Undying Love(1x1)

Orion still wasn't back yet. He had fed from 3 to 4 different people, only little amounts so they wouldn't be low on blood. He was shopping for food. Honestly, he didn't know exactly what Lily liked, so he got one of pretty much everything that seemed good looking.

He hadn't ate anything but blood for five years, so he couldn't remember the tastes of the things he was buying. With a frustrated groan, he went to the checkout aisle and went through the hassle of putting the things on the conveyer belt. He paid for it, having a lot of money left from saving up for five years (he didn't have electricity or food bills so he only had to worry about rent).
Lily gets out the bedroom and goes into the living room, looking at the note on the front door that would answer her question about where Orion is. She find her back pack sitting by the door where she left it at and went through it.

Since she's up she might as well do her homework. It's been a whole week since everything has happen. Almost killing Orion, almost dying herself, the old man weird behaviour, Lily's and Orion "relationship", Z's death, and the situation at the park. This is a lot to think about and she doesn't even know where to start.
Orion was walking back home with more bags then he should have been able to carry, well if he was human. He contemplated for a while, 'Maybe I should invest in a car? Do cars even matter since I can run just as fast? But then it would be easier to carry more stuff... Hmmm, maybe I should ask Lily? Urghhhh, why would I have to refer to Lily about by MYSELF a car?'

Then the thought occurred to him, 'Oh sh*t! I'm becoming like a house wife?!?!?! Buying groceries, always getting taken care of, and nagging.' Orion groaned, face-palming himself. He was almost home, but he didn't want to run, so he kept a slow pace.
Lily pulls out one of the books that belonged to Z. An old, dusty book that had the town history in it. She flipped through the pages and started reading about the history of spirit hunters. She remembers Z telling her a few things about it but never went into details. She looks at the clock on the wall and sees that it's already 3 in the morning.

Lily chews on her lower lip nervously. 'I wonder what's taking him so long? Maybe he's not coming back tonight..' She sighs before going back to the bedroom and grab the blanket and pillow. She lays out on the couch and closes her eyes. 'I guess I'll just wait till he comes backs..'
Orion tripped. It wasn't a light trip either, it was a full on flying forward trip. The bags went spilling everywhere, and he was highly irritated. Running his hands through his hair and letting out all the curse words he knew, he picked the bags up, one by one. Growling, he stormed home.

Fumbling with the keys, he managed to open the door. The stupid bags were in his way and he had to walk side ways to get in. His sees Lily reading and says, "Morning, I hate shopping. I never want to do it again."
Lily jumps up quickly from the couch from when she was sleeping. The noise of a door being open loudly woke her up. "Oh..hey I didn't know you went shopping.." She says, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she looks over at all the books laid out.

"Here let me help.." She says, getting up and taking a few bags away from Orion and go into the kitchen. "Why did you buy all this food for? I thought Vampires don't eat.."
Orion chuckled, "I don't eat, but you do. Plus, I didn't know what you like, so I got a wide variety." He shrugged, "And candy... I remember how much I used to love it." He started packing things away. "I can't let the kitty cat starve, can I?"
Lily giggles and shake her head. "Yeah, because if I starve then I'll throw a fit." She nudges Orion in the arm as she starts unpacking some of the food, a lot of the stuff he brought are things she liked and ate on a normal basic. "Hey Orion...can I ask you something?"

Orion stared at her, "Of course." He kept unpacking things. He plugged in the refrigerator, and the oven, and whatever household appliances he didn't use before.
(Sorry for what?)

Lily bit down on her lower lip, wondering how this is going to go. 'Maybe he'll yes and everything would be good and planned out. Or maybe he'll say no and go ape!?' She thinks to herself before taking a deep breath. "If anything were to happen to me...do you think you can turn me into...um vampire?" She ask nervously.
(22 minute wait -_- ')

Orion froze, "Lily." He let out a sigh. "I can't, Lily. It isn't possible... Even if I could physically do it, I wouldn't..." His eyes were pained, "I'd rather die than live like this. To have to live off someone else like a leach. I couldn't do that to you, you'd be forever hated like me."
(Haha it's fine)

Lily shakes her head quickly. "No, no, no I wouldn't hate you. I could never hate you." She says softly. "I was just throwing that out there in case something does happen to me...I could die and never come back.." She says, looking at Orion.
Orion groaned, "Lily, as much as I want you to stay with me for that forever you promised, I can't turn you into a vampire. I can't turn anyone into a vampire. It seems like only something that that particular species of demon can do. You don't think I've tried?" Orion sighed.

He tried to make another like him. Someone who he could share his pains with. Someone who could understand, but he couldn't. It seemed he was destined to be forever alone.
Lily looks at Orion, frowning at the thought of him turning someone else into what he is. A Vampire. 'That person must of been special to him..' She thinks to herself.

