Undying Love(1x1)

Orion sighed, swiveling in his chair and facing her. "You are going to need something stronger then that gun, I suppose. And if you go out.... Will you at least bring me with you?" He asked quietly. He didn't want her trying to be a hero and then dying in the process.

He stared at her, trying to convey his worry through his eyes. "I couldn't bear the thought of you dying even to come back, let alone dying for real." He broke the eye contact and turned around, facing his papers once again.
Lily blushes a bright red and glad that Orion turned around in his chair back to his papers just in time. "Okay. I promise I won't go anywhere without you." She says, moving her hand through her hair. "So, does that mean you're going to be my bodyguard?" She ask smiling.

She stares as he does his work. 'He's just being nice...nothing more...' she thinks to herself.
Orion laughed, "Yes, ma'am. Your body shall be protected. No more dying for you. It's bad for my mind. I might go insane if I see you bleeding out one more time." He let out a sigh turning serious and he looked back at her over his shoulder, "I'm serious, no more going to parks at night all by yourself. Please."

He turned back running his hand through his hair, "God. You scared me to death when I smelt your blood tonight, and I CAN'T die."
"Okay I promise. No more parks by myself but you know what that means right?" She ask. "That mean that you're going to be stuck with me forever." She laughs. Actually like that thought.

She grabs a pillow off the bed and throws it at the back of his head playfully. "I'm sorry you have to keep seeing me dying. I'll try not to die alright? I don't want you to worry about me."
The pillow hit Orion, and he grinned, "You sure you want me around forever? Because I literally have forever. You'll have to listen to my nagging." He teased her, and he turned to face her. Then a look of mock horror went through his eyes and he put his hand on his not beating heart and mumbled, "Oh god! I'll have to listen to you lecturing me about going out in the sun all the time."

He winked at her, "It's fine anyways, it's funny when you go all mother hen on me." He grabbed the pillow that she threw at him off the floor and threw it back with a grin on his face.
Lily giggles. "Well now that that's settled I'll let you know that I have forever as well so ha!" She laughs, the pillow hitting her head. "I'll be stuck with your nagging and over worrying and you'll be stuck with my lecturing and mothering ways. I think we should get along just fine." She smiles, shaking her head. "Well I kind of have to go 'mother hen' on you or else you'll just sit out in the sun for days."
Orion laughed, "There's nothing wrong with sitting out in the sun, anyway, I'm too pale! People always are asking if I'm sick! I need a tan!" The vampire joked. His skin was so white, it was almost impossible for him to tan anyway, but he was teasing, so oh well.

"Maybe I'll go buy those spray tans and become orange! Then I'll dye my hair green. Then I'll shrink down and become a oompa loompa."
Lily laughs loudly, falling back on the bed. "I don't know. I'm trying to picture it but I can't see that." She laughs, shaking her head. "No, don't get a spray down or dye you hair green, I think you look just the way you are now so don't change that."

She giggles. "An oompa loompa hahaha. Oh that one was funny."
Orion grinned, "I won't. I'm happy with my skin tone and my hair color actually. There were a few benefits to becoming a vampire, I suppose. I used to have to wear glasses, now I have twenty twenty vision. Skipping school is fun sometimes." He shrugged. "Do you have any other special powers than not dying?" he asked, curious
Lily smiles, sitting up. "Hmm..special powers." She starts thinking about it. "Well besides not dying, I can see people that are dead, I can sense them too. I don't have any super strength, faster than the speed of light, great vision and hearing like someone I know who is a vampire." She smirks.
Orion smiled lightly, "It comes at a price, unfortunately. And it was quite painful, but I suppose it could have been a nicer transformation." He shrugged, "I lived through it, well kind-ish" He laughed at the end, but it was kind of awkward.

"So you live all by yourself? My parents would never have let me do that. They'd be afraid I'd party to much or invite girls home," he laughed.
Lily nods her head. "Yeah I know, sometimes I just start to wonder when I die would I really come back or not? I always think about it. And it's worst when I do die and it's painful. I hate that." She shakes her head.

