Undying Love(1x1)

Lily stands behind Orion, looking around behind him. 'It's here...I know it is..' She thinks to herself as they continue moving through the park for what seemed like hours until she felt it again. A lot of demon spirits making their way closer. "Do you feel that?" She ask Orion in a whisper.

Just then they see red glowing eyes showing through the bushes and out comes a demon-like dog with large fangs and no fur and she knows that one well. "That's the thing that attack me a few days ago." She whispers again but turns around quickly when more of those start to come out slowly.
(How many? O.o )

Orion hissed, holding the sword in front of him. His eyes glared a bright red and he backed away, moving Lily with him. "Lily, are there more coming?" His eyes counted quickly. There were a lot of them, and if they attacked all at once, they could do a lot of damage.
Lily looks around carefully. "I think there's only eleven on them." She says quickly. Pulling on her guns, staying close to Orion. The demon dogs come out one by one until there are 15 of them. They soon stop, all of them circling around them, none of them making a move yet.
Orion whispered, "I don't want to make the first move. They aren't attacking yet.. There has to be a reason." He watched and waited thinking, 'I hope these dogs don't have a master.' Orion's eyes flared red.
Lily nods her head. "Yeah, I don't know if they'll let us go or not." She whispers, keeping her back towards Orion as she looks around at the demon dogs, a few of them growling.
Orion glared daggers at the dogs who were growling. He growled back, equally if not more, menacing. "Let's slowly back up. There are a lot of them. More than we can most likely handle..."
Lily nods her head and starts to step back slowly which causes the dogs to growl more and louder, making them come closer. "I don't think that's a good idea." She says quickly. Things are silent for awhile until the dog that attacked her before brakes loudly, all the dogs sit up as if they're going to pounds, growling more and showing their fangs.
Orion hissed, and looked the dog that attacked Lily straight in the eyes, Orion took a step closer to the dogs. "Well... This is going to hurt... I hope they aren't waiting for something... This might be a long night." He was still staring at the dog.
"Wait what are you doing?" Lily ask, starting to get a bit nervous. "If you're trying to attack them full on then it's going to be dangerous and you can get hurt." She says quickly. Holding onto her guns tightly, remembering the promise that Orion made, that she'll have to run.
"Calm down... They ARE dogs. Just seeing if they will submit?" He took another risky step foward, still having a glare down with that particular dog. His red eyes were blaring, "If they attack, you run, remember? I'll make it out."
"They're not normal dogs Orion." Lily takes a deep breath and nods her head as she keeps her guns up but calmly puts them away. The dogs come closer, growling and roaring as if they're going to attack any moment and they do. The demon dogs quickly run towards them .
Orion groaned and cursed. He raced forward to meet the demon dog that had attacked Lily before. "Time to run Lily. You might want to shoot while you run in case of them following." Orion roared as his sword went through the demon dog's neck, with his momentum and strength it went in quickly through and he ripped it to the side, partially decapitating the dog. It fell to the ground with a sickening thump.

Orion pounced to the one closest to Lily, he held back it's snapping teeth by pushing his arm in it's neck. It jostled and kicked him, lashing at his skin and clothes. He pulled the sword back and slashed it's snout, then drove it straight through it's eye socket, pining the dog to the ground. He thrust the hand that was pining the snapping dog down into its chest pulling out it's heart. Pulling out the sword, he cut it into half just for good measures. A dog pounced on him, biting deeply into his shoulder. Orion groaned, attempting to kick the body off. Some other dogs were surrounding him. 
(I kept it fairly pg13)
Lily shoots her way through some of the dogs, hating that she has to leave Orion to do all the fighting. She takes off running quickly, a few of the demon dogs chasing after her at full speed and she starts shooting at them, getting one in the head. Cursing as she continues running, one of the dogs jumping forwards and biting her in her shoulder hard.

She screams loudly in pain, trying to fight the dog off of her. She reaches for her gun and shoots it in the stomach, the dog falling off of her as she gets up and continue running, the pain in her shoulder burning more. Another dog chases after her faster as she runs to the gate of the park but for some reason the demon dog doesn't come pass it. 'What the hell?' She thinks to herself, lifting up her gun and shooting the dog in the head. She looks around and remember that Orion is still back there and it makes her more worried. 
(Haha yeah it's pretty pg13)
Orion was getting mauled, his shoulder was bleeding profusely, his left arm was mangled and dislocated, and his stomach and legs were brutalized with scratch marks. He was also pretty sure his nose was broken again and his lip was split. When he heard Lily scream he saw red. He dropped his sword and punched the dog full force with his right hand. He heard the neck snap, but it continued its assault, he felt the other dogs closing in.

Orion bucked the dog off him. He grabbed his sword and charge out of there, pushing and shoving the surrounding dogs. His dislocated shoulder screamed in pain. He snarled and growled right back at the dogs, but his enhanced speed made them look like the were jogging. He was rushing for Lily.
Lily stands outside the park, her arm bleeding but the pain feeling numb as she worries more about Orion. "Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay.." She mumbles as she starts pacing back and forth. A lot of things going through her head at this point.

'Why did that dog not come through that gate?' She thinks trying to figure out why and the reason behind it. 'What is so special about this damn park and why are these demons showing up?' She waits for what seems like hours. "Orion!" She yells loudly, making her way back inside the park.
Orion saw Lily and yelled, "Run!!!!" He was getting closer and closer to her. His left arm was hanging limply at his side, and he would have picked her up and ran if he could. Everything in his senses were screaming. "That was SOOO NOT five minutes!!!"
They run out of the park pass the gate and they demon dogs stop chasing them. 'It's happening with them too..' She thinks to herself before bringing Orion over and sitting him down far away from the park. "I was getting worried and was going to come looking for you.." She trails off, looking at his limped arm. "Are you okay?" She ask softly.
(Is it too late for one more char or should I just leave and delete my post I read the full thing and I am interceded let me know if I can join)
As much as he was hurting, it wasn't nearly as bad as the time he had died. He suffered worse. He stared at her shoulder, standing up and hovering around her. He rumbled, "I'll live. How are you? Is it healing? Are you okay?" Her scream was still fresh in his mind. His eyes were panicked as he stared at her. His bloodlust was high, but he pushed it to the side. He's feed later tonight, when she was asleep. He'd have to so he could heal all the injuries he maintained.
Lily looks at her shoulder, seeing the bite mark in it and the blood coming down her arm. "Y-Yeah it's fine...I'm fine." She says. "I just need some rest, I think it'll heal on it's own. We can't go back to the old man so lets just go home so you can rest." Lily says, cupping Orion cheek with her other hand to try and calm him down. "Lets go."

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