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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]


Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
OOC : There is no planned storyline for this, honestly.

-Swearing is fine, but keep it to a minimum. 'Hell' and 'damn' do not count. Other than that, stars (*) are recommended.

-Stick to the site rules.

-Don't break the game lore.

-Frisk is gender-neutral, so you may refer to them as He, She, or They. While They is indeed recommended, the other pronouns are okay. Their clothing is still gender-neutral.

-This is post-pacifist run, so spoilers ahead !

-All humans will be NPCs.

-No more OCs until we have enough main characters please.

-Be more descriptive than the post below, please. Minimum of one paragraph, five sentences.

-Always (especially in RP or in your CS) use proper grammar.

-OCs : All OC skeletons must be named after the font they speak in.


IC :

It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming...
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Darkness, darkness without dark, light, light without brightness. Everything and nothing at the same time everywhere and nowhere opposites that were the same paradoxes that existed without destruction. The great nothingness that was outside all time, all space yet was connected to every moment in every time everywhere. Every choice, every bit of luck, everything that had an outcome could be seen from this great void. There was nothing in this place no hot, not cold, no light, not dark, no life , no death this was a place without all things where nothing could exist because it every had in the first place as this nothingness could not exist and yet it did, and so too did its soul inhabitant.

Form here the mind that had gone mad thanks to this place and become sane because of it had seen every outcome , every choice, and every reset or every timeline. It had seen the myriad of endings that could happen, that had happen, that would happen. it saw everyone die, it saw everyone trapped, it saw them all free over and over. It had once been like those that it watched but now it was something else, it had once been a great man but then it had fallen and faced every version of itself in this spaceless space. It had watched everyone it had known forget it, it was gone erased from every timeline mind body and soul , and nothing had changed.

" I could go back ( I could go back) It thought its mind having manifested many times in many shapes, but it had never truly been back.

"but you are dead" The nothingness seemed to say even if it was just a voice inside the mind " I am not I didn't die ( I am not I didn't die) the mind echoed to the empty nothing

" you did worse than die you don't exist" it seemed to come back as if the nothingness wanted this single being within it or it wanted to stay " I maybe gone but even if no one remembers me I can go back ( I maybe gone but even if no one remembers me I can go back) it retorted.

" you can't you don't have the Determination to " The void seemed to echo back " I may not have Determination But I have knowledge and I have power, and will that will have to do ( I may not have Determination but I have knowledge and I have power and will that will have to do) It said back and instead of anymore most likely not real echoes there was light.

" I am free" Dr. W.D. Gaster said as he escaped the void whole yet still broken.
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Slowly opens her left eye as she notices that Alphys is already up. Laying on the bed like some sack of flesh and bones - she slowly turns her body over the bed, laying her head on the bed case, covering her chest with blankets. She never had felt that good after so much time of fightings, walking, training and stuff. That night was gorgeous for her. She let out light smile while then yoinking out of the bed, standing up while streching herself up, revealing her beauty to nothingness. She tossed her glance over the clock as she noticed that it was already 12:45 AM. Swifting attention to calendar, she noticed that it is 31'st of December - New Year eve. No wonder why Alphys got up so early - groceries aren't going to buy themselves. She slowly puts some of her cloth on, fixing her tank-top and pants, walking to the bathroom.


Suddenly... the place fill with some gentle presses on the keyboard of the piano, repeating the omnious tune over and over. Somebody was sitting on the piano, playing that strange, chilling tune on the piano. Undyne was finally finishing brushing her teeth while splashing water on her face, washing it up. After turning the valve and reaching for the towel, she could finally hear that muffled piano tune, being played downstairs. That raised some attention for Undyne as she hummed, feeling uneasy after clearly hearing that tune, since she just walked out of bathroom. Without putting eyepatch, she goes downstairs slowly, remaining silent for some reason while observing the next sceene.

Gaster had fallen out of nothing and into something, how long he fell he didn't know as his entire body was remade in the fall from just a mind he was once more a physical being, at least for the most part as there was still a touch of the void upon him. His clothes had been changed no longer did he wear his lab coat and suit but instead he was cloaked in seemingly living darkness that squirmed and wriggled even when still and his body was cracked and jagged monstrous even by monsters standards. Though his body seemed fuzzy as if seen though fog then his looks shifted while his skull was still damaged he looked far more normal for a skeleton, despite still being cloaked is squirming nothingness.

