Undying Love(1x1)

Orion shook his head grinning, "Nope, it makes you cute. Like a puppy or a kitten." He winked at her, "I'll keep my word. I promised forever, and that's what you will get for as long as you want it."

(I'm like dead.... I'm gonna go now, I might not be on much though tomorrow.)
(Okay don't worry that's fine. Good night) 
Lily smiles widely. "Of course that's what I want. I'm keeping my word and I know you'll do that same." She says, thinking about it. "A kitten huh?" Lily laughs and shakes her head.
Orion's grin spread farther and he patted her head, "Want to be my kitty cat? I always wanted a pet." He chuckled. If she was a kitty cat, she could be ferocious. Killing spirits and hunting demons was not what normal cats did. Demons.... Orion ran his hand through his hair with a sigh. They had a lot of work ahead of them.
Lily laughs. "I don't know..that seems like a lot of work to be someones kitty cat." She smile, thinking over everything that has happen up until this point. Things are starting to get out of hand with the demons running around all over town. She hears Orion sighing and look over at him. "What? Something wrong?" She ask.
Orion stared at her, "We have a lot of work ahead of us." He touched his nose, seeing if it healed all the way and then brought his hand down. "I can't imagine it will stop at one demon either." He stretched, then got off the cement.
Lily stands up, brushing the dirt off her top. "Yeah you're right, we have a lot to do and you need training." She pats his shoulder before they go into the house. Lily goes over to the couch where they weapons are, laying them out one by one. Guns, swords, katanas, tessens. "Each spirit hunter has a weapon that's meant just for them. For me it's my guns, I don't feel right using any other weapon than that."
Orion followed her, staring at the weapons laid out in front of him. He had little experience with weapons other than rifles, but he didn't feel comfortable with a gun. Gun needed bullets and if you ran out, you could be screwed. He thought solemnly. 'Tessens are definitely not for me. Two handed swords are big, I don't know if I want to carry them. A one-handed sword would seem nice.'

He looked at a katana and a double edged one handed sword. He picked one up, then the other. Sighing, he put the katana down. He gave the sword a slow motion swing and sighed. He needed gloves if he was going to use this. 
(Sorry my mind blanked out.)
(It's fine)

Lily looks at all the weapons laid out and can't help but to remember watching Z make them. Each weapon being made differently and well put together. She sighs, sitting down on the cough and picking up one of the guns and looking it over.

"So what's your pick?" She ask, looking over at Orion. "You seem more like a sword person but who knows." She shrugs her shoulders.
Orion said slowly, "I'm more of a pacifist, but times like now don't allow it. I refuse to let you get hurt." He sheathed the double edged sword, "I'll use this one, it seems most practical to me. I'm fast enough that I probably wouldn't need a gun, and my strength reinforces my swing. I'd choose a two handed sword, but I'm to lazy to carry it."

He yawned, and flopped onto the floor, holding the sword sheath in his hands. "Do you know if these will work on demons?"
"Whoa don't you sound cocky." Lily says teasing, laying down on the couch. "When they start working on demons hmmm..." She lays back and starts thinking, she paid close attention to detail whenever she fired her weapon. "Of course they'll work on demons...I think.." She says, letting out a nervous chuckle.
Orion groaned, throwing himself back onto the floor. "Lovely, worst comes to worse, you actually die and I go into a state of hibernation for the rest of my never ending life." He stared up at her, "It's not like we have much of a choice." "It's day time, I can't imagine demons lurking around during the day... Urghhh..."
Lily nods her head. "Yeah I know, the only lurk during night time...hopefully that my theory." She shrugs her shoulders before sitting up quickly from hearing Orion groaning. "What? What's the matter?" She ask, getting a little worried.
Orion replied, "I have a feeling this will be a painful experience." He rolled over to his stomach, "I need to sweep, I'm picking up dust." With a sigh, he pushed himself up and moved to sit next to her. "As much as I hate to say this, I think we should go to the park. That's where all the bad stuff seems to happen."
Lily looks at Orion in surprise. "The..park?" She questions. Thinking about all the bad things that have after happen in the park. "Oh no, no no no. I died like 50 million times in that park, including two times where you found me. That park is dangerous and filled with demons and evil spirits. The last thing I need was you getting hurt."
Orion raised an eyebrow, "I don't die. It's impossible. The worst that might happen is if I go into a state of hibernation." He paused and stared at her, "If we are going to hunt some demons and spirits, why would we run from the place they lurk the most?"

