lily shakes her head, following Orion to the door. "No wait, don't go!" She says loudly. "I can help fight with you, it'll be to dangerous if you try to take them on alone." She pleads
(:banghead: It would have been hella funny if it was a head. xD If the note said "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man" I would have die xD )

Orion stopped and said, "Lily, do you honestly think that is smart? They already took an interest in you. What if one of them makes you a "blood slave" or something else?" He grimaced at the thought. "I can't let that happen to you. Not now, not ever."

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