Undying Love(1x1)

Orien smiled, happy that she wanted to still see him. He replied, "Of course, I'll see you at school. I also have to go. Goodnight." He walked away, every step he took, his muscles tightened.

He was starving, and he needed to find someone to feed on. He was relieved but very sad at the same time. Knowing that there was a tomorrow, made him smile, but the fact that he had to go feed off someone most likely innocent person spoiled his happy mood.
Lily smiles and turns to head home. Fist pumping at the yes that they'll see each other. "Just calm down it's not that big of a deal." She says aloud, going to the store to grab tons of food for herself before taking the walk home.

But still, the thought of an evil spirit from the library that got away it still eating at her, making her feel bad since it's her "job" to get rid of those things for the humans to be safe.
(I'm not going to go into detail about him eating someone... It would be kind of weird..)

Orien sighed, wiping his mouth. He wiped the poor man's mind, left some money, and headed home. He was still hungry, but he didn't want to kill the man, so he had stopped. He wasn't going to bother another person tonight. He slipped into his apartment, thinking about how his day went.

It started off horribly, guilt wracking his every thought. But it ended up being great, he had made a friend, and hopefully, someday possibly, someone that could be more. He sighed, he was most likely getting his hopes up.
(Don't worry it's fine. You don't have to go into details about it)

Lily wakes up later then she usually does since she did eat a lot and her body needed the extra hour for resting. After what seemed like hours she finally made it to school, still tired and yawning loudly. Not really caring how she looked today, but then again having seconds thoughts since her and Orion are hanging out. "Damnit, I should of tired." She mumbles to herself.
Orion did his daily mourning ritual. He went to the bathroom put his dirty clothes in a laundry basket, brushed his teeth, jumped into the shower, washed his hair, dried off, took the laundry to the laundry room, got changed, and then did laundry. He proceeded to get all his school things together, though he doubted he'd be in school for long.
Lily lays her head down on her desk, still tired from eating to much. She yawned and slept throw most of her classes before finally the lunch bell rings and she goes to have lunch under a cherry bloom tree.

Her mind wandering about all the events that have started taking place when she "died" the first time and the days after. She sighs loudly and lays down under the tree. "It's a sunny day." She mumbles.
Orion, who was feeling a lot better than before, saw Lily sitting under a cherry blossom tree. He smiled and walked quietly up to her, he hear her mumble and he contained his chuckle. Tilting his head to the side, he wondered if she was worried about him.

"Ah yes, it is a sunny day. Obnoxiously bright, well for me of course," Orion responded, sitting down beside her. "Am I interrupting your nap time? I can go if you want?" He shrugged his shoulders.
Lily jumps when she heard Orion speaking about how sunny it is and she knows he heard her. But she can't help but blush from worrying about him to much in the sun light. "No, no I wasn't napping or anything just enjoying the weather and what not." She smiles. "So how are you? Keeping and staying out of sunlight right?" She ask teasing a little.
Orion grinned, his teeth showing, but his fangs were not down. "I'm fine. And maybe, would you lecture me if I told you I wasn't?" he asked? Her lecturing him was amusing, it reminded him of a nagging mother, and it made it even more funny since she was technically younger than him.

He looked up at the sky, "Just cause I'm a vampire doesn't mean I don't want to see the sun. If I was worried about risks, I wouldn't be here. I enjoy the sun as much as you do, I WAS human at one point."
"Well, if you told me you were out in the sun then yes. I'll lecture you." She says smiling. "And I know you were human once, so was I. I'm not saying that you can't enjoy the sun once in a while just...be careful about it."

She lays back down and look up at the sky, enjoying the cool breeze blowing through the wind the company she now has. "Okay fine. I won't lecture you about being out in the sun for long if that's what you want?"
He shook his head no, and laughed. He spoke in a calm tone, "Like I said before, it seems I like you lecturing me. It is quite amusing." Orion laid back too, and sighed. It was peaceful, maybe a bit too peaceful, but it was nice.

