Undying Love(1x1)

Lily turns around, her back towards Orion as she blushes a bright red. She turns about around. "Okay good, I was just testing you to see if you really meant what you said about staying with me forever." She points her finger as him. "Because from now on you're stuck with me and I'm stuck you so there will be no one else understood?" She ask.

She turns and head towards the door. "I need you more than you need me so lets quit beating around the brush and make this work!" She smiles widely.
Orion grinned, "I'm fine with that, but we'll see if that's what you want in the future.... I don't think you realize how much I need this though." He was happy, but now he had all the more to lose. He was willing to take a chance with her. "Lead the way, ma'am. We need to get prepared to go demon hunting!"
Lily smirks. "You're trying to challenge a spirit hunter huh? Well let me just tell you that I know what I want in the future so I'll be seeing you there." She smirks as they leave his house as they being to walk. "This woman goes by the name of Z, I don't what it stands for but she makes a lot a weapons for spirits. She's nothing like the old man you've met before though."
When she mentioned the old man, Orion's mind froze. He spoke quietly, "Who exactly was that old man? He seemed weird to be a priest taking care of that temple. And he didn't try to vanquish me, unlike others."

He shuddered at the memories of people try to banish, vanquish, and ward him off. Some were amusing while others were just plain offensive. Wearing garlic around your neck did not make him leave, it only stunk up the room.
Lily thinks about it. "I don't really know what he really is. He's a healer but I know there's more to him then he showed me." She says. "And about the vanquish I don't know why he didn't do that either. All I know what something was up but I couldn't put my finger on it."

She starts to think about the night at the temple. There was something off about him that through her off and all her sense.
Orion thought back to the man, "I don't trust him, but since he healed you, he can't be that bad..... I don't know." Orion remembered how he offered him blood. "He offered me blood.... Where in the word would he get human blood? The thought has bothered me a lot."

Sighing, Orion ran his hand through his hair. There were so many questions, but little to no answers. He would study up on it tonight. After they met this Z person Lily spoke of.
Lily shrugs her shoulders again. "I don't know much about him really. I only go to him when I'm badly wounded like last night." She says as they continue walking into the city, the town crowd with people.

They come across a small building that looks run down and old, almost abandon. "Come on.." They go around the back of the building and knock of the door that quickly opens on it's own. They step into the dark and silent room. "Z..it's Lily." She calls out, waiting for an answer.
Orion did not like this place at all, and he wasn't that much of a scaredy cat. This place just screamed danger, and he tensed up ready to protect Lily. He was serious about being like a body guard, and he didn't want her to die anymore. His eyes watched and waited, and he realized he forgot his eye contacts, so his dark red eyes were visible.
"Z come on, I know you're here!" Lily call out a bit annoyed as they move through the building, staying close to Orion as they move quitely through the room. A few of the weapons hung up or laid out. She starts to smell something funny, not normal almost like death. "Do you smell that?" She ask, looking up at Orion.
Orion nodded. It smelled sickly sweet and death permeated from the building. It made him tense even more. He was ready to attack. He whispered quietly, "Lily, be careful, this screams wrong to me." His instincts said something was terribly wrong. The place looked in disarray with the weapons just being laid out. The smell of death made his stomach coil in disgust and he almost hissed.
Lily continue looking around before stopping at a door that was half open. Her eyes widen at the sight, seeing that there was a bloody hand hanging out and she knew all to well who and where that smell was coming from. Z is dead, she knew it.

Lily takes a deep breath, stepping back from the door and trying not to burst into tears. "I know where the smell is coming from.." She trails off, things are starting to get bad, she felt it, something bad was going to happen soon.
Orion helped himself to a weapon, a sword with a handle. He couldn't touch the blade, but the handle didn't bother him.... much.... He crouched, sword in one hand, his other stretched out. If it was anything else, he could shove his hand through a chest and rip out a heart if needed.

"Careful, Lily. Whatever caused this might still be there," his voice was a light whisper. His eyes glowed a bright red, and his fangs extended.
Lily nods her head, grabbing out of the many guns laid out. She was pissed, someone killed a person that was close to her and helped her through everything. It filled her up with nothing but rage. She took a deep breath, remember that demons feed off over energy.

"Are you sure you're okay to handle that?" Lily ask Orion in a whisper, the room still silent since they've been here but still having a bad feeling.
Orion sighed, "It's a simple idea. Swing and don't miss. Like baseball, kind of..." He tried to cover his nose, the scent of death was a sickening sweet. It made his head hurt, and the smell disgusted him. "It seems war has been silently declared... They got to one of us before we got one of them..."
Lily let out a lower growl, pushing pass Orion and slamming the door shut to the room where the dead body was in. "Damnit!" She lets out, closing her eyes. "Well, if war is what they want then a war is what they're going to get." She says through closed teeth.