She sighs. "Then what are you going to do? You know when I'm dead. Not moving a single muscle?" She says quickly. "You know what, never mind....just forget I said anything." She finish up packing the food and turns to leave. "I'm going to bed.." She states calmly.
Orion stared at her with hurt eyes, "What do you want me to do, Lily?" He let out a defeated sigh and accepted the fact that he was probably going to be in the dog house for a long time. 'I need a breather, I need to think.' His head was hurting. For the first time in a long time, Orion felt exhausted. He felt hurt, and he felt the need to go throw a fit like a child. 
(I'm gonna go! Nighty night)
Lily closes the bedroom door behind her gently before going over to the bed and crawling under the sheets. Exhausted, tired, hurt, hungry..the list goes on and for the first time in a long time she felt like crying and she knew why. The fact that when she dies then she's gone for good. No more school, eating her favorite food, watching movies, reading books, being with Orion. 'What was the point anyways, there's nothing going on between us anyways!' She thinks to herself, another fustrated thought makes things heavier to the point where she just lets it out and sobs quietly to herself. 
(Good night)
(Orion can't do anything. He's a worthless piece of crap >=( ... )

Orion left the building mad, he didn't go to far. He just lurked the streets like the angry night creature he was. He walked through the alleyways, not wanting to be disturbed, an evil aura leaked out of him, flowing in time with his anger. Then he heard a giggle.

He met a red eyed girl, well groomed. Her voice was weird, like there was more than one person speaking. She smiled like Cheshire cat, but it looked creepy on her, "Well trash, you grew up into something dependable looking."

Orion tensed visibly and he spoke, "Do I know you?" He tensed, she looked familiar, but he knew no demons. Her eyes were bright red, her hair was long and black and curly.

"You don't remember you creator? You ungrateful little sh*t!" She hissed
(Whoa there tiger! You can make your character see spirits. You can make your character do anything so don't give up on him!!)

Lily tosses and turns before waking up, seeing that it's already 3 in the morning. She groans, her head hurting and her body aching. She spent most of the night crying then sleeping but some how fell asleep. She swings her legs over the bed and stumble out the room.

The house quite and dark as she moves into the living room, looking to see if Orion is laying there but to her surprise he's not. "Orion?" She calls out, not sure how his mood is after what happen earlier. Looks all through the house, looking everywhere for him but no luck. 'Maybe his left out for the night..' she thinks to herself as she sits down on the couch. "I'll wait for you.." She mumbles to herself softly.
Orion was shocked, for sure. He had left his sword, and it was clear that the demon, his maker, was stronger than him. He doubted that she would let him go peacefully, and she seemed amused by his fear. She stepped closer and closer to him, and Orion moved back with ever step she took closer. "I don't want any trouble," he replied as calmly as he could.

Her voice rung, "I am trouble, you are a part of me, so then you are too." She giggled, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to her height. "You stupid trash, you didn't use the gifts I gave you! This eternal life! The strength, the powers, the speed, you could have ruled the world! You stupid trash!" She threw him, making a dent in the building with his body. Orion let out a groan. "You piece of sh*t, go do something, I'll be watching you. If you make it boring, I'll wipe your existence off the earth!"

Orion groaned again, blood seeping from his head. Bones were broken, and he was set on fixing them. He felt her presence fade all at once, and he continued healing.
Lily sighs loudly, still sitting on the couch waiting for Orion. It was now 5 in the morning. 'Where is he? Does he plan on coming home or even going to school..?' She snorts. "God I sound like a lonely housewife." She shakes her head before getting up and going to change for school.

She comes back into the living room to the kitchen to make herself some coffee, she knows she's going to need the energy from lack of sleep. By now it's already 7 and she decsides to just head to school, hoping to see Orion there. She leaves a quick note on the door before heading off to school.
By 5 AM, Orion has finished healing. He went out again to feed, because he had spent all his energy and blood on healing and resetting bones. By 8, he got home and changed. Seeing the note Lily left, he sighed, remembering their little fight. With a groan, he changed into his school clothes, and then started his walk to school. By the time he got there, he was extremely late, but he manipulated others to think he got there on time.
Lily was sitting in the back of the classroom, looking out the window. 'Did you even come home or was he still out?' She thinks to herself, the sky grey today since winter is starting soon. She sighs to herself. 'Maybe he didn't want to see me anymore..did kind of pissed him off yesterday from what I asked..'

The bells finally rings and she gets up to go to her next class, feeling gloomy and sad for today. Something she's not used to feeling this way.
Orion slipped into class, it was one of a the few ones that he shared with her. He stared at the teacher, tweaking his mind slightly, and sat down in his seat. He nodded his head to Lily in acknowledgement, but he didn't say much cause they were in class.
Lily nods back sadly before looking out the window, million of thoughts running through her head as she spaces out during most of class. Her body feels tired and she knows it's from the lack of sleep since her sleep pattern hasn't been normal for a week.

The bell rings and she waits for everyone to leave the classroom before she does, stepping into the busy hallway. Feeling something strange but just figuring it's her body telling her to rest.
Orion watched Lily, she seemed tired and disoriented. Worried, he went to her side and muttered in a hushed voice, "Are you ok? You look sick." Orion looked at her with worried eyes. He knew they had got into a small disagreement earlier, but it wouldn't destroy the "relationship" they had at that time.

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