Gaster knew where he had fallen it was not where he had aimed but he was not lost, he didn't see all but he remembered a lot, what could be, what might be, and what shouldn't happen, all these were mixed up in his mind along with just who he was supposed to be. The monsters were free the child… Frisk had been good… this time. It seemingly took Gaster a few seconds to realize Undyne was watching him and it did though in the back of his mind he knew she would be there just not exactly when.

Gaster stopped playing and stood turning to face the fish woman on the stairs " Ah there you are Undyne I am glad to meet you before his majesty" ( Ah there you are Undyne I am glad to meet you before his majesty ) Gaster said his voice not right it sounded scratchy like someone gasping for breath while speaking though a bad speaker.
Undyne was standing there, looking at his hands while trying to understand what is he talking about, but instead - it turns out to be gibbirish, his voice is hardly audiable while backing off, feeling more and more unsure of his apperance and his position here. She didn't know what to do, she was overwhelmed with sense of unknown, the sense that it is not real. Yet slowly, bits of her memmory slowly come back, like they appear sudden from amnesia, the amnesia that she had never had. Yet still, uncertainty was in her eye, holding on the rail of the staircase. She felt how reality slowly tears at seems.

'W-Who.... w-who are you..? W-What t-the hell are you d-doing in ... in this house?' - notes of fear were comming out of her mouth, stammering filled her poor soul. She felt really strange while looking at Gaster, like something in her body seem to disappear.
" Right people have trouble understanding me." (Right people have trouble understanding me)" Gaster said his scratchy voice letting out an odd sigh her should have expected it.

Gaster didn't answer Undyne's questions as she likely wouldn't understand him just yet maybe with more time, even he wasn't sure how much time spent outside of reality had altered him, or if this was an effect of said time outside. Well he could figure that out if anything Sans could always be called upon to translate as if anyone would know him it would be Sans.

Gaster moved so that a table that hadn't been in the room before was revealed and on it was a tea set with two cups and a tea pot. He gestured for Undyne to sit hopefully she would see that he didn't mean any harm, as at the table were two chairs no one had bought, yet at least, Gaster had found that a small connection to the void and his own experience let him use some very fun shortcuts.
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She made some light trots down the stairs with her feet, breathing quietly while trying to act cautious - fighting would probabbly end up horribly wrong, especially in her place. She just slowly walked to the formed table as she just once again looked at the creature, then at the table, thinking that she is now hallucinating. Taking a sit on it and looking at tea - she felt even more dread coming through her body - the size of his, the look of his, everything made her feel dizzy and unstable. Some more bits of memmory come to her, seeming to form into one big flash from the past. She looks over its eyes, feeling like they are trying to call her out. 'Gosh.... Could be....' - light tear seem to roll down on her cheek as she just didn't understand what is going on, why does she deserve it.
Gaster sat down across from Undyne, and poured them both a cup of nice hot tea, it was not any tea they had in the house that was cheap store bought tea, there was no way he could drink something like that. While anything was nice after the endless void he still had standards for his tea. No the note of things it was nice to have company was also on the list of things, company that knew you were here seeing everyone and everything they did without being seen did get a little dull, then sad, then mind numbing. Gaster wasn't going to push Undyne she was a test case at this point of how being in his presence altered others so he watched carefully seeing if memories surfaced or for any reaction she had he could tell something was going on but for now he could wait.
It seems that his apperance surely caused Undyne to finally remember his figure, finally remember that he actually existed before and how he disappeared. She was not touching that cup of tea while breathing slowly. She felt how chills were falling down her spine, how he has changed since the last meeting. 'Pr-Pr-Proffesor.... Win Ding Gaster... couldn't be it..? Couldn't be... that you have finally appeared... after long silence?' - disbelief struck her face like traincart, shaking her head while slapping her own cheecks, perhaps she was thinking that she was sleeping - but she wasn't. She looked at him as more and more memmories come back, his deeds, his actions, sudden apperance of Core. She was just sitting here, keeping that frozen expression on her face. She has finally pulled the pieces of puzzle together for complete picture.
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The bell rang, and a voice came from behind the door.

"Hey, Undyne." It was Sans' voice. "Papyrus couldn't come, but he sent you some spaghetti. Says it's a healthy breakfast."

His eyes went blank for a moment. Who was that other voice ? It sounded familiar... Like it was something from the past. But that's not what worried Sans; it was the tone in Undyne's voice. She sounded scared. What could possibly scare the head of the royal guard ?

His memory drifted back two days earlier, when he had that eerie dream. He was alone, in a long hall like that in Asgore's castle, only much darker, the only source of light being the torches on the walls, which emitted dim light from their blue flames. He had walked down the hall, and it seemed to never end, then a voice spoke...