"I don't seem to know much about you. With the exception that you don't seem to die and you love books that have to do with romance," Orion said aloud.
Lily laughs, shaking her head. "Okay, you brought that one on yourself so don't get upset if I lecture you too much bud." She pokes his arm playfully.

"Hmm, well lets see. I was born in another town, my dad died when I was fine, my mom remarried to some famous baseball player and they both live out the town. My favorite color is blue, I like the spring time, I eat a lot and snore in my sleep. I know, gross right?" She chuckles. "Tell me about yourself, I'd like to know more about you."
Orion smiled, keeping in mind of what she said, and snickering when she said she snored. He was jealous, in a way. He couldn't sleep at all and he couldn't eat normal food. He thought about himself for a while, then realized how much being a vampire changed him.

Orion spoke quietly, "I was also born in another town. I was the only child of my parents. Last time I saw them, they were still alive, but they live very far away. I was changed into a vampire five years ago. My favorite color before my change was red, but now it is white. I don't eat at all, nor do I sleep. My condition does not allow me such leisure. I've been working for the past five years, and I live all by myself in a simple apartment." 
(I think I'm going to go to bed. Nighty night)
Lily frowns, hearing what he said and she takes it as important but still feels bad for him since he didn't have a choice but to live with the fact of what he is. She can tell that he was unhappy, not being able to do the things that she can. "I'm sorry." She says softly.

"I know it must suck for you, being what you are and all." She says sitting up. "I know you're unhappy and I want to fix that because you have the right to be happy. So I'm going to make it my personal mission. Got it?" 
(Good night)
Orion sighed when she apologized. He replied quietly, "It's not something to be sorry about. I am what I am now and I can't change that." He grinned at her, "And I'm flattered my happiness is your personal mission, but that is really unnecessary. You shouldn't be distracted by me because of that "job" of yours."

Orion stretched out in the shade. He yawned and rolled to his side facing Lilly, he smirked. "You are silly."
Lily smirk. "Hey I can still work and try to make you happy. I'm like really good at multitacting." She chuckles. "So don't try to talk me out of it because I'm doing it and seeing it through til I see a grin on your face everyday."

Lily lays back and looks up at the sky before turning her head and and looking at Orion. "What do you mean that I'm silly?" She ask, smiling.
Orion sighed and rolled over. He said quietly, "You want to make a vampire happy, who does that?" Orion looked at the tree above them. "You want to make a person who drink humans' blood to survive. I'm barely different than the spirits you hunt." He went to stand up, and he stretched. His back popped uncomfortably, and he let out a small groan.
Lily frowns as she sits up quickly. "Well I do that!" She says. "You're suppose to be my friend right? And friends help each other. You know what I'm actually offend because to me you're far from even being close to the spirit I hunt because if you were then you would of sucked me dry when you thought I was dead but no you didn't so tells me that you're not a bad guy."

She stands up quickly, grabbing her bag. "Until you realize that you're not a bad guy then we could talk." She turns and leaves.
Orion watched her leave with a sigh. Maybe it was better this way. 'I guess she is unaware the once she's dead her blood smells.... wrong.... ' he let out a sigh and went in the opposite direction. Today, he'd skip again to give himself time to think.

'I'm a monster, maybe not by complete choice, but I still choose to feed when I could just starve to hibernation.....' even then, the thought was unpleasant to Orion. He didn't want to be in a state of eternal pain, never able to wake, but never able to die.

He sighed yet again, wishing he could have turned back time and went back to being a human. Life was easier that way, and he didn't have nearly as many things to worry about. He missed his parents, his friends, and the innocence he seemed to hold when he was a teen. He felt old now, even though he wasn't old in human standards, he was young for a vampire he guessed too, but he hadn't met any like him before so he didn't know.
"That jerk.." She mumbles to herself as she walks around the school, not even sure she wants to go back for the day since it's still bothering her. She makes her way to the west gate of the schools campus and leave out to the library where that spirit was.

'Maybe it's better if we didn't talk anymore. I want to help but can't if he keeps pushing me away when I keep pushing for a change.' Lily sighs loudly, coming up the library and start wandering around in the hallways. Looking for the spirit for what seems like hours.