"Anyway, let me worry about myself and you can worry about yourself. If I could, I'd ban you from all this, but I know it is what you want, so I'm not stopping you. Allow me to at least help."
Lily sighs. "Okay fine. We can go to the park but I'm keeping a close eye on you got it?" Lily stands up and stretches, wondering if it's really a good idea to go there. Knowing the park is crawling with evil spirits and demons together doesn't seem like a good idea but she's still willing to look.

"Well, lets get going then. Whenever I go to the park the sun is already setting so we have to make sure that there aren't any people there."
Orion replied in a amused tone, "Of course, mother hen." He stood up and went to the door, holding it open for her. He waited patiently for her to exit, and he closed the door, and locked it. He was in no rush to go there, so his steps were deliberately slow. "Lily, I need you to promise me something."
Lily narrows her eyes at Orion as they start walking. "I'm guessing that's my nickname. Mother hen." She hits him in his chest playfully. "Yeah sure what is it?" She ask as they make their way to the park. The sun is setting slowly as they walk slow and calmly.
(Here comes a bad drama scene!!!)

Orion sighed, "If anything bad happens, you'll run. I can't die, Lily. Promise you'll leave me if something bad happens." He looked at her with pained eyes, "Promise me you'll run. They can kill you, Lily. You promised me forever, and I don't want to lose you."

He ran his hand through his hair. He knew she wouldn't leave him behind willingly. It killed him to know that he could hold her back from escaping though. "I'll follow right after you if you run. I'm faster so I can catch up. I'll just be a distraction, but you need to promise me that you'll run if it isn't looking good for us."
(Hahaha that wasn't bad at all!)

Lily looks up at Orion, a bit confused as to why he's making her promise something like this even when knowing she's going to keep it. Just the thought alone about him getting hurts breaks her heart more and makes her worry even more.

Lily takes a deep breath and nod her head. "Fine, I promise I'll run." She says, hating the sound of those words coming out of her mouth. "But if you don't come after five minutes then I'm going to come and look for you understand?"
Orion glared at her, "I suppose. I honestly didn't expect you to agree." He smiled, "Thanks, I'll hold you to your word. If you don't follow it, there will be consequences." He stretched, and he then touched the sword sheath he had placed in between his pants and belt.

'This will be interesting, I guess,' he stared at Lily with worried eyes. 'I can't help by being worried about her. You wormed your way into my dead heart,' he complained mentally.
Lily sighs. "Just be careful you jerk." She smirks as they continue walking but a million of thoughts going through her head. 'Will he be okay? What if they get out numbered and have to start fighting them? What if their weapons doesn't work on the demon?' Lily shakes her head. 'Just calm down, there shouldn't be any problems.' She takes a deep breath.
When they neared the entrance to the park, Orion tensed up with every step. His eye flashed red. He was listening intently. "I'm always careful," he replied quietly and slowly. 'I hope that I can see these things. I can't sense them like Lily,' he thought.
Lily takes a deep breath, sensing it already. A more powerful demon than before and it starts making her tense up, the hair on the back of her neck standing it she quickly reaches for Orion hand. "I feel like they're more of them.." She whisper quietly, looking around for them.
Orion squeezed her hand, trying to be a supporting figure. He tensed even more, ready to pounce. He unsheathed his sword. It burned in his hand lightly, but it was easy to ignore. He heard movement out to the far right, and he stood in front of Lily, only to see a squirrel jump out of the bushes. He didn't un-tense though.

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