Sans opened his eyes again. It was just a dream, nothing important. He rang the bell once more.
While then a seemingly new guard was walking around the near surroundings of the area, He looked to be kind of strong but weak at the same time. For him, his job never had an end. He was awake since 4:30 am and was patrolling the nearby areas, his final goal was patrolling the entire Underworld. He felt like he needed to do so, not caring about if the other Guards were doing their job, he just cared on doing his part, on helping on protecting and serving like a honored Guard would do. As he walked on the nearby area to Undyne's place, the cobra boy flickered his tomgue as a way to detect nearby pressences. But...something felt different that time. He had no idea of what was that pressence, something was different, he didn't knew what it was exactly, it was strange to him so he decided to get a bit closer to the place were the strange essence came from
She blinked once more as she kept her look at Gaster, at his blank view as she hears the bell and the voice, recognizing it but yet still being in that kind of daydream. She let out sigh while saying 'I... I guess you ... let me see who it is...' - she slowly stood up while keeping distance from the walking anomaly. She felt even worse from his presance, how air slowly became stuffy, how sweat hit her forehead and how something was choking her, like she needed for more air. She was keeping close to the walls, still not being sure if her eyes and senses are numbed. But after making more and more trots to the door - she felt weakness, her body seem to numb from all that stress, all of her mood has been flushed like in the toliet. She was about to reach the door yet dizzyness got the best of her - she fell down on the ground, losing conciousness, falling with the loud thud.
"Welp, seems like I have to get in myself."


Sans glanced around, his eyes resting for a few seconds on the flowers in the flower beds, especially the yellow ones. He stepped back and, still holding the spaghetti plate in his left hand, removed the right from his pocket and raised it. A rumbling noise like that of a motor came from the other side of the street, followed by a huge animal skull-like cannon. The skeleton stepped to one side, put his hand before him, and waved it towards the door. The pupils on the cannon's eyes turned blue as its jaws divided into four, then were reduced to almost nothing as a laser beam shot at the door, destroying it immediately. The cannon returned to its original state and, as Sans waved his arm once more, returned to where it was earlier.

The plump skeleton stepped into the house. He looked around for a brief moment, then his eyes caught Undyne sprawled on the ground.

"Undyne. What are you. . ." His sentence was cut short as his eyes rested on the figure by the table. He put the plate on the nearest table, keeping his eyes on the stranger.

". . ."
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Now that concerned even more the Royal Guard, seeing such display of powerfull weapons. The snake boy tought that Sans may hurt someone. So he made sure to study the situation closer to know what was really going on. The strange pressence earlier detected by him and the use of a powerfull weapon made him get even more alert quickly. He pulled out 2 swords with a beautyful shiny blades and bright red handles that seemed to have delicated yellow designs but he wasn't going to use them until it was fully necesary to do so. By now, he was ready to move, but decided to stay calm to not do anything wrong, or stupid. And much more important, to not hurt any innocent monster that apparently and for his beliefs hasn't done anything but destroying a door
Gaster had been more wrapped up in thought the memories could apparently restored, though Undyne might be a special case given what she had inside her that most other monsters didn't. He had seen her stand against Chara reborn over and over and call upon determination over and over, then get killed over and over. Though the stress might have been to much for her given that she had passed out, well at least memories could be restored he could have his life back he just worried that false memories might be implanted as the mind tried to cope with remembering and extra person.

" Sans …. " ( sans) Gaster said at a loss for words as he slowly got up his restored image slipping for a few seconds to his more monstrous one before it returned. " … I… that was rather rude" ( …i… that was rather rude) He said appearing to have some trouble actually staying on this plane of reality as he spoke.
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Undyne was laying down on the ground, out of cold, not responding at anything as by miracle, Gaster Blaster didn't hit her body, while being unconciousness, as door also flew out and evaded the contact as well. She was just there, laying on the ground, like dead body, motionless.
"Heh... The sun looks more beautiful than I thought"As Marine thought of looking for Asgore to tell him thanks for not killing anymore, he hears a nearby explosion."Wow what the hell was that?!"He immediately sees Sans going inside the house he just breached"Well it looks like Sans still uses that destructive laser"Marines decided to investigate further and goes near the house's backyard and ease drops on sans speaking to the Royal Guard"I wonder what's that Royal Guard doing in this house?"
"Who are you ?"

But even before he asked the question, Sans knew the answer. It was the royal scientist. Not Alphys, but the one before her. The one who made The Core. Sans felt something, deep down, like he personally knew him... But he couldn't quite translate it; like the person before him was a figment of his imagination that came into reality, or was removed from reality and came back...