It's getting late now and the sun has already set when Lily is walking through the park, sensing the evil spirit stronger than before. She moves around the park quitely, knowing it's a bad idea since she does have her weapon but she'll take the risk. She stumbles across what seems like a large dog that's sniffing around. 'It's eyes are red..' she thinks to herself before hoping out from around the tree and tackling it full forces and they start struggling. The demon dog is stronger then she is, leaving large claw marks on her back and sinking it's fangs in her side before tossing her far. Landing on her head with a crack. "damnit." She mumbles, sensing that it left, she drags herself over to a tree and lay against it, her deep wounds bleeding out, her skin torn.
Orion had went home after their conflict he felt bitter and angry with himself. 'You should have realized the kickbacks,' he thought to himself, 'It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you blew it. You should have known how much it would screw you up.'

Orion found himself leaving the apartment and heading to the park. He couldn't focus on studying and he still hadn't bought any new books. It was a deja vu moment. When the scent of blood hit his nose, he panicked. It smelt familiar and he let out a moan of pain, knowing exactly who's blood it was.

Next thing he knew, Orion was sprinting towards the source, his vampire speed getting him there in a matter of seconds. He saw the puddle, and curses flew out of his mouth. It was happening again, just in a slightly different setting. He let out a low his, and the scent of blood was everywhere he couldn't pinpoint her location. He let out a frustrated roar. Yelling angrily, "Lily! Where are you!!??!!"
Lily winces in pain, this is worst than it normally is. Her wounds aren't closing up like it should and her blood is leaving her body quicker that normal. It was a demon not, not an evil spirit inside it, someone made that thing and it's strong.

She tries sitting up against the tree, holding her right side where she was bite hard at and can see an opening from it. She sense another spirit and know who's it is. Orion. "Help.." She tries to get out but finding it hard, her throat becoming dry at the lose of her blood. She lets out a loud groan in pain, hoping he'll hear it. It almost surprises her that she needs someone else help when she's always helping somebody else.

Lily tries to keep her eyes open, lifting up her shirt and seeing her wound not healing, just getting worse and worse. 'Damnit what did it do to me? Orion help.' She thinks to herself.
Orion heard her voice, and moved to it as quickly as he could. He had fed the night before, so he was stronger and quicker. Moving next to her, he examined her wounds. His voice was quiet, "They aren't healing. Lilly, they aren't healing." Panic began to set in.

Orion could heal, but at a cost. The blood he drank yesterday would be the sacrifice, and he wasn't sure if he drank enough to completely heal these deep wounds. He touched the cut skin on her stomach, and groaned as he felt his power and the blood in his body, the blood of that human man, drain from him. The cuts began to mend, but it looked extremely painful.

Orion's vision was bright red, and he was panting in concentration. He had very little strength, but he needed to get her wounds to the point of stabilizing. She still wasn't healing without his help, and it made him worry. What was going on?
"No it's fine.." Lily mumbles, pushing Orion hand away from her wounds, not wanting him to heal it. "It...it happens sometimes." She lies, shutting her eyes tightly from the pain. 'Why wasn't I dying yet?' She thinks to herself.

"What are you doing in the park anyways?" She ask, panting, her vision getting blurring. "I felt that spirit again and found it here..I knew I should of waited to fix my gun this spirit..ahh..it's bad, really really bad." She holds onto her wounds, knowing what she has to do.

"Okay...I need you to do a favor for me...just this time then I'll be out your way forever." She says, as painful it sounds to her to knows that it's better for Orion not to be with her. "There's a temple on the east side of town close by the mountains. There's a monk there who knows about what I do, I think he can heal me..." She trails off, trying to keep her eyes open.
Orion lets out a annoyed growl, "It doesn't matter right now. Are you fit for traveling? I don't feel comfortable leaving you here." His eyes flashed a dangerous red, and he was practically shaking from fury. His eyes locked on to every single movement in the park, he was ready for an attack.

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