"Well, I guess you broke your parents rule because you have a girl here." She laughs. "And I talked my mom into letting my stay here. Mom and I were always moving around so much that I just wanted to settle here."
Orion smiled, but it was painful, "My parent think I am dead, so they wouldn't know or mind anyways." He smiled happily then, "I know what it means to wanting to settle down. I was on the move for a while." He stretched, placing his feet on the desk.
"I'm sorry for bringing up your parents." Lily says softly, looking at the time on her phone. "Oh wow, it's already 2 in the morning. I can get used to this not sleeping thing." She chuckles, stretching her arms over her head.
Orion chuckled, "Until you pass out from lack of sleep. You are probably just being kept awake by my attractiveness. I know, I've been told I'm distracting, it comes with the vampire abilities." Orion joked lightly. He stared at her with worry though.

"Maybe you should get some sleep, you really did just get mauled last night... If anything comes in, I'll protect you." Orion said in a light voice.
Lily laughs, rolling her eyes. "Oh you're such a dazzling vampire." She says giggle as she kicks off her shoes. "Yeah..maybe I should get some sleep." Lily yawns and lays on the bed. "I'll try not to dream about your attractiveness Orion." She says, closing her eyes. "Promise me you'll protect me."
"I promise I'll protect my damsel in distress," he replied in amusement. He stood and left the bedroom to allow her to sleep in peace. He laid on his couch his eyes glowing. His mind was running a mile a minute, revolving around two things. Demons being the first. Lily being the second.

The impending danger scared him, but he was a lot stronger than he was five years ago. If Lily wanted to pick a fight with the demons, he was willing to back her up till his end or till they won. He was worried about her though. If she couldn't heal when the demons attacked her, she was just like another human. She could actually die, and that thought scared him more than facing a demon.
Lily lays in bed, tossing and turning doesn't help when she's trying to sleep, knowing that her body still needs to be well rested if things start to get out of hand with the demons. Why were they showing their faces now? And what was the old mans deal? Is what's bothering her more and the fact that Orion can get hurt.

She jolts up awake, seeing some of the sun shining through the bedroom, wondering how long she's been asleep but not really caring. She gets out of the bedroom and go into the living room to see Orion on the couch. "Hey bodyguard." She says in a groggy sleeping voice, knowing her hair probably looked a mess and morning breath.
Orion's head snapped to her, and he grinned, "Hey sleeping beauty, what's up?" He masked his worries. He spent hours worrying, and he was curious about the old man. He also wondered about the demons. The last one he saw was the one who turned him into a vampire.

Stretching like a cat, his back popped multiple times, and he stood, his muscles burning from staying in the same position for so long.
"Beauty? Yeah right." she snorts, stretch her arms over her head. "So, I think that I spent most of the night thinking about things and I really want to know. Did you want to join me? You know, with getting rid of evil spirits." She ask.

"And I know this may sound crazy but it's a theory I have. When you were bite and turned into a vampire, it maybe have been a demon right?" She starts pacing. "So when we go see the woman who makes my weapons she does other stuff too and I believe that you can see demons but can't accept it because of how you were turned into a vampire." She rambles.
Orion sighed, "I'd be a terribly bodyguard if I didn't join you. I can't let you do this all alone." He paused thinking about what she said, "Your theory could be correct. The thing... The thing that attacked me was demonic or something worse. I don't know.... I've learned that ignorance is bliss, but if I'm to help you, I guess I can't be ignorant anymore.."
Lily claps. "Okay this is good and you're not ignorant so don't beat yourself up alright?" She says, putting her shoes on. "Lucky for us today is a Saturday so we have time till we meet with her." Lily says, looking at Orion. "You know, you don't have to look after me. I know you said that you'll worry to much but it's really fine. You don't have to come with."
Orion gave her a 'Are you joking look?'. "You almost died TWICE, once you almost stayed dead. I'm not losing you." He stood up, "I don't know about you, but you are the first person that I could talk to for five years. I'm not losing you. Like I said, do you really want me around forever cause I have that long?"

Orion was clinging to this "relationship" they had. She was his first friend for a long time and he was just about willing to give his life to make sure she'd be ok. Years of solitude did that to a person, and he realized how deep he was stuck.

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