She takes a few minutes to calm herself down, knowing that being angry isn't going to help at the moment. "Grab as many weapons as you can, and we're going back to your place. I have a feeling I can't go back to mine." She says.
Orion let out an inaudible sigh, she was angry, and he couldn't do much about that. He stashed as many things he could into his hand covered arms, trying to avoid skin contact with the weapons. He stuffed a few daggers into his boots and followed Lily. He didn't want to say anything, just in case he might set her into a fit of rage.

Some of the weapons burnt a bit, but it was nothing to bad. The hunger from the days before was a lot more painful, and he was able to ignore it.
Lily finds a few things, grabbing some bags and putting the weapons and other ideas she knows they're going to need. She looks around the room one more time, so many memories where here but she knows that it all has to go. They leave out and being walking back home.

Lily sighs and clears her throat. "The other spirit hunters would take care of things back there." She says, looking up at Orion, the other spirit hunters are going to have to burn down that building and everything else in it. "I know I should of told you this before but there are more...people like me. People who can die and come back to life."
Orion stared at her wide eyed, 'Why didn't she tell me this before? Why isn't she with them then? One girl shouldn't be supposed to handle all this! She had people she could go to this whole time.' Orion felt slightly betrayed, but he masked it completely. He replied, "I see.. You should contact them and inform them of what happened."

When they get to the house, Orion unlocks the door. He felt the urge to walk around the apartment building, marking his territory like a dog. He had left certain marks along the building so other things didn't bother him, so it was fairly safe, but he felt them fading.
Lily frowns, knowing she might of upset him by not saying it but she made a promise to Z not to tell anyone but now that she's there was no point in keeping it. "Oh...okay then.." She says, opening up the bag she brough with her. "You can put all the weapons in here..." She says

By the way it happen and from what she's noticing, Lily knows that she can't stay here with him anymore. From keeping a big secret like that doesn't help anything but it ruins whatever they had. "When I contact them then I won't be able to see you again after that." She grabs the weapons and put them away, pulling the bag over her shoulder.
Orion glared, grabbing her arm lightly, "What happened to forever? Are you jumping out of that already?" He gave her a pained stare, "You can't just play with people like that." He let go and sighed, "You know what, nevermind..." He looked at her with another pained stare, "When I said forever, I meant it. Keep that in mind when you need help."

He left his apartment door open, and strode out past her. He needed to think. He strode down the stairs and to the wretched park that seemed to bring one of the best things of his life. He let out a annoyed roar.
Lily stands there for awhile, trying to process what had happen. Orion pained stare keeps flashing in her mind and she knew that she had screwed up. She screwed everything up. 'If that's how it'll end then I have nothing left to loss.' She thinks to herself before going and looking over Orion, knowing what to say even if he doesn't feel the same.

She looks all through the house, looking for him before going out the apartment door and seeing him. "ORION!" She yells loudly, running towards him before tackling him down on the ground, landing on top of him. "Listen and listen to me good. I meant what I said, I never go back on my word understood?" She says, looking down at him. "I really, really like you a lot you idiot so our challenge is still on because I'm stay with you forever."
Orion groaned into the cement. His nose collided painfully with it and he knew he broke it, blood that wasn't his was dripping out, and he let out another painful moan and a muffled complaint to the girl who was yet again on top of him. Grumbling out, "Lily, you NEED to stop tackling me. PLEASE! It is very painful and I may be a vampire but it still hurts."

Then he heard what she said, and his pain seemed to fade for a moment, "How am I the idiot when you are the one who was going to leave me behind? If I didn't like you, I would have never saved you when you were bleeding out, I would have never stayed with you when I brought you to the old man, I wouldn't have brought you to my house, and I wouldn't have promised you my forever. You stupid little girl." He grumbled into the ground, "I like you too, Lily. If you haven't noticed." He paused,"Now can you get off of me? I'm pretty sure you made me break my nose."
Lily gasp loudly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I broke your nose and head I guess. It's a really bad habit...tackling people and you're really easy at tackling but this time I swear I wasn't trying to tackle you, I going for a hug but hand more force to it." Se rambles, getting off of Orion quickly.

"I'm not stupid, yeah I'm little but not stupid." She says huffing. "I just don't pick on singles that well that's all you jerk." Lily crosses her arms over her chest, sitting down on the ground. "I wasn't going to leave you. That's why I never contact them because I know that I'll have to leave, I wouldn't have a choice and when you told me back there in the house to contact them I figured you didn't want anything to do with me." She stops.
Orion sighed, "How was I supposed to know they'd take you away if you contacted them? I didn't even know there were others like you." Orion sat up, setting his nose into place and letting it heal. "Damn that hurt.. But it's fine."

He looked at Lily with humored eyes and he teased, "Fine can I call you little and a bit slow? Or is that a bit to offensive?" He paused before pinching his nose, "You tackle hugs are painful... Remind me not to get you to tackle me ever again..."
Lily smiles a little. "I'm sorry again for breaking your nose and tackling you all the time." She says softly, rubbing the back of her head, giggling "But I know you like them anyways so no more complaining about it Mr." She jokes. "A bit slow huh? So would that mean you'd like me less now?" She questions

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