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Gaster was well aware that he was being watched, not because of any quantum states or powers but simply being a scientist helped you develop a certain sense of paranoia, but the one who was watching them was not important. Right now the person in front of him was the most important, he was the one Gaster had thought would remember him he was the one who could remember resets and knew how to play with space and time.

" I am Wingdings Gaster . I was erased from reality. " ( I am Wingdings Gaster . I was erased from reality.) Gaster said his words sounding forced and unnatural as he had to work though his emotions to get what he wanted said out.
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"As Marines's heard him say he was W.D. Gaster, flashbacks of the past started rushing in his mind"AHHH!!! What the hell where did this memories come from!"Marines's obviously being heard due to his pain alerted Gaster, Sans and Undyne to his presence"

@Karcen @Darkiplier @ShadNova
It seems that Undyne slowly gained her senses as loud groan could be heard from her, she felt that strange pain which was flowing her body. She felt how her head was two sizes too small for her brain, narrowing every single minute - it seems that presance of Gaster actually affected the surroundings, or at least that she thought for a minute. She slowly opened her left eye, finding it painful to actually do it as her face showed the grimace of agony. Something was not right about it. It was unusual for her to feel it from all sudden. She tried to lift her arm up and reach for the wall, pulling herself closer to the wall while feeling cold wind hitting her back from the opened door. She didn't understand why she was feeling that messed up. At the momment, she could have heard ringing a creschendo in her finears. She lifted her eye as she looked at Gaster with terror in her view. She didn't knew what to expect. She didn't care about the visitor in behind, turning deaf for a momment.
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Gaster turned from Sans and looked to Undyne and to Marines. He knew both of them and it seemed that they remembered him and he remembered both of them , though one annoyed him far more than the other. He looked more and Marines than Undyne his face changing back to his broken shattered form one eye glowing blue as he remembered the thorn in his side this skeleton had been to his work. Though a second latter his face returned to normal, or at leats what he presented as normal to the others.

" You know me, you remember what happened, my work, your crimes."(You know me, you remember what happened, my work, your crimes) He said distracted by someone who had seen his lab, had seen his work.
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"What I did weren't crimes what you did to those humans were evil you experimented on them you tortured them and what you didn't accomplish anything other than creating more abominations turning monsters into terrifying un killable abominations now ask your self who was more evil you or me?"As Marines said painfully as memories flood in and cause his brain to swell and give him a headache"

Undyne shakes her head as slowly the pain seem to fade. She lets out loud groan of irritation, than pain while she realises that her door was blast open and she has all the uninvited guests in, only just ruining the New Year eve - she takes a deep breath while closing both of her eyes, saying 'I just like... how suddenly... old pals come into my house... play on my piano... BREAK THE DARN DOOR... AND NOW COMMIT ALL THESE DETECTIVE STUFF....' - she opens her left eye while looking at everyone with anger, blinking while saying 'Especially when some punks decide to do some mind tricks ... and play around with whatever holds the reality! ... Now please... I want everyone ... to be out of this house... LIKE NOW and have some 'reunion' stuff somewhere else sometime else...' - she was showing signs of losing temper, tottaly displeased with all this shenanigans of theirs, with all that drama and intrigue. She was tapping her feet while pointing at the exit with her finger.

@Darkiplier @VirtualNotoriety @Karcen
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ShadNova said:
Undyne shakes her head as slowly the pain seem to fade. She lets out loud groan of irritation, than pain while she realises that her door was blast open and she has all the uninvited guests in, only just ruining the New Year eve - she takes a deep breath while closing both of her eyes, saying 'I just like... how suddenly... old pals come into my house... play on my piano... BREAK THE DARN DOOR... AND NOW COMMIT ALL THESE DETECTIVE STUFF....' - she opens her left eye while looking at everyone with anger, blinking while saying 'Especially when some punks decide to do some mind tricks ... and play around with whatever holds the reality! ... Now please... I want everyone ... to be out of this house... LIKE NOW and have some 'reunion' stuff somewhere else sometime else...' - she was showing signs of losing temper, tottaly displeased with all this shenanigans of theirs, with all that drama and intrigue. She was tapping her feet while pointing at the exit with her finger.
@Darkiplier @VirtualNotoriety @Karcen
((Marines can't get out yet he's on the floor in more pain than what undone felt all of his buried memories just flood in I actually now how that feels and it's really unpleasant so it's either you carry him out or you let him stay on the floor in pain))

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