Undying Love(1x1)

Orion stared at her, his eyes filled with disapproval. "Drinking from you would make you weaker," he replied quickly. That wasn't exactly why he didn't want to, but he threw out the first excuse he could think of and went off it. "You need to be at your best physical condition if we are fighting these people."
Lily frowns before sighing, not wanting to get into another argument. "Okay.." She says sadly, standing quite the rest of the walk back home. They arrive out front out the house, the place seeming dark like no one has been here for months.
Orion twitched, "If they trashed my house, I am going to murder Kaonti with my bare hands." He looked around expecting one of his lackeys to be watching them. "If they are listening, I hope they go tell him that." Orion unlocked the door.
Lily shakes her head sighs as they step into the house, to her surprise nothing was done to the house. No glass anywhere or torn up furniture. Lily turns on the lights before going straight to the kitchen to fix herself something to eat. She's been hungry all day and worries so nothing would be better then her stuffing her face.
Orion looked at the food worriedly, "Lily, what if it is poisoned?" He sniffed the food, but smelt nothing. His worries were still strong. "I can't imagine them not messing with my things. They did SOMETHING. I am NOT paranoid."
Lily bit her lower lip to keep from laughing at Orion. "I didn't say anything about you being paranoid Orion so just take a few deep breaths and relax." She says as she hops on the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of ice cream. "I think all of this is really stressing you out and your mind is playing tricks on you. Just go eat, come back and rest for a little."
He twitched, just a little bit. "I'm a vampire, I can't rest," he said, but he sat down and let out a tired sigh. He ran his hand through his hair once more, making it stick up weirdly, but he didn't notice. He was thinking about Kaonti and his threats. It made his muscles tense up and his fangs drop in anger. 'How dare he threaten Lily and others,' Orion growled in his mind.
Lily finish off the bowl of ice cream before opening a bag of chips, finishing that up quickly, she rolls the bag into a ball and throws it at Orion's head. 'Would you just for an hour stop thinking about thing please?" She ask. "Because to be quite frank it's worrying me to death how worried and stress you look and you're not even my boyfriend for me to be worrying so much but I am!"

She shouts. "So cut the crap for an hour at least and f*cking relax." She hops off the counter and makes her way into the living room, remembering that she had homework to do even though the school day was cut short.
He heard her, he knew she was worrying, but he couldn't keep calm. He tried to, he really did, but he couldn't. He physically relaxed, just to calm her, but his mind was still running a mile a minute.
Lily huffs, flipping through the pages of her text book, wanting to do her homework but not feeling in the mood, which is was she's been feeling a lot like lately. She sighs, pushing her text book away from her before laying her head on her knees.
Orion walked over to Lily and said, "I'm sorry. Do you want to play a game or something? Talk? Something so we can both stop worrying?" He let out a sigh, sitting somewhat near her.
Lily looks up at Orion, shrugging her shoulders. "Sure I guess." She says, wondering what they should do. If they play a game she knew that he would beat her. If they talk it'll more than likely end up in a argument. 'The pros and cons' She thinks to herself. "Lets play a game." She says.
Orion thought for a while, "I was expecting you to say no, so let me actually think of a game. I might have some paper and we could play a serious game of tic tac toe. Or charades." His eyes were wide, he didn't think she would say yes, so he was scrambling of games they could actually play.
Lily chuckles a little, thinking about it. "How about we play hide-and-go-seek?" She ask, sitting up on the couch. "I think it's be fun and plus your house is big enough for us to play."
Orion shook his head, "Is that possible or fair? My sense of smell and hearing, your abilities to sense me?" He smiled at her lightly, trying to forget the impending danger. "I guess I could plug my nose and blast music into my ears, but can you ignore that sense?"
Lily smiles, hoping up. "Okay then it's a deal, I can ignore my senses so that way I won't be able to find you so easily and you can just blast the music." She says. "It works out perfectly."
Orion nodded, finding a ipod that he had bought two years back and was filled with music he never listened to anymore. "You want to be it first? Or should I?" He placed one of the ear buds in his ear, but left the other out so he could hear her response.
"I'll go hide first." She smiles, taking Orion by the arm and making him face the corner. "Count to ten and then come find me." She says before leaving to hide, actually having fun with this. She goes around the house before desciding to hide in a closet.
Orion placed the ear bud in and counted slowly, "One... Two... Three... Four ... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten! Ready or not, here I come." He sighed mentally, 'The last time I played hide and seek was when I was 10.' He checked the obvious places first, looking at the the curtains, the kitchen cupboards, in the bathroom, behind the shower curtain, under the tables, behind the couch, and then he started searching his bedroom closet, but she wasn't there either. He went to the living room closet, but he looked at it warily. He said quietly, "I swear if you are in here, Lily, I might go insane. I searched everywhere else." He opened the door, only to have a umbrella hit his face, and a string full of curses left his mouth. Shutting that closet, he went to the one in the kitchen, and threw it open, seeing Lily there. He had a red mark on his head from the umbrella and a look of disbelief and irritation, "My luck is rotten today."
Lily looks up at Orion wide eyed as she sits in the kitchen closet. Seeing the red mark on his forehead she can't help but laugh. "Oh God what happen to your head?" She ask, standing up and getting out of the closet to look up at the red mark. "Did you bang your head or something?"
Orion twitched a bit and said, "A umbrella attacked me." He looked at the kitchen closet and sighed. "The very last place I had to search, and you are in it."
Lily smiles. "Yeah well, I thought it would be the first place you would of search since I love to eat." She says, rubbing the back of her head. "Did you want to stop playing?" She ask
Orion sighed, "Not if you want to continue." He rubbed the red mark on his head and felt like smacking himself. He looked like a dork with it, and it almost made him want to laugh and be embarrassed at the same time.

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